--- /dev/null
# --enable=similarities". If you want to run only the classes checker, but have
# no Warning level messages displayed, use"--disable=all --enable=classes
# --disable=W"
-disable= missing-docstring, locally-disabled
+disable= missing-docstring, locally-disabled, unused-import, wildcard-import, unused-wildcard-import, dangerous-default-value, invalid-name, duplicate-code, too-many-arguments, wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position, broad-except, fixme, unexpected-keyword-arg, redefined-builtin, global-variable-undefined, anomalous-backslash-in-string, global-statement
# Maximum number of characters on a single line.
# Regexp for a line that is allowed to be longer than the limit.
ignore-long-lines=^\s*(# )?<?https?://\S+>?$
--- /dev/null
+import time
+import subprocess
+import os
+import re
+from datetime import datetime
+from datetime import timedelta
+import yaml
+from robot.api import logger
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+import ruamel.yaml
+from decorators_for_robot_functionalities import *
+from test_constants import *
+from users import *
+LOG_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+ex = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')
+SSHLIB = ex.get_ssh_library_instance()
+STACK_INFOS = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('stack_infos')
+PABOT = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('pabot.PabotLib')
+def keyword_runner(keywords, counter=0):
+ try:
+ BuiltIn().run_keyword(keywords[counter])
+ except Exception as err:
+ raise err
+ finally:
+ counter += 1
+ if len(keywords) > counter:
+ keyword_runner(keywords, counter)
+def gather_logs(command, logfile_name, local_path):
+ remote_file_path = ROBOT_LOG_PATH + logfile_name
+ local_file_path = os.path.join(local_path, logfile_name)
+ ex.execute_unix_command_as_root("echo -e '****** This is the output of: " +
+ command + " ****** \n' > " + remote_file_path)
+ ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command + " >> " + remote_file_path)
+ ex.execute_unix_command_as_root("chmod 777 " + remote_file_path)
+ SSHLIB.get_file(remote_file_path, local_file_path)
+ ex.execute_unix_command_as_root("rm -f " + remote_file_path)
+def gather_logs_from_remote(command, logfile_name, local_path, host, user={}):
+ if not user:
+ user = ex.get_default_user()
+ local_file_path = os.path.join(local_path, logfile_name)
+ remote_file_path = ROBOT_LOG_PATH + logfile_name
+ ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root("echo -e '****** This is the output of: " +
+ command + " ****** \n' > " + remote_file_path, host, user, )
+ ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root(command + " >> " + remote_file_path, host, user)
+ transfer_file_from_remote(remote_file_path, remote_file_path, local_file_path, host, user)
+ ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root("rm -f " + remote_file_path, host, user)
+def transfer_file_from_remote(remote_file_path, temp_file_path, local_file_path, host, user):
+ """"
+ This method is used to transfer a file to the localhost, from a node other than the CRF_node_1.
+ :param remote_file_path: full file path on the remote node
+ :param temp_file_path: full file path on the CRF_node_1
+ :param local_file_path: full file path on the localhost
+ :param host: ip/hostname of the remote node
+ :param user: this user is used with the scp command
+ """
+ scp_command = "scp " + user['username'] + "@" + host + ":" + remote_file_path + " " + temp_file_path
+ SSHLIB.write(scp_command)
+ SSHLIB.read_until(host + "'s password:")
+ SSHLIB.write(user['password'])
+ SSHLIB.read_until(user['prompt'])
+ SSHLIB.get_file(temp_file_path, local_file_path)
+ ex.execute_unix_command_as_root("rm -f " + temp_file_path)
+def wait_for_healthy_kube_controller_manager():
+ wait_until = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=180)
+ command = "kubectl get componentstatus | grep controller-manager | grep Healthy | wc -l"
+ result = ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)
+ while (result < 1) and (datetime.now() < wait_until):
+ logger.info("datetime.now:" + str(datetime.now()))
+ logger.info("wait_until:" + str(wait_until))
+ logger.info("Controller-manager is not healthy yet, waiting...")
+ time.sleep(10)
+ result = ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)
+ if result < 1:
+ raise Exception("Controller-manager is not healthy!")
+def modify_static_pod_config(operation,
+ manifest_file,
+ flags):
+ """
+ This method inserts/removes the given flag list into the manifest file of a static pod.
+ :param manifest_file: manifest file name with extension present in /etc/kubernetes/manifests folder
+ :param flags: flags which will be given to the executed command in the container
+ :param operation: add or remove
+ """
+ crf_nodes = STACK_INFOS.get_crf_nodes()
+ if not crf_nodes:
+ logger.info("Nodes dictionary is empty, nothing to check.")
+ return
+ logger.info("adding flag to pod file")
+ for key in crf_nodes:
+ ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root("mv /etc/kubernetes/manifests/" +
+ manifest_file + " /tmp/" + manifest_file, crf_nodes[key])
+ yaml_content = ruamel.yaml.round_trip_load(ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root("cat /tmp/" +
+ manifest_file,
+ crf_nodes[key]),
+ preserve_quotes=True)
+ for actual_flag in flags:
+ operation(yaml_content, actual_flag)
+ yaml_content = ruamel.yaml.round_trip_dump(yaml_content, default_flow_style=False)
+ kube_controller_manager['obj_count'] = str(len(crf_nodes))
+ check_kubernetes_object(kube_controller_manager, test_kubernetes_object_not_available, timeout=300)
+ for key in crf_nodes:
+ ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root("echo \"" + yaml_content + "\" > /etc/kubernetes/manifests/" +
+ manifest_file, crf_nodes[key])
+ ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root("rm -f /tmp/" + manifest_file, crf_nodes[key])
+ check_kubernetes_object(kube_controller_manager, test_kubernetes_object_available,
+ additional_filter="Running", timeout=300)
+ wait_for_healthy_kube_controller_manager()
+def add_flag_to_command(yaml_content, flag):
+ yaml_content["spec"]["containers"][0]["command"].append(flag)
+def remove_flag_from_command(yaml_content, flag):
+ yaml_content["spec"]["containers"][0]["command"].remove(flag)
+def helm_install(chart_name, release_name, values="registry_url={reg_url}".format(reg_url=reg)):
+ command = "helm install " + chart_name + " --name " + release_name
+ if values:
+ command += " --set " + values
+ ex.execute_unix_command(command, fail_on_non_zero_rc=False)
+ if helm_list(release_name) == '1':
+ logger.info(chart_name + " chart is successfully installed")
+ else:
+ raise Exception(chart_name + " chart install has failed.")
+def helm_delete(release_name):
+ ex.execute_unix_command("helm delete " + release_name + " --purge ", delay="30s", fail_on_non_zero_rc=False)
+ if helm_list(release_name) == '0':
+ logger.info(release_name + " chart is successfully deleted")
+ else:
+ raise Exception(release_name + " chart delete has failed.")
+def helm_list(release_name, add_check_arg=''):
+ grep_arg = 'grep -w {}'.format(release_name)
+ if add_check_arg != '':
+ grep_arg += '| grep -w {}'.format(add_check_arg)
+ command = "helm list --all | {} | wc -l".format(grep_arg)
+ stdout, _ = ex.execute_unix_command(command, fail_on_non_zero_rc=False)
+ return stdout.strip()
+def check_kubernetes_object(kube_object, tester_function, additional_filter=".*", timeout=0, delay=0):
+ """"
+ This method executes kubectl get command with the given args, filters the output and checks the result with
+ the given tester_function.
+ :param kube_object: a dictionary, it represents a kubernetes objects,
+ obj_type, obj_name, namespace, obj_count keys are required.
+ :param tester_function: this functoin checks the result and waits for the expected result
+ - kubernetes object exists or not - to happen in a given time
+ :param additional_filter: use this regexp to filter further the results
+ :param timeout: wait <timeout> seconds for the result
+ :param delay: wait <delay> seconds before tester command
+ """""
+ command = "kubectl get {object} -n {ns_arg} 2>/dev/null | grep -w {name} | grep -E '{grep_arg}' | wc -l"
+ command = command.format(object=kube_object['obj_type'], name=kube_object['obj_name'],
+ ns_arg=kube_object['namespace'], grep_arg=additional_filter)
+ tester_function(kube_object, timeout, command, delay)
+def is_result_expected_within_given_time(command, expected_result, timeout, delay=0):
+ time.sleep(delay)
+ result = ex.execute_unix_command(command)
+ if result == expected_result:
+ return True
+ wait_until = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=timeout)
+ while result != expected_result and (datetime.now() < wait_until):
+ logger.info("datetime.now:" + str(datetime.now()))
+ logger.info("wait_until:" + str(wait_until))
+ logger.info("expected result: " + expected_result)
+ logger.info("result: " + result)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ result = ex.execute_unix_command(command)
+ if result == expected_result:
+ return True
+ return False
+def test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object, expected_result, filter=".*", timeout=30, delay=0):
+ tester_command = "kubectl get " + kube_object['obj_type'] + " --all-namespaces | grep -w " + \
+ kube_object['obj_name'] + " | grep -E '" + filter + "' | wc -l"
+ res = is_result_expected_within_given_time(tester_command, expected_result, timeout, delay)
+ if not res:
+ log_command = "kubectl get " + kube_object['obj_type'] + " --all-namespaces | grep -w " + \
+ kube_object['obj_name']
+ res = ex.execute_unix_command(log_command)
+ ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl describe " + kube_object['obj_type'] + " " + kube_object['obj_name'] + " -n " +
+ kube_object['namespace'])
+ raise Exception("Not " + kube_object['obj_count'] + " " + kube_object['obj_type'] + " " +
+ kube_object['obj_name'] + " is in expected (" + filter + ") state:" + res)
+ logger.console(kube_object['obj_count'] + " " + kube_object['obj_type'] + " " + kube_object['obj_name'] +
+ " is in expected (" + filter + ") state.")
+def test_kubernetes_object_available(kube_object, timeout, tester_command, delay=0):
+ res = is_result_expected_within_given_time(tester_command, kube_object['obj_count'], timeout=timeout, delay=delay)
+ if not res:
+ describe_command = "kubectl describe " + kube_object['obj_type'] + " -n " + \
+ kube_object['namespace'] + " " + kube_object['obj_name']
+ ex.execute_unix_command(describe_command, fail_on_non_zero_rc=False)
+ raise Exception("Not " + kube_object['obj_count'] + " " + kube_object['obj_type'] + " " +
+ kube_object['obj_name'] + " is running!")
+ logger.console(kube_object['obj_count'] + " " + kube_object['obj_type'] + " " + kube_object['obj_name'] +
+ " is running, as expected!")
+def test_kubernetes_object_not_available(kube_object, timeout, tester_command, delay=0):
+ res = is_result_expected_within_given_time(tester_command, expected_result="0", timeout=timeout, delay=delay)
+ if not res:
+ describe_command = "kubectl describe " + kube_object['obj_type'] + " -n " + \
+ kube_object['namespace'] + " " + kube_object['obj_name']
+ ex.execute_unix_command(describe_command, fail_on_non_zero_rc=False)
+ raise Exception("At least 1 " + kube_object['obj_type'] + " " + kube_object['obj_name'] + " still exists!")
+ logger.console(kube_object['obj_type'] + " " + kube_object['obj_name'] + " does not exist, as expected!")
