Speccifying the hostname on the kubelet command line appears
to break our k8s install.
This change is a workaround until we can figure out a better fix
that doesn't name nodes by IP address.
signed-off-by: dave kormann <davek@research.att.com>
Change-Id: Icde4a572fc1f018e7b5f3a14e6cadb9b8f93d9ad
kubelet_kubeconfig_path: "{% if nodename | search('caas_master') %}/etc/kubernetes/kubeconfig/kubeletc.yml{% else %}/root/kubeletc.yml{% endif %}"
- - "--hostname-override={{ hostname }}"
+ - "--hostname-override={{ networking.infra_internal.ip }}"
- "--kubeconfig={{ kubelet_kubeconfig_path }}"
- "--network-plugin=cni"
- "--node-labels={{ lookup('template', 'node_labels.j2') | trim }}"