+def is_node_under_pressure(nodeslog):
+ return bool(nodeslog.find("pressure") != -1)
+def wait_if_pressure(timeout=pressure_default_timeout):
+ wait_until = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=timeout)
+ command = "kubectl get nodes -o json | jq '.items[] | \"\(.metadata.name) \(.spec.taints)\"'"
+ nodeslog = ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)
+ while (is_node_under_pressure(nodeslog)) and (datetime.now() < wait_until):
+ logger.info("datetime.now:" + str(datetime.now()))
+ logger.info("wait_until:" + str(wait_until))
+ logger.info("Node is under pressure found: " + nodeslog)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ nodeslog = ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)
+ if is_node_under_pressure(nodeslog):
+ raise Exception("Node pressure not resolved in time.")
+ else:
+ logger.info(nodeslog)
+def check_url_running(filename, url):
+ command = "curl -s {url} > /dev/null ; echo -n $?"
+ result = ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command.format(url=url))
+ if result == "0":
+ logger.console("{url} is running!".format(url=url))
+ else:
+ gather_logs("curl -s {url}".format(url=url), filename, LOG_DIR)
+ raise Exception("{url} is not running !".format(url=url))
+def subprocess_cmd(command):
+ return subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).strip()
+def put_file(local_script_path, remote_script_path, permissions="777", user=root['username'], group=root['username']):
+ ex.get_ssh_library_instance().put_file(local_script_path, remote_script_path, permissions)
+ head, tail = os.path.split(remote_script_path)
+ command = 'ls -l ' + head + ' | grep ' + tail + ' | wc -l'
+ res = is_result_expected_within_given_time(command, expected_result="1", timeout=5)
+ if not res:
+ raise Exception("File not found at " + remote_script_path + "!")
+ ex.execute_unix_command_as_root('chgrp ' + group + ' ' + remote_script_path)
+ ex.execute_unix_command_as_root('chown ' + user + ' ' + remote_script_path)
+def get_helm_chart_content(chart_name):
+ ex.execute_unix_command("helm fetch " + chart_name + " --untar --untardir /tmp")
+ return ex.execute_unix_command("ls /tmp/" + chart_name.split('/')[1] +
+ "/templates | awk -F . '{print $1}'").split('\r\n')
+def get_cpupools():
+ node_map = {}
+ node_list = ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl get nodes -L=nodename | awk '{print $6}'| tail -n +2")
+ cmap_str = ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl get configmap -n kube-system {cm} -o yaml"
+ .format(cm=cpu_pooling_cm_name))
+ for nodename in node_list.splitlines(): # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
+ yamldict = yaml.load(cmap_str)
+ for key in yamldict['data']:
+ if nodename in yamldict['data'][key]:
+ worker_yaml = yaml.load(yamldict['data'][key])
+ pool_dict = {}
+ if worker_yaml['pools']:
+ for pool in worker_yaml['pools']:
+ pool_str = worker_yaml['pools'][pool]['cpus']
+ pool_list = []
+ for sub_list in pool_str.split(','):
+ pool_list = pool_list + ([int(sub_list)] if '-' not in sub_list else
+ range(int(sub_list.split('-')[0]),
+ int(sub_list.split('-')[1]) + 1))
+ pool_dict[pool] = pool_list
+ node_map[nodename] = pool_dict
+ return node_map
+def get_cpu_allowed_list_from_pod(pod_name):
+ bash_command = "cat /proc/1/status | grep Cpus_allowed_list"
+ result = ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl exec `kubectl get pod | grep {0} | "
+ "awk '{{print $1}}'` -- {1}".format(pod_name, bash_command))
+ pool_list = []
+ for cpu in result.split(':')[1].split(','):
+ pool_list = pool_list + ([int(cpu)] if '-' not in cpu else range(int(cpu.split('-')[0]),
+ int(cpu.split('-')[1]) + 1))
+ return pool_list
+def allowed_cpus_is_in_cpu_pool(allowed_cpus, cpu_pool):
+ for allowed in allowed_cpus:
+ if allowed not in cpu_pool:
+ return False
+ return True
+def decide_nodename():
+ nodename = 'caas_worker1'
+ command = "kubectl get node -L=nodename | awk {{'print $6'}} | tail -n +2"
+ node_names = ex.execute_unix_command(command)
+ if nodename not in node_names:
+ return node_names.splitlines()[0]
+ return nodename
+def determine_accurate_running_time_of_obj(object_type, object_name):
+ hours = mins = secs = 0
+ cmd = "kubectl get {obj_type} --all-namespaces --no-headers=true | grep {obj_name} | awk '{{print $NF}}'" \
+ .format(obj_type=object_type, obj_name=object_name)
+ resp = ex.execute_unix_command(cmd)
+ pod_time = re.findall(r'\d{0,2}h|\d{0,3}m|\d{1,3}s', resp)
+ for t in pod_time:
+ if t[-1] == 'h':
+ hours = int(t[:-1])
+ elif t[-1] == 'm':
+ mins = int(t[:-1])
+ elif t[-1] == 's':
+ secs = int(t[:-1])
+ return datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=hours, minutes=mins, seconds=secs)
--- /dev/null
+import inspect
+from robot.conf import RobotSettings
+from robot.api import logger
+from robot.variables import VariableScopes
+from robot.running.timeouts import KeywordTimeout
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+PABOT = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('pabot.PabotLib')
+# if both timeout and log decorator is used for one function, timeout decorator should be used first
+def robot_timeout(timeoutinseconds):
+ def timeout_decorator(func):
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ timeout_msg = func.__name__ + " timed out !!"
+ timeout = KeywordTimeout(timeoutinseconds, timeout_msg, VariableScopes(RobotSettings()))
+ timeout.start()
+ return timeout.run(func, args, kwargs)
+ return wrapper
+ return timeout_decorator
+def robot_log(func):
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ spec = inspect.getargspec(func)
+ for key in kwargs.iterkeys():
+ if key not in spec.args:
+ # if function is called from robot, and one of it's unnamed string parameters has '=' in it
+ # move this parameter from kwargs to args
+ l = list(args)
+ b = '{0}={1}'.format(key, kwargs[key])
+ l.append(b)
+ args = tuple(l)
+ kwargs.pop(key)
+ argnames = func.func_code.co_varnames[:func.func_code.co_argcount]
+ parameters = ": "
+ for entry in zip(argnames, args) + kwargs.items():
+ if 'self' not in entry:
+ parameters += ('%s=%r, ' % entry)
+ fname = func.func_name
+ logger.info("<span class='label pass'><span style='font-size: 1.25em'>ENTER: " + fname +
+ "</span></span>" + parameters, html=True)
+ result = func(*args, **kwargs)
+ logger.info("<span class='label warn'><span style='font-size: 1.25em'>EXIT: " + fname +
+ "</span></span>", html=True)
+ return result
+ return wrapper
+def pabot_lock(lock_name):
+ """Sets Pabot lock until the execution of the function
+ pabot_lock should be used after the robot_log if both function decorators are used at the same time"""
+ def pabot_lock_decorator(func):
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ PABOT.acquire_lock(lock_name)
+ logger.info(lock_name + " lock acquired on " + func.__name__)
+ result = None
+ try:
+ result = func(*args, **kwargs)
+ finally:
+ PABOT.release_lock(lock_name)
+ logger.info(lock_name + " lock released from " + func.__name__)
+ return result
+ return wrapper
+ return pabot_lock_decorator
--- /dev/null
+import re
+import time
+from datetime import datetime
+from datetime import timedelta
+from robot.api import logger
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+from robot.libraries.String import String
+from decorators_for_robot_functionalities import *
+from users import *
+from test_constants import *
+def check_if_login_was_successful(login_output):
+ login_errors = ['authentication failure', 'name or service not known', 'permission denied']
+ for login_error in login_errors:
+ if re.search(login_error, login_output, re.IGNORECASE):
+ return False
+ return True
+class execute_command: # pylint: disable=old-style-class
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._builtin = BuiltIn()
+ self._string = String()
+ self._builtin.import_library('SSHLibrary')
+ self._sshlibrary = self._builtin.get_library_instance('SSHLibrary')
+ self._default_user = {}
+ self._prompt = ':prompt:'
+ self._local_infra_int_ip_ipv4 = ''
+ self._key_exists = False
+ def get_ssh_library_instance(self):
+ return self._sshlibrary
+ def get_default_user(self):
+ return self._default_user
+ @robot_log
+ def open_connection_and_log_in(self, host, user, private_key=None, timeout="90s"):
+ self._sshlibrary.open_connection(host=host, timeout=timeout)
+ login_output = ''
+ wait_until = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=60)
+ while datetime.now() < wait_until:
+ time.sleep(1)
+ try:
+ if private_key is None:
+ login_output = self._sshlibrary.login(user['username'], user['password'])
+ else:
+ login_output = self._sshlibrary.login_with_public_key(user['username'],
+ private_key, user['password'])
+ except Exception:
+ logger.warn("Login was unsuccessful, trying again.")
+ continue
+ if check_if_login_was_successful(login_output):
+ self._configure_prompt()
+ logger.info("Login was successful.")
+ break
+ return login_output
+ @robot_log
+ def set_basic_connection(self, user, private_key=None):
+ self._default_user = user
+ stack_infos = self._builtin.get_library_instance('stack_infos')
+ self.open_connection_and_log_in(stack_infos.get_floating_ip(), user, private_key)
+ self._local_infra_int_ip_ipv4 = self.get_interface_ipv4_address(stack_infos.get_crf_nodes())
+ self._key_exists = self.check_id_rsa_exists()
+ self.stop_auditd_service()
+ @robot_log
+ def _configure_prompt(self):
+ self._sshlibrary.write('export PS1=' + self._prompt)
+ self._sshlibrary.read_until_regexp('(?m)^' + self._prompt + '.*')
+ @robot_log
+ def su_as(self, user):
+ def check_if_su_was_succesful(login_output):
+ if 'incorrect password' in login_output or 'Authentication failure' in login_output:
+ return False
+ return True
+ self._sshlibrary.write('su ' + user['username'])
+ self._sshlibrary.read_until('Password:')
+ self._sshlibrary.write(user['password'])
+ output = self._sshlibrary.read_until(self._prompt)
+ if not check_if_su_was_succesful(output):
+ raise Exception(output)
+ @robot_log
+ def sudo_as_root(self):
+ self._sshlibrary.write('sudo -s')
+ self._sshlibrary.read_until(self._prompt)
+ @robot_log
+ def exit_from_user(self):
+ self._sshlibrary.write('exit')
+ self._sshlibrary.read_until(self._prompt)
+ @robot_log
+ def execute_unix_command(self,
+ command,
+ fail_on_non_zero_rc=True,
+ delay="90s",
+ skip_prompt_in_command_output=False,
+ user={}):
+ """
+ This method executes a linux command via the SSHlibrary connection.
+ The user account which issues the command, is the same as which the connection has opened for (by default)
+ The command can be also executed by switching (su) to another user (e.g. parameter usage: user = "root")
+ :param command:
+ :param fail_on_non_zero_rc: the command will fail if return code is nonzero
+ :param delay:
+ :param skip_prompt_in_command_output:
+ :param user: switch to user, by default the command is executed with the current user
+ for which the ssh connection was opened
+ :return: stdout: command output is returned
+ """
+ user_changed = False
+ self._sshlibrary.set_client_configuration(timeout=delay)
+ if user == root:
+ self.sudo_as_root()
+ user_changed = True
+ elif bool(user) and user != self._default_user:
+ self.su_as(user)
+ user_changed = True
+ self._sshlibrary.write(command)
+ try:
+ if skip_prompt_in_command_output:
+ stdout = self._sshlibrary.read_until_regexp("(^|\n| )" + self._prompt + "$")
+ else:
+ stdout = self._sshlibrary.read_until(prompt)
+ except Exception as err:
+ stdout = unicode(err)
+ ctrl_c = self._builtin.evaluate('chr(int(3))')
+ self._sshlibrary.write_bare(ctrl_c)
+ self._sshlibrary.read_until(prompt)
+ stdout = re.sub(prompt + '$', '', stdout).strip()
+ self._sshlibrary.write('echo error code: $?')
+ error_code = self._sshlibrary.read_until(prompt)
+ logger.trace("Error code variable value (befor processing)=" + error_code)
+ error_code = self._string.get_lines_matching_regexp(error_code,
+ pattern='error code: \\d+').split(':')[1].strip()
+ logger.trace("Error code variable value (after processing)=" + error_code)
+ self._sshlibrary.set_client_configuration(timeout="60s")
+ if user_changed:
+ self.exit_from_user()
+ fail_on_non_zero_rc = self._builtin.convert_to_boolean(fail_on_non_zero_rc)
+ if fail_on_non_zero_rc:
+ if error_code != '0':
+ raise Exception('command: ' + command + '\nreturn code: ' + error_code + '\noutput: ' + stdout)
+ return stdout
+ else:
+ return [stdout, error_code]
+ @robot_log
+ def execute_unix_command_as_root(self,
+ command,
+ fail_on_non_zero_rc=True,
+ delay="90s",
+ skip_prompt_in_command_output=False):
+ return self.execute_unix_command(command, fail_on_non_zero_rc, delay, skip_prompt_in_command_output, root)
+ @robot_log
+ def ssh_to_another_node(self, host, user):
+ self._sshlibrary.write('ssh ' + user['username'] + '@' + host + ' -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no"')
+ if not self._key_exists:
+ logger.info("Login with password")
+ self._sshlibrary.read_until("'s password:")
+ self._sshlibrary.write(user['password'])
+ ssh_regexp = re.compile(r"\[{0}@.*$|authentication failure|name or service not known|permission denied"
+ .format(user["username"]), re.IGNORECASE)
+ stdout = self._sshlibrary.read_until_regexp(ssh_regexp)
+ if not check_if_login_was_successful(stdout):
+ raise Exception("Login to another node FAILED")
+ self._configure_prompt()
+ @robot_log
+ def execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root(self,
+ command,
+ host,
+ user={},
+ fail_on_non_zero_rc=True,
+ delay="90s",
+ skip_prompt_in_command_output=False):
+ if self._local_infra_int_ip_ipv4 != host:
+ if not user:
+ user = self._default_user
+ self.ssh_to_another_node(host, user)
+ output = self.execute_unix_command_as_root(command, fail_on_non_zero_rc, delay,
+ skip_prompt_in_command_output)
+ self._sshlibrary.write('exit')
+ self._sshlibrary.read_until(self._prompt)
+ else:
+ output = self.execute_unix_command_as_root(command, fail_on_non_zero_rc, delay,
+ skip_prompt_in_command_output)
+ return output
+ @robot_log
+ def execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_user(self,
+ command,
+ host,
+ user={},
+ fail_on_non_zero_rc=True,
+ delay="90s",
+ skip_prompt_in_command_output=False):
+ if not user:
+ user = self._default_user
+ if self._local_infra_int_ip_ipv4 != host:
+ self.ssh_to_another_node(host, user)
+ output = self.execute_unix_command(command, fail_on_non_zero_rc, delay, skip_prompt_in_command_output,
+ user=user)
+ self._sshlibrary.write('exit')
+ self._sshlibrary.read_until(self._prompt)
+ else:
+ output = self.execute_unix_command(command, fail_on_non_zero_rc, delay, skip_prompt_in_command_output,
+ user=user)
+ return output
+ @robot_log
+ def get_interface_ipv4_address(self, nodes):
+ for key in nodes:
+ if self.execute_unix_command("ip a | grep " + nodes[key] + " | wc -l") == "1":
+ return nodes[key]
+ return None
+ @robot_log
+ def get_interface_ipv6_address(self, interface):
+ return self.execute_unix_command_as_root('ip addr list ' + interface +
+ ' | grep --color=no -o -P "(?<=inet6 ).*(?=/.*)"')
+ @robot_log
+ def check_id_rsa_exists(self):
+ _, err_code = self.execute_unix_command("ls /home/{0}/.ssh/id_rsa".format(self._default_user["username"]),
+ fail_on_non_zero_rc=False)
+ return err_code == '0'
+ @robot_log
+ def stop_auditd_service(self):
+ stack_infos = self._builtin.get_library_instance('stack_infos')
+ if stack_infos.get_virtual_env():
+ all_nodes = stack_infos.get_all_nodes()
+ if not all_nodes:
+ logger.info("Nodes dictionary is empty, nothing to check.")
+ return
+ for node in all_nodes.itervalues():
+ command = "sed -i \"s#RefuseManualStop=yes#RefuseManualStop=no#g\" " \
+ "/usr/lib/systemd/system/auditd.service"
+ self.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root(command, node)
+ command = "systemctl daemon-reload"
+ self.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root(command, node)
+ command = "systemctl stop auditd.service"
+ self.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root(command, node)
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+import os
+import json
+import paramiko
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+from users import *
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
+class stack_infos: # pylint: disable=old-style-class
+ INVENTORY_PATH = "/opt/cmframework/scripts/inventory.sh"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._floating_ip = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${floating_ip}")
+ try:
+ client = paramiko.SSHClient()
+ client.load_system_host_keys()
+ client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy)
+ client.connect(self._floating_ip,
+ username=cloudadmin['username'],
+ password=cloudadmin['password'])
+ _, stdout, _ = client.exec_command(self.INVENTORY_PATH)
+ self._inventory = json.loads(stdout.read())
+ finally:
+ client.close()
+ self._crf_nodes = self.get_node_ip_based_on_caas_profile("caas_master")
+ if not self._crf_nodes:
+ raise Exception("crf_nodes dictionary is empty!")
+ self._storage_nodes = self.get_node_ip_based_on_caas_profile("caas_storage")
+ self._worker_nodes = self.get_node_ip_based_on_caas_profile("caas_worker")
+ def get_floating_ip(self):
+ return self._floating_ip
+ def get_crf_nodes(self):
+ return self._crf_nodes
+ def get_storage_nodes(self):
+ return self._storage_nodes
+ def get_worker_nodes(self):
+ return self._worker_nodes
+ def get_all_nodes(self):
+ all_nodes = self._crf_nodes.copy()
+ all_nodes.update(self._storage_nodes)
+ all_nodes.update(self._worker_nodes)
+ return all_nodes
+ def get_inventory(self):
+ return self._inventory
+ def get_node_ip_based_on_caas_profile(self, caas_profile): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ node_ip = {}
+ if caas_profile in self._inventory:
+ for node in self._inventory[caas_profile]:
+ node_ip[node] = self._inventory["_meta"]["hostvars"][node]["networking"]["infra_internal"]["ip"]
+ return node_ip
+ def get_infra_int_if(self):
+ interface = self._inventory["_meta"]["hostvars"]["controller-1"]["networking"]["infra_internal"]["interface"]
+ return interface
+ def get_infra_ext_if(self):
+ iface = self._inventory["_meta"]["hostvars"]["controller-1"]["networking"]["infra_external"]["interface"]
+ return iface
+ def get_infra_storage_if(self):
+ iface = self._inventory["_meta"]["hostvars"]["controller-1"]["networking"]["infra_storage_cluster"]["interface"]
+ return iface
+ def get_virtual_env(self):
+ virtual_env = self._inventory["all"]["vars"]["virtual_env"]
+ return virtual_env
--- /dev/null
+import os
+prompt = ':prompt:'
+int_if_name_in_openstack = 'infra-int'
+reg = os.getenv('REG')
+reg_port = os.getenv('REG_PORT')
+reg_path = os.getenv('REG_PATH')
+test_image = "kubernetespause"
+source_folder = os.getenv('SOURCE_FOLDER')
+vnf_id = os.getenv('STACK_ID')
+cbam_py = "{}/scripts/cbam.py".format(source_folder)
+registry_cert = '/etc/docker-registry/registry?.pem'
+registry_key = '/etc/docker-registry/registry?-key.pem'
+registry_cacert = '/etc/docker-registry/ca.pem'
+ROBOT_LOG_PATH = "/tmp/"
+registry = {'url': reg, 'port': reg_port}
+int_sshd_config_name = "sshd_config_int"
+ext_sshd_config_name = "sshd_config_ext"
+sshd_port = "22"
+dns_masq_port = "53"
+kube_dns_port = "10053"
+min_dns_replica = 1
+max_dns_replica = 3
+test_address1 = 'google.com'
+test_address2 = 'tiller.kube-system.svc.rec.io'
+crf_node_openstack_file_types = ["user_config.yaml"]
+pressure_default_timeout = 600
+# TC014 constant
+INFLUXDB_URL = "http://influxdb.kube-system.svc.nokia.net:8086"
+GRAFANA_URL = "http://monitoring-grafana.kube-system.svc.nokia.net:8080"
+# TC016 constant
+docker_size_quota = '2G'
+# TC Fluentd
+ELASTICSEARCH_URL = "http://elasticsearch-logging.kube-system.svc.nokia.net:9200"
+USER_CONFIG_PATH = "/opt/nokia/userconfig/user_config.yaml"
+ES_IDX_PREFIX = "caas"
+test_chart = dict(name="busybox3", release_name="custom-oper-test", chart_version="3.3.3",
+ repo="default/",
+ kube_objects=[dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="busybox3", obj_count="1",
+ namespace="kube-system")])
+su_test_chart = dict(name="su-test", release_name="su-test", chart_version="1.1.1",
+ su_version="1.1.1", repo="default/",
+ kube_objects=[dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="su-test", obj_count="10",
+ namespace="kube-system")])
+su_test_chart1 = dict(name="su-test", release_name="su-test", chart_version="1.1.2",
+ su_version="1.1.1", repo="default/",
+ kube_objects=[dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="su-test", obj_count="10",
+ namespace="kube-system")])
+su_test_chart_f = dict(name="su-test_f", release_name="su-test", chart_version="1.1.4",
+ su_version="1.1.1", repo="default/",
+ kube_objects=[dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="su-test_f", obj_count="10",
+ namespace="kube-system")])
+pv_test_pod = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="pv-test-deployment", obj_count="2", namespace="default")
+pv_test_pvc = dict(obj_type="pvc", obj_name="pvc", obj_count="1", namespace="default")
+kube_controller_manager = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="kube-controller-manager", obj_count="3", namespace="kube-system")
+influxdb_service = dict(obj_type="service", obj_name="influxdb", obj_count="1", namespace="kube-system")
+influxdb_deployment = dict(obj_type="deployment", obj_name="influxdb", obj_count="1", namespace="kube-system")
+grafana_service = dict(obj_type="service", obj_name="monitoring-grafana", obj_count="1", namespace="kube-system")
+grafana_deployment = dict(obj_type="deployment", obj_name="monitoring-grafana", obj_count="1", namespace="kube-system")
+danmnet_pods1 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="danmnet-pods1", obj_count="4", namespace="default", ip_list=[])
+danmnet_pods2 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="danmnet-pods2", obj_count="3", namespace="default", ip_list=[])
+danmnet_pods3 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="danmnet-pods3", obj_count="4", namespace="default", ip_list=[])
+danmnet_pods4 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="danmnet-pods4", obj_count="5", namespace="kube-system",ip_list=[])
+danmnet_pods5 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="danmnet-pods5", obj_count="1", namespace="kube-system",ip_list=[])
+danmnet_pods6 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="danmnet-pods6", obj_count="6", namespace="default", ip_list=[])
+danmnet_pods7 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="danmnet-pods7", obj_count="5", namespace="default", ip_list=[])
+danmnet_pods8 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="danmnet-pods8", obj_count="1", namespace="default", ip_list=[])
+danmnet_pods9 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="danmnet-pods9", obj_count="1", namespace="kube-system",ip_list=[])
+danmnet_pods10 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="danmnet-pods10", obj_count="1", namespace="default", ip_list=[])
+danmnet_pods11 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="danmnet-pods11", obj_count="1", namespace="default", ip_list=[])
+danmnet_pods12 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="danmnet-pods12", obj_count="1", namespace="default", ip_list=[])
+danmnet_pods13 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="danmnet-pods13", obj_count="1", namespace="default", ip_list=[])
+danmnet_pods14 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="danmnet-pods14", obj_count="1", namespace="default", ip_list=[])
+danmnet_pods_all = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="danmnet-pods", obj_count="0", namespace="default", ip_list=[])
+php_apache_pod = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="php-apache", obj_count="1", namespace="default")
+podinfo_pod = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="podinfo", obj_count="2", namespace="kube-system")
+load_generator_for_apache = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="load-generator-for-apache", obj_count="1", namespace="default")
+http_traffic_gen = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="http-traffic-gen", obj_count="1", namespace="default")
+pods_skipped = ['load-generator-for-apache', 'php-apache-deployment', 'pv-test-deployment', 'danmnet-pods',
+ test_chart['kube_objects'][0]['obj_name'], 'registry-update', 'su-test', 'cpu-pooling', 'swift-update',
+ 'su-test', 'podinfo', 'tennet-pod']
+services_skipped = ['selinux-policy-migrate-local-changes', 'cloud-final.service', 'kdump.service',
+ 'postfix.service']
+danmnets_properties = {
+ 'd_test-net1': {'name':"test-net1", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"", 'rt_tables':"201", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net2': {'name':"test-net2", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"vx_test-net2", 'rt_tables':"11", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"50", 'vlan':""},
+ 'ks_test-net2': {'name':"test-net2", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"kube-system", 'host_if':"vx_test-net2", 'rt_tables':"11", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"50", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net4': {'name':"test-net4", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"", 'rt_tables':"13", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net5': {'name':"test-net5", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"", 'rt_tables':"14", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net6': {'name':"test-net6", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"vx_test-net6", 'rt_tables':"", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"52", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net7': {'name':"test-net7", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"vx_test-net7", 'rt_tables':"15", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"53", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net8': {'name':"test-net8", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"vx_test-net8", 'rt_tables':"15", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"50", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net13': {'name':"test-net13", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"vx_test-net13", 'rt_tables':"20", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"56", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net15': {'name':"test-net15", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"test-net15.1", 'rt_tables':"22", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"", 'vlan':"1"},
+ 'd_test-net16': {'name':"test-net16", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"test-net16.4094", 'rt_tables':"23", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"", 'vlan':"4094"},
+ 'd_test-net20': {'name':"test-net20", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"vx_test-net20", 'rt_tables':"27", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net21': {'name':"test-net21", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"vx_test-net21", 'rt_tables':"28", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"16777214", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net23': {'name':"test-net23", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"vx_test-net23", 'rt_tables':"30", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net24': {'name':"test-net24", 'Validation':"false", 'NetworkType':"flannel", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"", 'rt_tables':"31", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"58", 'vlan':"57"},
+ 'd_test-net25': {'name':"test-net25", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"test-net25.58", 'rt_tables':"10", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"", 'vlan':"58"},
+ 'd_test-net26': {'name':"test-net26", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"vx_test-net26", 'rt_tables':"10", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"60", 'vlan':""},
+ 'ks_test-net27': {'name':"test-net27", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"kube-system",'host_if':"vx_test-net27", 'rt_tables':"10", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"61", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net28': {'name':"test-net28", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"", 'rt_tables':"33", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"50", 'vlan':""},
+ 'ks_test-net29': {'name':"test-net29", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"kube-system",'host_if':"", 'rt_tables':"34", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"50", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net30': {'name':"test-net30", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"", 'rt_tables':"10", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"", 'vlan':""},
+danmnets_error = {
+ 'd_test-net3': {'name':"test-net3", 'Validation':"false", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"", 'rt_tables':"12", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"51", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net9': {'name':"test-net9", 'Validation':"false", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"", 'rt_tables':"155", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"55", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net10': {'name':"test-net10", 'Validation':"false", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"", 'rt_tables':"18", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"56", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net11': {'name':"test-net11", 'Validation':"false", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"", 'rt_tables':"18", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"55", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net12': {'name':"test-net12", 'Validation':"false", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"", 'rt_tables':"19", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"55", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net14': {'name':"test-net14", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"", 'rt_tables':"21", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net17': {'name':"test-net17", 'Validation':"false", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"", 'rt_tables':"24", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"", 'vlan':"4095"},
+ 'd_test-net18': {'name':"test-net18", 'Validation':"false", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"", 'rt_tables':"25", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"", 'vlan':"4096"},
+ 'd_test-net19': {'name':"test-net19", 'Validation':"true", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"", 'rt_tables':"26", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"", 'vlan':""},
+ 'd_test-net22': {'name':"test-net22", 'Validation':"false", 'NetworkType':"", 'namespace':"default", 'host_if':"", 'rt_tables':"29", 'routes':"", 'vxlan':"16777215", 'vlan':""},
+ }
+cpu_pooling_pod1 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="cpu-pooling-1", namespace="default", obj_count="1")
+cpu_pooling_pod2 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="cpu-pooling-2", namespace="default", obj_count="1")
+cpu_pooling_pod3 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="cpu-pooling-3", namespace="default", obj_count="1")
+cpu_pooling_pod4 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="cpu-pooling-4", namespace="default", obj_count="1")
+cpu_pooling_pod5 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="cpu-pooling-5", namespace="default", obj_count="1")
+cpu_pooling_pod6 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="cpu-pooling-6", namespace="default", obj_count="1")
+cpu_pooling_pod7 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="cpu-pooling-7", namespace="default", obj_count="1")
+cpu_pooling_pod8 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="cpu-pooling-8", namespace="default", obj_count="1")
+cpu_pooling_pod9 = dict(obj_type="replicaset", obj_name="cpu-pooling-9", namespace="default", obj_count="1")
+cpu_pooling_pod10 = dict(obj_type="replicaset", obj_name="cpu-pooling-10", namespace="default", obj_count="1")
+cpu_pooling_pod11 = dict(obj_type="replicaset", obj_name="cpu-pooling-11", namespace="default", obj_count="1")
+cpu_pooling_setter = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="cpu-setter", namespace="kube-system", obj_count="1")
+cpu_pooling_cm_name = "cpu-pooler-configmap"
+clusternetworks_properties = {
+ 'cnet_01': {'name': 'cnet-01', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': '', 'iface_type': 'ext'},
+ 'cnet_02': {'name': 'cnet-02', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': 'cnet02.502', 'iface_type': 'ext'},
+ 'cnet_03': {'name': 'cnet-03', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': 'vx_cnet03', 'iface_type': 'int'},
+ 'cnet_04': {'name': 'cnet-04', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': 'cnet04.504', 'iface_type': 'ext'},
+ 'cnet_05': {'name': 'cnet-05', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': '', 'iface_type': 'ext'},
+ 'cnet_06': {'name': 'cnet-06', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': 'cnet06.506', 'iface_type': 'ext'},
+ 'cnet_07': {'name': 'cnet-07', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': '', 'iface_type': 'int'},
+ 'cnet_08': {'name': 'cnet-08', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': '', 'iface_type': ''},
+ 'cnet_09': {'name': 'cnet-09', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': '', 'iface_type': ''},
+clusternetworks_error_properties = {
+ 'cnet_invalid_01': {'name': 'cnet-invalid-01'},
+ 'cnet_invalid_02_01': {'name': 'cnet-invalid-02-01'},
+ 'cnet_invalid_02_02': {'name': 'cnet-invalid-02-02'},
+ 'cnet_invalid_03': {'name': 'cnet-invalid-03'},
+ 'cnet_invalid_04_01': {'name': 'cnet-invalid-04-01'},
+ 'cnet_invalid_04_02': {'name': 'cnet-invalid-04-02'},
+ 'cnet_invalid_05': {'name': 'cnet-invalid-05'},
+ 'cnet_invalid_06': {'name': 'cnet-invalid-06'},
+ 'cnet_invalid_07': {'name': 'cnet-invalid-07'},
+ 'cnet_invalid_08': {'name': 'cnet-invalid-08'},
+ 'cnet_invalid_09': {'name': 'cnet-invalid-09'},
+ 'cnet_invalid_10': {'name': 'cnet-invalid-10'},
+ 'cnet_invalid_11': {'name': 'cnet-invalid-11'},
+ 'cnet_invalid_12': {'name': 'cnet-invalid-12'},
+tenantconfig_properties = {
+ 'tconf_01': {'name': "tconf-01"},
+ 'tconf_02': {'name': "tconf-02"},
+ 'tconf_03': {'name': "tconf-03"},
+ 'tconf_04': {'name': "tconf-04"},
+ 'tconf_05': {'name': "tconf-05"},
+ 'tconf_06': {'name': "tconf-06"},
+ 'tconf_07': {'name': "tconf-07"},
+ 'tconf_08': {'name': "tconf-08"},
+tenantconfig_error_properties = {
+ 'tconf_invalid_01': {'name':"tconf-invalid-01"},
+ 'tconf_invalid_02': {'name':"tconf-invalid-02"},
+ 'tconf_invalid_03': {'name':"tconf-invalid-03"},
+ 'tconf_invalid_04': {'name':"tconf-invalid-04"},
+ 'tconf_invalid_05': {'name':"tconf-invalid-05"},
+ 'tconf_invalid_06': {'name':"tconf-invalid-06"},
+ 'tconf_invalid_07': {'name':"tconf-invalid-07"},
+ 'tconf_invalid_08': {'name':"tconf-invalid-08"},
+ 'tconf_invalid_09': {'name':"tconf-invalid-09"},
+tenantnetwork_properties = {
+ 'tennet_01': {'name': "tennet-01", 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': 'vx_tnet', 'iface_type': 'ext'},
+ 'tennet_02': {'name': "tennet-02", 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': 'tnet02.1000', 'iface_type': 'int'},
+ 'tennet_03': {'name': "tennet-03", 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': 'tnet03.1001', 'iface_type': 'int'},
+ 'tennet_04': {'name': "tennet-04", 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': 'tnet04.2000', 'iface_type': 'storage'},
+ 'tennet_05': {'name': "tennet-05", 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': 'tnet05.1002', 'iface_type': 'int'},
+ 'tennet_06': {'name': "tennet-06", 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': 'tnet06.1003', 'iface_type': 'int'},
+tenantnetwork_error_properties = {
+ 'tennet_invalid_01': {'name': 'tennet-invalid-01'},
+ 'tennet_invalid_02': {'name': 'tennet-invalid-02'},
+ 'tennet_invalid_03_01': {'name': 'tennet-invalid-03-01'},
+ 'tennet_invalid_03_02': {'name': 'tennet-invalid-03-02'},
+ 'tennet_invalid_04_01': {'name': 'tennet-invalid-04-01'},
+ 'tennet_invalid_04_02': {'name': 'tennet-invalid-04-02'},
+ 'tennet_invalid_05': {'name': 'tennet-invalid-05'},
+ 'tennet_invalid_06': {'name': 'tennet-invalid-06'},
+ 'tennet_invalid_07_01': {'name': 'tennet-invalid-07-01'},
+ 'tennet_invalid_07_02': {'name': 'tennet-invalid-07-02'},
+ 'tennet_invalid_08': {'name': 'tennet-invalid-08'},
+ 'tennet_invalid_09': {'name': 'tennet-invalid-09'},
+ 'tennet_invalid_10': {'name': 'tennet-invalid-10'},
+ 'tennet_invalid_11': {'name': 'tennet-invalid-11'},
+network_attach_properties = {
+ 'cnet_pod1': {'name': 'cnet-pod1', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': 'vx_cnet-pod1', 'routes':""},
+ 'cnet_pod2': {'name': 'cnet-pod2', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': 'vx_cnet-pod2'},
+ 'cnet_pod3': {'name': 'cnet-pod3', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': 'vx_cnet-pod3'},
+ 'cnet_pod4': {'name': 'cnet-pod4', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': 'vx_cnet-pod4'},
+ 'cnet_pod5': {'name': 'cnet-pod5', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': ''},
+ 'cnet_pod6': {'name': 'cnet-pod6', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': 'vx_cnet-pod6'},
+ 'cnet_pod7': {'name': 'cnet-pod7', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': 'vx_cnet-pod7'},
+tenantnetwork_attach_properties = {
+ 'tennet_attach_01': {'name': 'tennet-attach-01', 'namespace': 'default', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': '', 'routes': ""},
+ 'tennet_attach_02': {'name': 'tennet-attach-02', 'namespace': 'kube-system', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': '', 'routes':""},
+ 'tennet_attach_03': {'name': 'tennet-attach-03', 'namespace': 'default', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': ''},
+ 'tennet_attach_04': {'name': 'tennet-attach-04', 'namespace': 'default', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': '', 'flannel_pool': {'start': '', 'end': ''}},
+ 'tennet_attach_05': {'name': 'tennet-attach-05', 'namespace': 'default', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': ''},
+ 'tennet_attach_06': {'name': 'tennet-attach-06', 'namespace': 'default', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': ''},
+ 'tennet_attach_07': {'name': 'tennet-attach-07', 'namespace': 'default', 'NetworkType': 'ipvlan', 'host_if': ''},
+tennet_pod1 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="tennet-pod-01", obj_count="4", namespace="default", ip_list=["", "", "", ""])
+tennet_pod2 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="tennet-pod-02", obj_count="4", namespace="default", ip_list=["", "", "", "", "", ""])
+tennet_pod3 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="tennet-pod-03", obj_count="4", namespace="default", ip_list=["", "", "", ""])
+tennet_pod4 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="tennet-pod-04", obj_count="5", namespace="kube-system", ip_list=["", "", "", "", ""])
+tennet_pod5 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="tennet-pod-05", obj_count="1", namespace="kube-system", ip_list=[])
+tennet_pod6 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="tennet-pod-06", obj_count="4", namespace="default", ip_list=[])
+tennet_pod7 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="tennet-pod-07", obj_count="5", namespace="default", ip_list=[])
+tennet_pod8 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="tennet-pod-08", obj_count="1", namespace="default", ip_list=[])
+tennet_pod9 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="tennet-pod-09", obj_count="2", namespace="default", ip_list=[])
+tennet_pod10 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="tennet-pod-10", obj_count="1", namespace="default", ip_list=[])
+tennet_pod11 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="tennet-pod-11", obj_count="1", namespace="default", ip_list=[])
+tennet_pod12 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="tennet-pod-12", obj_count="1", namespace="default", ip_list=["", ""])
+tennet_pod13 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="tennet-pod-13", obj_count="1", namespace="default", ip_list=[])
+tennet_pod14 = dict(obj_type="pod", obj_name="tennet-pod-14", obj_count="1", namespace="default", ip_list=["", "", ""])
--- /dev/null
+root = {'username': 'root', 'password': ''}
+cloudadmin = {'username': 'cloudadmin', 'password': 'letmeinCRF1234'}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+FROM centos:7.6.1810
+MAINTAINER Balint Tobik <balint.tobik@nokia.com> Endre Nemeth <endre.nemeth@nokia.com>
+RUN yum -y install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm \
+ && yum -y --setopt=skip_missing_names_on_install=False install \
+ gcc \
+ python-devel \
+ python2-pip \
+ openssh-clients \
+ jq \
+ && yum clean all
+RUN pip install --upgrade pip \
+ && pip install --upgrade setuptools \
+ && pip install PyYAML \
+ && pip install ruamel.yaml \
+ && pip install positional \
+ && pip install pyparsing \
+ && pip install netaddr \
+ && pip install netifaces \
+ && pip install robotframework==3.0.4 \
+ && pip install robotframework-sshlibrary \
+ && pip install paramiko==2.4.2 \
+ && pip install requests \
+ && pip install robotframework-pabot==0.44
+COPY robot-deployment-test.sh /robot-deployment-test.sh
+COPY testcases/ /cloudtaf/testcases/
+COPY libraries/ /cloudtaf/libraries/
+COPY resources/ /cloudtaf/resources/
+ENTRYPOINT /robot-deployment-test.sh
--- /dev/null
+Containerized test environment to run functional tests on CAAS deployments. Test cases are written in python, \r
+executed with Robot Framework using Pabot parallel executor for robot.\r
+The container will contain the test resources including the helm charts and container images for the test applications,\r
+test cases and the scripts needed for the execution.\r
+Environment setup\r
+Few config parameters should be set in resources/scripts/include/robot_container.env\r
+| ROBOT_CONTAINER_TAG: tag of the executor container\r
+| TC_TAG: test cases will be executed indicated with this tag\r
+| SUT_IP: controller-1 node IP of the deployment\r
+| SKIP_BM_ONBOARD if false test applications onboard will be skipped (this is useful for re-execution)\r
+| PASSWORD: password for cloudadmin user\r
+These parameters should be set for manual execution, otherwise these are set by the jenkins test job\r
+(currently http://jenkins2.mtlab.att-akraino.org/job/Test_cloudtaf_modifications/)\r
+Building the environment\r
+resources/scripts/build-test-containers.sh script builds the test containers located in resources/test_containers/ folder.\r
+resources/scripts/robot-test-build.sh script builds the robot executor container\r
+Executing tests\r
+resources/scripts/robot-test-run.sh script starts the robot container. The entrypoint is the robot-deployment-test.sh\r
+script, this will perform the onboarding of the test application, and execute the test suites parallelly from folder\r
+The robot logs will be available in pabot_logs folder.\r
+Test cases can be executed separately with command like\r
+python -m robot -t "CAAS_BASIC_FUNC_002" --variable floating_ip:<SUT_IP> --loglevel trace ssh_check.robot\r
+In this case please check the installed packages in the Dockerfile.\r
+Another option is to start the executor container based on the resources/scripts/robot-test-run.sh script overriding the\r
+entrypoint with option --entrypoint=/bin/bash
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/bash -xe
+function execute_test_suites {
+ IP="$1"
+ suite_count=`ls ${WORKDIR}/testcases/parallel_suites/ | grep -c .robot`
+ set +e
+ mkdir -p ~/.ssh
+ touch ~/.ssh/known_hosts
+ ssh-keygen -R ${SUT_IP} -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts
+ PABOT_PORT=$((20000 + ${BUILD_NUMBER}))
+ pabot --verbose --processes ${suite_count} --pabotlib --pabotlibport ${PABOT_PORT} -d ${WORKDIR}/pabot_logs/ -i ${TC_TAG} --variable floating_ip:${SUT_IP} --loglevel trace ${WORKDIR}/testcases/parallel_suites
+ set -e
+function replace_password
+ if [[ -n "${PASSWORD}" ]] && [[ ${PASSWORD} != "adminpass" ]]
+ then
+ sed -i "s|cloudadmin = {'username': 'cloudadmin', 'password': 'adminpass'}|cloudadmin = {'username': 'cloudadmin', 'password': '${PASSWORD}'}|g" ${WORKDIR}/libraries/common/users.py
+ fi
+. ${WORKDIR}/resources/scripts/include/crf-registry
+if [[ -n "${SKIP_BM_ONBOARD}" ]] && [[ "${SKIP_BM_ONBOARD}" != "true" ]]
+ ${WORKDIR}/resources/scripts/prepare_robot_bm.py
+execute_test_suites ${SUT_IP}
+echo "end of robot-deployment-test.sh script"
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/bash -ex
+. include/crf-registry
+test_conatiners=`ls ../test_containers/`
+for val in $test_conatiners
+ echo "### Building $val test container"
+ docker build --network=host --no-cache --build-arg HTTP_PROXY="${http_proxy}" --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY="${https_proxy}" --build-arg NO_PROXY="${no_proxy}" --build-arg http_proxy="${http_proxy}" --build-arg https_proxy="${https_proxy}" --build-arg no_proxy="${no_proxy}" --tag ${REG}:${REG_PORT}/${REG_PATH}/${val}:latest ../test_containers/${val}/
+ docker save ${REG}:${REG_PORT}/${REG_PATH}/${val}:latest -o ../test_containers/${val}.tar
+ echo ${val} test container is saved to ../test_containers/${val}/${val}.tar
+echo ">> Done"
--- /dev/null
+export REG=registry.kube-system.svc.rec.io
+export REG_PORT=5555
+export REG_PATH=caas
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+import paramiko
+import os
+import sys
+WORK_DIR = os.getenv('WORKDIR')
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(WORK_DIR, 'libraries', 'common'))
+from users import * # noqa
+REG = os.getenv('REG')
+REG_PORT = os.getenv('REG_PORT')
+REG_PATH = os.getenv('REG_PATH')
+IP = os.getenv('SUT_IP')
+CONTAINERS_DIR = os.path.join(WORK_DIR, 'resources', 'test_containers')
+CHARTS_DIR = os.path.join(WORK_DIR, 'resources', 'test_charts')
+def open_connection(host, user, password):
+ print"Open paramiko connection to {} with user: {} pass: {}".format(host, user, password)
+ client = paramiko.SSHClient()
+ client.load_system_host_keys()
+ client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy)
+ client.connect(host, username=user, password=password)
+ return client
+def create_remote_dir(client, remote_dir):
+ execute_command(client, "rm -rf {}".format(remote_dir))
+ execute_command(client, "mkdir -p {}".format(remote_dir))
+def delete_remote_dir(client, remote_dir):
+ execute_command(client, "rm -rf {}".format(remote_dir))
+def execute_command(client, command):
+ _, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(command)
+ print"The following command executed on remote: {}".format(command)
+ stdout = stdout.read()
+ print('stdout:', stdout)
+ err = stderr.read()
+ if err:
+ raise Exception("The following error occured: {}".format(err))
+ else:
+ return stdout
+def get_all_files_in_local_dir(local_dir, extension=""):
+ all_files = list()
+ if os.path.exists(local_dir):
+ files = os.listdir(local_dir)
+ for f in files:
+ _, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
+ if extension in ext:
+ filepath = os.path.join(local_dir, f)
+ print "filename:" + filepath
+ if os.path.isdir(filepath):
+ all_files.extend(get_all_files_in_local_dir(filepath))
+ else:
+ all_files.append(filepath)
+ else:
+ print '{} folder does not exist'.format(local_dir)
+ return all_files
+def upload_resources(client, local, remote):
+ sftp = client.open_sftp()
+ for f in local:
+ remote_path = os.path.join("{}{}".format(remote, f.split(remote.split('/')[-1])[1]))
+ remote_dir = remote_path.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
+ execute_command(client, "mkdir -p {}".format(remote_dir))
+ sftp.put(f, remote_path)
+ print"Upload {} from robot container to the SUT {}".format(local, remote)
+def load_docker_images_from_directory(client, remote_dir):
+ command = "ls {}".format(remote_dir)
+ docker_images = execute_command(client, command).splitlines()
+ for image in docker_images:
+ command = "docker load -i {}/{}".format(remote_dir, image)
+ execute_command(client, command)
+ image_name = image.rsplit('.tar')[0]
+ print image_name
+ command = "docker push {}:{}/{}/{}".format(REG, REG_PORT, REG_PATH, image_name)
+ execute_command(client, command)
+def create_helm_packages(client, remote_dir):
+ command = "helm repo list"
+ stdout = execute_command(client, command)
+ chart_repo = stdout.splitlines()[1].split()[1]
+ command = "ls {}".format(remote_dir)
+ helm_charts = execute_command(client, command).splitlines()
+ for chart in helm_charts:
+ command = "helm package {}/{}".format(remote_dir, chart)
+ helm_package_path = execute_command(client, command)
+ helm_package = helm_package_path.split(cloudadmin['username'] + '/')[1].rstrip()
+ print helm_package
+ command = "curl -sS -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/gzip' --data-binary @{} {}/charts/{}".format(
+ helm_package, chart_repo, helm_package)
+ execute_command(client, command)
+ command = "rm -f {}".format(helm_package_path)
+ execute_command(client, command)
+ command = "helm repo update"
+ execute_command(client, command)
+def main():
+ paramiko_client = open_connection(IP, cloudadmin['username'], cloudadmin['password'])
+ remote_containers_dir = os.path.join("/home/{}/resources/test_containers".format(cloudadmin['username']))
+ container_images = get_all_files_in_local_dir(CONTAINERS_DIR, "tar")
+ remote_test_charts_dir = os.path.join("/home/{}/resources/test_charts".format(cloudadmin['username']))
+ test_charts = get_all_files_in_local_dir(CHARTS_DIR)
+ try:
+ create_remote_dir(paramiko_client, remote_containers_dir)
+ create_remote_dir(paramiko_client, remote_test_charts_dir)
+ upload_resources(paramiko_client, container_images, remote_containers_dir)
+ upload_resources(paramiko_client, test_charts, remote_test_charts_dir)
+ load_docker_images_from_directory(paramiko_client, remote_containers_dir)
+ create_helm_packages(paramiko_client, remote_test_charts_dir)
+ delete_remote_dir(paramiko_client, remote_test_charts_dir)
+ delete_remote_dir(paramiko_client, remote_containers_dir)
+ finally:
+ paramiko_client.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/bash -ex
+source ${env_file}
+yes | cp -rf ../../libraries/ ${ROBOT_CONTAINER_PATH}
+yes | cp -rf ../../testcases/ ${ROBOT_CONTAINER_PATH}
+mkdir -p ${ROBOT_CONTAINER_PATH}resources/
+yes | cp -rf ../../resources/scripts/ ${ROBOT_CONTAINER_PATH}resources/
+yes | cp -rf ../../resources/test_charts/ ${ROBOT_CONTAINER_PATH}resources/
+yes | cp -rf ../../resources/test_containers/ ${ROBOT_CONTAINER_PATH}resources/
+docker build --network=host --no-cache --build-arg HTTP_PROXY="${http_proxy}" --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY="${https_proxy}" --build-arg NO_PROXY="${no_proxy}" --build-arg http_proxy="${http_proxy}" --build-arg https_proxy="${https_proxy}" --build-arg no_proxy="${no_proxy}" --tag ${ROBOT_CONTAINER_TAG} ${ROBOT_CONTAINER_PATH}
+rm -rf ${ROBOT_CONTAINER_PATH}/libraries/ ${ROBOT_CONTAINER_PATH}/testcases/ ${ROBOT_CONTAINER_PATH}/resources/
+echo ">> Done"
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/bash -ex
+source ${env_file}
+export WORKDIR=/cloudtaf
+export WORKSPACE=$PWD/../../
+mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/pabot_logs
+echo ">> Run robot-container"
+docker run \
+ -i \
+ --rm \
+ --net=host \
+ --pid=host \
+ --name robot-test-${BUILD_NUMBER} \
+ -e TC_TAG=${TC_TAG} \
+ -e SUT_IP=${SUT_IP} \
+ -v ${WORKSPACE}/pabot_logs:${WORKDIR}/pabot_logs \
+ -w ${WORKDIR} \
+echo ">> Done"
--- /dev/null
+name: busybox3
+version: 3.3.3
+description: busybox helm try
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Pod
+ name: busybox3
+ namespace: kube-system
+ containers:
+ - name: busybox
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/busybox:latest
+ args:
+ - sleep
+ - "1000"
--- /dev/null
+description: chart for invalid clusternetwork validation tests
+name: clusternetwork-test-error
+version: 1.0.0
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-invalid-01
+ NetworkID: external
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens4
+ vlan: 500
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr: 1000.100.1.0/24
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-invalid-02-01
+ NetworkID: external
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens4
+ vlan: 500
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ routes:
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-invalid-02-02
+ NetworkID: external
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens4
+ vlan: 500
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ routes:
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-invalid-03
+ NetworkID: external
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens4
+ vlan: 500
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ net6: fffff:0:0:0:0:ffff:0f00:0000/120
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-invalid-04-01
+ NetworkID: external
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens4
+ vlan: 500
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ net6: 2001:db8::/45
+ routes6:
+ 2000:db8::/45: 2001:0db7:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-invalid-04-02
+ NetworkID: external
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens4
+ vlan: 500
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ net6: 2001:db8::/45
+ routes6:
+ 2000:db8::/45: "2001:0db8:0008::"
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-invalid-05
+ NetworkID: external
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ vlan: 500
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-invalid-06
+ NetworkID: external
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens4
+ vlan: 500
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-invalid-07
+ NetworkID: external
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens4
+ vlan: 500
+ vxlan: 1400
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-invalid-08
+ NetworkID: long_cnet-08
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens4
+ vlan: 500
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-invalid-09
+ NetworkID: external
+ NetworkType: sriov
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ vlan: 500
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-invalid-10
+ NetworkID: external
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens4
+ vlan: 500
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-invalid-11
+ NetworkID: sriovinv
+ NetworkType: sriov
+ Options:
+ host_device: dummyjoska
+ device_pool: "nokia.k8s.io/sriov_ens3"
+ vlan: 500
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-invalid-11
+ NetworkID: external
+ NetworkType: macvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ vlan: 500
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+description: chart for valid clusternetwork validation tests
+name: clusternetwork-test
+version: 1.0.0
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-01
+ NetworkID: cnet01
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_ext_if }}
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-02
+ NetworkID: cnet02
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_ext_if }}
+ vlan: 502
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ routes:
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-03
+ NetworkID: cnet03
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ vxlan: 503
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ net6: 2001:db8::/45
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-04
+ NetworkID: cnet04
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_ext_if }}
+ vlan: 504
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ net6: 2001:db8::/45
+ routes:
+ routes6:
+ 2001:db8::/45: 2001:db8:1::1
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-05
+ NetworkID: cnet05
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_ext_if }}
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-06
+ NetworkID: cnet06
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_ext_if }}
+ vlan: 506
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ net6: 2001:db8::/43
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ routes:
+ routes6:
+ 2001:db8::/43: 2001:db8:1::1
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-07
+ NetworkID: cnet07
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ AllowedTenants:
+ - kube-system
+ - kube-public
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ net6: 2001:db8::/43
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ routes:
+ routes6:
+ 2001:db8::/44: 2001:db8:1::1
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-08
+ NetworkID: cnet08
+ NetworkType: sriov
+ Options:
+ device_pool: "nokia.k8s.io/sriov_ens3"
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-09
+ NetworkID: cnet09
+ NetworkType: macvlan
+ Options:
+ device_pool: "nokia.k8s.io/sriov_ens3"
+ vlan: 509
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+name: cpu-pooling-annotation1
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for cpu-pooling-annotation1 tests
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: cpu-pooling-9
+ namespace: default
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ annotations:
+ nokia.k8s.io/cpus: |
+ [{
+ "container": "cpu-pooling",
+ "processes":
+ [{
+ "process": "/usr/bin/dumb-init",
+ "args": ["-c", "sleep", "1000"],
+ "pool": "exclusive_caas",
+ "cpus": {{ .Values.proc_req }}
+ }]
+ }]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: cpu-pooling
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+pool_req: "1"
+proc_req: 1
+replicas: 1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+name: cpu-pooling-annotation2
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for cpu-pooling-annotation2 tests
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: cpu-pooling-10
+ namespace: default
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ annotations:
+ nokia.k8s.io/cpus: |
+ [{
+ "processes":
+ [{
+ "process": "/usr/bin/dumb-init",
+ "args": ["-c", "sleep", "1000"],
+ "pool": "exclusive_caas",
+ "cpus": {{ .Values.proc_req }}
+ }]
+ }]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: cpu-pooling
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ nokia.k8s.io/exclusive_caas: {{ .Values.pool_req }}
+ limits:
+ nokia.k8s.io/exclusive_caas: {{ .Values.pool_req }}
--- /dev/null
+pool_req: "1"
+proc_req: 1
+replicas: 1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+name: cpu-pooling-annotation3
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for cpu-pooling-annotation3 tests
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: cpu-pooling-11
+ namespace: default
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ annotations:
+ nokia.k8s.io/cpus: |
+ [{
+ "container": "cpu-pooling",
+ "processes":
+ [{
+ "process": "/usr/bin/dumb-init",
+ "args": ["-c", "sleep", "1000"],
+ "pool": "exclusive_caas"
+ }]
+ }]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: cpu-pooling
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ nokia.k8s.io/exclusive_caas: {{ .Values.pool_req }}
+ limits:
+ nokia.k8s.io/exclusive_caas: {{ .Values.pool_req }}
--- /dev/null
+pool_req: "1"
+proc_req: 1
+replicas: 1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+name: cpu-pooling-default1
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pod for cpu-pooling-default1 tests
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: cpu-pooling-7
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: {{ .Values.replicas }}
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: cpu-pooling
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "1000"]
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ memory: {{ .Values.mem_request }}
+ cpu: {{ .Values.cpu_request }}
+ limits:
+ memory: {{ .Values.mem_limit }}
+ cpu: {{ .Values.cpu_limit }}
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: {{ .Values.nodename }}
--- /dev/null
+pool_req: "1"
+proc_req: 1
+replicas: 1
+mem_request: "1Gi"
+cpu_request: "500m"
+mem_limit: "1Gi"
+cpu_limit: "500m"
+nodename: caas_master1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+name: cpu-pooling-default2
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pod for cpu-pooling-default2 tests
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: cpu-pooling-8
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: {{ .Values.replicas }}
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ annotations:
+ nokia.k8s.io/cpus: |
+ [{
+ "container": "cpu-pooling",
+ "processes":
+ [{
+ "process": "/usr/bin/dumb-init",
+ "args": ["-c", "sleep", "1000"],
+ "pool": "default",
+ "cpus": {{ .Values.proc_req }}
+ }]
+ }]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: cpu-pooling
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ nokia.k8s.io/default: {{ .Values.pool_req }}
+ limits:
+ nokia.k8s.io/default: {{ .Values.pool_req }}
--- /dev/null
+pool_req: "1"
+proc_req: 1
+replicas: 1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+name: cpu-pooling-exclusive1
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for cpu-pooling-exclusive1 tests
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: cpu-pooling-1
+ namespace: default
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: cpu-pooling
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "1000"]
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ nokia.k8s.io/exclusive_caas: {{ .Values.pool_req }}
+ limits:
+ nokia.k8s.io/exclusive_caas: {{ .Values.pool_req }}
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: {{ .Values.nodename }}
--- /dev/null
+pool_req: "1"
+nodename: caas_worker1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+name: cpu-pooling-exclusive2
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for cpu-pooling-exclusive2 tests
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: cpu-pooling-2
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: {{ .Values.replicas }}
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ annotations:
+ nokia.k8s.io/cpus: |
+ [{
+ "container": "cpu-pooling",
+ "processes":
+ [{
+ "process": "/usr/bin/dumb-init",
+ "args": ["-c", "sleep", "1000"],
+ "pool": "exclusive_caas",
+ "cpus": {{ .Values.proc_req }}
+ }]
+ }]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: cpu-pooling
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ nokia.k8s.io/exclusive_caas: {{ .Values.pool_req }}
+ limits:
+ nokia.k8s.io/exclusive_caas: {{ .Values.pool_req }}
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: {{ .Values.nodename }}
--- /dev/null
+pool_req: "1"
+proc_req: 1
+replicas: 1
+nodename: caas_worker1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+name: cpu-pooling-exclusive3
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for cpu-pooling-exclusive3 tests
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: cpu-pooling-3
+ namespace: default
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ annotations:
+ nokia.k8s.io/cpus: |
+ [{
+ "container": "cpu-pooling",
+ "processes":
+ [{
+ "process": "/usr/bin/dumb-init",
+ "args": ["-c", "sleep", "1000"],
+ "pool": "exclusive_caas",
+ "cpus": {{ .Values.proc1_req }}
+ },
+ {
+ "process": "/usr/bin/dumb-init",
+ "args": ["-c", "sleep", "1000"],
+ "pool": "exclusive_caas",
+ "cpus": {{ .Values.proc2_req }}
+ }]
+ }]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: cpu-pooling
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ nokia.k8s.io/exclusive_caas: {{ .Values.pool_req }}
+ limits:
+ nokia.k8s.io/exclusive_caas: {{ .Values.pool_req }}
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: {{ .Values.nodename }}
--- /dev/null
+pool_req: "2"
+proc1_req: 1
+proc2_req: 1
+nodename: caas_worker1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+name: cpu-pooling-mix1
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for cpu-pooling-mix1 tests
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: cpu-pooling-5
+ namespace: default
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ annotations:
+ nokia.k8s.io/cpus: |
+ [{
+ "container": "cpu-pooling1",
+ "processes":
+ [{
+ "process": "/usr/bin/dumb-init",
+ "args": ["-c", "sleep", "1000"],
+ "pool": "exclusive_caas",
+ "cpus": {{ .Values.proc_req }}
+ }]
+ }]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: cpu-pooling1
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ nokia.k8s.io/exclusive_caas: {{ .Values.exclusive_pool_req }}
+ limits:
+ nokia.k8s.io/exclusive_caas: {{ .Values.exclusive_pool_req }}
+ - name: cpu-pooling2
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["while true; do echo \"Test\"; sleep 1; done;"]
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ nokia.k8s.io/shared_caas: {{ .Values.shared_pool_req }}
+ limits:
+ nokia.k8s.io/shared_caas: {{ .Values.shared_pool_req }}
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: {{ .Values.nodename }}
--- /dev/null
+shared_pool_req: "500"
+exclusive_pool_req: "1"
+proc_req: 1
+nodename: caas_worker1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+name: cpu-pooling-mix2
+version: 2.0.1
+description: pods for cpu-pooling-mix2 tests
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: cpu-pooling-6
+ namespace: default
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ annotations:
+ nokia.k8s.io/cpus: |
+ [{
+ "container": "cpu-pooling",
+ "processes":
+ [{
+ "process": "/usr/bin/dumb-init",
+ "args": ["-c", "sleep", "1000"],
+ "pool": "exclusive_caas",
+ "cpus": {{ .Values.proc_req }}
+ },
+ {
+ "process": "/usr/bin/dumb-init",
+ "args": ["-c", "sleep", "2000"],
+ "pool": "shared_caas",
+ "cpus": {{ .Values.shared_pool_ann }}
+ }]
+ }]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: cpu-pooling
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ nokia.k8s.io/exclusive_caas: {{ .Values.exclusive_pool_req }}
+ nokia.k8s.io/shared_caas: {{ .Values.shared_pool_req }}
+ limits:
+ nokia.k8s.io/exclusive_caas: {{ .Values.exclusive_pool_req }}
+ nokia.k8s.io/shared_caas: {{ .Values.shared_pool_req }}
--- /dev/null
+shared_pool_req: "500"
+shared_pool_ann: 500
+exclusive_pool_req: "1"
+proc_req: 1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+name: cpu-pooling-shared1
+version: 2.0.1
+description: pods for cpu-pooling-shared1 tests
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: cpu-pooling-4
+ namespace: default
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: cpu-pooling
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: cpu-pooling
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["yes > /dev/null"]
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ nokia.k8s.io/shared_caas: {{ .Values.pool_req }}
+ limits:
+ nokia.k8s.io/shared_caas: {{ .Values.pool_req }}
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: {{ .Values.nodename }}
--- /dev/null
+pool_req: "500"
+nodename: caas_worker1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: v1
+appVersion: "1.0"
+description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
+name: custom-metrics
+version: 0.4.0
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: podinfo
+ namespace: kube-system
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: podinfo
+ k8s-app: podinfo
+ replicas: 2
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: podinfo
+ k8s-app: podinfo
+ annotations:
+ prometheus.io/scrape: 'true'
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: podinfod
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/podinfo:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: Always
+ ports:
+ - containerPort: 9898
+ protocol: TCP
+ readinessProbe:
+ httpGet:
+ path: /readyz
+ port: 9898
+ initialDelaySeconds: 1
+ periodSeconds: 2
+ failureThreshold: 1
+ livenessProbe:
+ httpGet:
+ path: /healthz
+ port: 9898
+ initialDelaySeconds: 1
+ periodSeconds: 3
+ failureThreshold: 2
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ memory: "32Mi"
+ cpu: "1m"
+ limits:
+ memory: "256Mi"
+ cpu: "100m"
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1
+kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
+ name: podinfo
+ namespace: kube-system
+ scaleTargetRef:
+ apiVersion: apps/v1
+ kind: Deployment
+ name: podinfo
+ minReplicas: 2
+ maxReplicas: 10
+ metrics:
+ - type: Pods
+ pods:
+ metricName: http_requests
+ targetAverageValue: 5
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Service
+ name: podinfo
+ namespace: kube-system
+ labels:
+ app: podinfo
+ k8s-app: podinfo
+ ports:
+ - port: 9898
+ targetPort: 9898
+ protocol: TCP
+ selector:
+ k8s-app: podinfo
+ app: podinfo
--- /dev/null
+name: danmnet-pods1
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for danmnet tests
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods1-1
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod1", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods1-2
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod1", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods1-3
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod1", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods1-4
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod1", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: danmnet-pods10
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for danmnet tests
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods10
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod1", "ip":"none"
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: danmnet-pods11
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for danmnet tests
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods11
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod5", "ip":""
+ },
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"dummy", "ip":"dynamic"
+ },
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod6", "ip":"none"
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: danmnet-pods12
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for danmnet tests
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods12
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod5", "ip":""
+ },
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod7", "ip":"none"
+ },
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod6", "ip":"dynamic"
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+description: pods for danmnet tests
+name: danmnet-pods13
+version: 2.0.0
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods13
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod6", "ip":""
+ },
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"dummy", "ip":"dynamic"
+ },
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod4", "ip":"dynamic"
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: danmnet-pods14
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for danmnet tests
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods14
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod4", "ip":"dynamic"
+ },
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod7", "ip":""
+ },
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod6", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: danmnet-pods2
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for danmnet tests
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods2
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 10
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod1", "ip":"dynamic"
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: danmnet-pods3
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for danmnet tests
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods3-1
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod1", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods3-2
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod1", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master2
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods3-3
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod1", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master3
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods3-4
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod1", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: danmnet-pods4
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for danmnet tests
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods4
+ namespace: kube-system
+ replicas: 5
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "network":"test-net2", "ip":"dynamic"
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: danmnet-pods5
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for danmnet tests
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods5
+ namespace: kube-system
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod1", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: danmnet-pods6
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for danmnet tests
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods6-1
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 5
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod2", "ip":"dynamic"
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods6-2
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod2", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: danmnet-pods7
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for danmnet tests
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods7-1
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 5
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod4", "ip":"dynamic"
+ },
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod3", "ip":"dynamic"
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: danmnet-pods8
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for danmnet tests
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods8-1
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ name: danmnet-pods8-1
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ name: danmnet-pods8-1
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod4", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "sh", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["echo -e 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK \n\nOK'>/tmp/temp; nc -l -p 4242 < /tmp/temp; sleep 6000"]
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Service
+ labels:
+ name: danmnet-pods8-1
+ name: danmnet-pods8-1
+ namespace: default
+ ports:
+ - name: danmnet-pods8-1
+ port: 4242
+ protocol: TCP
+ selector:
+ name: danmnet-pods8-1
--- /dev/null
+name: danmnet-pods9
+version: 2.0.0
+description: pods for danmnet tests
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: danmnet-pods9-1
+ namespace: kube-system
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "clusterNetwork":"cnet-pod4", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+description: chart for danm network tests
+name: danmnet-test-2
+version: 1.1.1
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net1
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net1
+ Options:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ rt_tables: 201
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net11
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net11
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 18
+ vxlan: 54
+ vlan: 999
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net13
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net13
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 20
+ vxlan: 56
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net15
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net15
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 22
+ vlan: 1
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net16
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net16
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 23
+ vlan: 4094
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net2
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net2
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 10
+ routes:
+ vxlan: 50
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net20
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net20
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 27
+ vxlan: 1
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net21
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net21
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 28
+ vxlan: 16777214
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net23
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net23
+ NetworkType: inv#lid
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 30
+ vxlan: 57
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net24
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net24
+ NetworkType: flannel
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 31
+ vxlan: 58
+ vlan: 57
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net25
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net25
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth2
+ rt_tables: 10
+ vlan: 58
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1 \r
+kind: DanmNet\r
+ name: test-net26\r
+ namespace: default\r
+ NetworkID: test-net26\r
+ Options:\r
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }} \r
+ cidr: \r
+ allocation_pool:\r
+ start:\r
+ end:\r
+ container_prefix: eth0\r
+ rt_tables: 10\r
+ vxlan: 60\r
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1 \r
+kind: DanmNet\r
+ name: test-net28\r
+ namespace: default\r
+ NetworkID: test-net28\r
+ Options:\r
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }} \r
+ cidr: \r
+ allocation_pool:\r
+ start:\r
+ end:\r
+ container_prefix: eth0\r
+ rt_tables: 33\r
+ vxlan: 50\r
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net30
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net30
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 10
+ routes:
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net5
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net5
+ Options:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ host_device: inval#d
+ rt_tables: 14
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net7
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net7
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth1
+ rt_tables: 15
+ vxlan: 53
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net8
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net8
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth1
+ rt_tables: 15
+ vxlan: 54
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net9
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net9
+ Options:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ rt_tables: 155
+ vlan: 55
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net2
+ namespace: kube-system
+ NetworkID: test-net2
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 35
+ routes:
+ vxlan: 50
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1 \r
+kind: DanmNet\r
+ name: test-net27\r
+ namespace: kube-system\r
+ NetworkID: test-net27\r
+ Options:\r
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }} \r
+ cidr: \r
+ allocation_pool:\r
+ start:\r
+ end:\r
+ container_prefix: eth0\r
+ rt_tables: 10\r
+ vxlan: 61\r
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1 \r
+kind: DanmNet\r
+ name: test-net29\r
+ namespace: kube-system\r
+ NetworkID: test-net29\r
+ Options:\r
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }} \r
+ cidr: \r
+ allocation_pool:\r
+ start:\r
+ end:\r
+ container_prefix: eth0\r
+ rt_tables: 34\r
+ vxlan: 50\r
--- /dev/null
+description: chart for danm network tests
+name: danmnet-test-3
+version: 1.1.1
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net1
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net1
+ Options:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ host_device: ens3
+ rt_tables: 201
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net11
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net11
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 18
+ vxlan: 54
+ vlan: 999
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net13
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net13
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 20
+ vxlan: 56
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net15
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net15
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens4
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 22
+ vlan: 1
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net16
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net16
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens4
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 23
+ vlan: 4094
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net2
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net2
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 10
+ routes:
+ vxlan: 50
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net20
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net20
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 27
+ vxlan: 1
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net21
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net21
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 28
+ vxlan: 16777214
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net23
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net23
+ NetworkType: inv#lid
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 30
+ vxlan: 57
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net24
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net24
+ NetworkType: flannel
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 31
+ vxlan: 58
+ vlan: 57
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net25
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net25
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens4
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth2
+ rt_tables: 10
+ vlan: 58
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1 \r
+kind: DanmNet\r
+ name: test-net26\r
+ namespace: default\r
+ NetworkID: test-net26\r
+ Options:\r
+ host_device: ens3 \r
+ cidr: \r
+ allocation_pool:\r
+ start:\r
+ end:\r
+ container_prefix: eth0\r
+ rt_tables: 10\r
+ vxlan: 60\r
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1 \r
+kind: DanmNet\r
+ name: test-net28\r
+ namespace: default\r
+ NetworkID: test-net28\r
+ Options:\r
+ host_device: ens3 \r
+ cidr: \r
+ allocation_pool:\r
+ start:\r
+ end:\r
+ container_prefix: eth0\r
+ rt_tables: 33\r
+ vxlan: 50\r
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net30
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net30
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 10
+ routes:
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net5
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net5
+ Options:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ host_device: inval#d
+ rt_tables: 14
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net7
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net7
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth1
+ rt_tables: 15
+ vxlan: 53
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net8
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net8
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth1
+ rt_tables: 15
+ vxlan: 54
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net9
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net9
+ Options:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ rt_tables: 155
+ vlan: 55
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net2
+ namespace: kube-system
+ NetworkID: test-net2
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 35
+ routes:
+ vxlan: 50
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1 \r
+kind: DanmNet\r
+ name: test-net27\r
+ namespace: kube-system\r
+ NetworkID: test-net27\r
+ Options:\r
+ host_device: ens3 \r
+ cidr: \r
+ allocation_pool:\r
+ start:\r
+ end:\r
+ container_prefix: eth0\r
+ rt_tables: 10\r
+ vxlan: 61\r
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1 \r
+kind: DanmNet\r
+ name: test-net29\r
+ namespace: kube-system\r
+ NetworkID: test-net29\r
+ Options:\r
+ host_device: ens3 \r
+ cidr: \r
+ allocation_pool:\r
+ start:\r
+ end:\r
+ container_prefix: eth0\r
+ rt_tables: 34\r
+ vxlan: 50\r
--- /dev/null
+description: chart for danm network tests
+name: danmnet-test-error
+version: 1.1.1
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net10
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net10
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ rt_tables: 17
+ vlan: 56
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net11
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net11
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 18
+ vxlan: 54
+ vlan: 999
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net12
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net12
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr: invalid/24
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 19
+ vxlan: 55
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net14
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net14
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 21
+ vlan: 0
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net17
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net17
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 24
+ vlan: 4095
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net18
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net18
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 25
+ vlan: 4096
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net19
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net19
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 26
+ vxlan: 0
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net22
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net22
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 29
+ vxlan: 16777215
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net3
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net3
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr: 0:0:0:0:0:ffff:0f00:0000/120
+ allocation_pool:
+ start: 0:0:0:0:0:ffff:0f00:0001
+ end: 0:0:0:0:0:ffff:0f00:0014
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 12
+ vxlan: 51
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net9
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net9
+ Options:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ host_device: ens3
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ rt_tables: 155
+ vlan: 55
--- /dev/null
+description: chart for danm network tests
+name: danmnet-test
+version: 1.1.1
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net1
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net1
+ Options:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ rt_tables: 201
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net13
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net13
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 20
+ vxlan: 56
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net15
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net15
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 22
+ vlan: 1
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net16
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net16
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 23
+ vlan: 4094
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net2
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net2
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 10
+ routes:
+ vxlan: 50
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net20
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net20
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 27
+ vxlan: 1
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net21
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net21
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 28
+ vxlan: 16777214
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net23
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net23
+ NetworkType: inv#lid
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 30
+ vxlan: 57
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net24
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net24
+ NetworkType: flannel
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net25
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net25
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth2
+ rt_tables: 10
+ vlan: 58
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1 \r
+kind: DanmNet\r
+ name: test-net26\r
+ namespace: default\r
+ NetworkID: test-net26\r
+ Options:\r
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }} \r
+ cidr: \r
+ allocation_pool:\r
+ start:\r
+ end:\r
+ container_prefix: eth0\r
+ rt_tables: 10\r
+ vxlan: 60\r
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1 \r
+kind: DanmNet\r
+ name: test-net28\r
+ namespace: default\r
+ NetworkID: test-net28\r
+ Options:\r
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }} \r
+ cidr: \r
+ allocation_pool:\r
+ start:\r
+ end:\r
+ container_prefix: eth0\r
+ rt_tables: 33\r
+ vxlan: 50\r
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net30
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net30
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 10
+ routes:
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net4
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net4
+ Options:
+ rt_tables: 13
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net5
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net5
+ Options:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ host_device: inval#d
+ rt_tables: 14
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net6
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net6
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ vxlan: 52
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net7
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net7
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth1
+ rt_tables: 15
+ vxlan: 53
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net8
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: test-net8
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth1
+ rt_tables: 15
+ vxlan: 54
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: DanmNet
+ name: test-net2
+ namespace: kube-system
+ NetworkID: test-net2
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 35
+ routes:
+ vxlan: 50
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1 \r
+kind: DanmNet\r
+ name: test-net27\r
+ namespace: kube-system\r
+ NetworkID: test-net27\r
+ Options:\r
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }} \r
+ cidr: \r
+ allocation_pool:\r
+ start:\r
+ end:\r
+ container_prefix: eth0\r
+ rt_tables: 10\r
+ vxlan: 61\r
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1 \r
+kind: DanmNet\r
+ name: test-net29\r
+ namespace: kube-system\r
+ NetworkID: test-net29\r
+ Options:\r
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }} \r
+ cidr: \r
+ allocation_pool:\r
+ start:\r
+ end:\r
+ container_prefix: eth0\r
+ rt_tables: 34\r
+ vxlan: 50\r
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: v1
+appVersion: "1.0"
+description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
+name: http-traffic-gen
+version: 0.4.0
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: batch/v1
+kind: Job
+ name: http-traffic-gen
+ namespace: default
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ name: http-traffic-gen
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: http-traffic-gen
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/http-traffic-gen:latest
+ restartPolicy: Never
--- /dev/null
+name: load-generator-for-apache
+version: 1.1.1
+description: load generator for HPA test
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: batch/v1
+kind: Job
+ name: load-generator-for-apache
+ namespace: default
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ name: load-generator-for-apache
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: busybox
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/busybox:latest
+ command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["START=`date +%s`; while [ $(( $(date +%s) - 90 )) -lt $START ]; do wget -q -O-; done;"]
+ restartPolicy: Never
--- /dev/null
+name: logger
+version: 0.0.1
+description: logger container
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: logger
+ namespace: kube-system
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ ncrf-image: logger
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ ncrf-image: logger
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ containers:
+ - name: loggen
+ image: registry.kube-system.svc.nokia.net:5555/caas/logger:latest
+ env:
+ - name: STRPS
+ value: "500"
+ #STRPS - string per second is the amount of lines per second
+ - name: STRLEN
+ value: "160"
+ #STRLEN - length of the string
+ - name: SPREAD
+ value: "20"
+ #SPREAD - average deviation from the average length value: 0-100 where 0 there is no deviation
--- /dev/null
+description: chart for netowrk attach tests
+name: network-attach-test
+version: 1.0.0
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-pod1
+ NetworkID: cnet-pod1
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ vxlan: 51
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
+ routes:
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-pod2
+ NetworkID: cnet-pod2
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ vxlan: 52
+ container_prefix: ext
+ rt_tables: 100
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-pod3
+ NetworkID: cnet-pod3
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ vxlan: 53
+ container_prefix: eth1
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-pod4
+ NetworkID: flannel
+ NetworkType: flannel
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-pod5
+ NetworkID: cnet-pod5
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ container_prefix: eth0
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ routes:
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-pod6
+ NetworkID: cnet-pod6
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ vxlan: 56
+ container_prefix: eth1
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: ClusterNetwork
+ name: cnet-pod7
+ NetworkID: cnet-pod7
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ vxlan: 57
+ container_prefix: eth2
+ rt_tables: 10
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+name: persistentvolume-claim
+version: 1.1.2
+description: persistentvolume-claim for storage test
--- /dev/null
+kind: PersistentVolumeClaim\r
+apiVersion: v1\r
+ name: task-pv-claim\r
+ accessModes:\r
+ - ReadWriteOnce\r
+ resources:\r
+ requests:\r
+ storage: 1Gi\r
--- /dev/null
+name: php-apache
+version: 1.1.1
+description: apache server for HPA test
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: default
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: flannel
+ NetworkType: flannel
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: php-apache-deployment
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: php-apache
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: php-apache
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantnetwork":"default"
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodetype: caas_master
+ containers:
+ - name: php-apache
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/php-apache:latest
+ resources:
+ limits:
+ cpu: "0.2"
+ memory: "64Mi"
+ requests:
+ cpu: "0.2"
+ memory: "64Mi"
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: autoscaling/v1
+kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
+ name: php-apache-hpa
+ scaleTargetRef:
+ apiVersion: apps/v1
+ kind: Deployment
+ name: php-apache-deployment
+ minReplicas: 1
+ maxReplicas: 5
+ targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 50
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Service
+ name: php-apache-svc
+ labels:
+ app: php-apache
+ clusterIP:
+ ports:
+ - port: 80
+ selector:
+ app: php-apache
--- /dev/null
+name: storage-test-oam
+version: 1.1.2
+description: deployment for storage test for minimal deployments
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: pv-test-deployment
+ replicas: 2
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: pv-test
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: pv-test
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ volumes:
+ - name: pv-test
+ persistentVolumeClaim:
+ claimName: task-pv-claim
+ containers:
+ - name: pv-test-pod
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
+ volumeMounts:
+ - mountPath: "/usr/share/storage_test"
+ name: pv-test
--- /dev/null
+name: storage-test-worker
+version: 1.1.3
+description: deployment for storage test for worker deployments
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: pv-test-deployment
+ replicas: 2
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: pv-test
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: pv-test
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ volumes:
+ - name: pv-test
+ persistentVolumeClaim:
+ claimName: task-pv-claim
+ containers:
+ - name: pv-test-pod
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
+ volumeMounts:
+ - mountPath: "/usr/share/storage_test"
+ name: pv-test
--- /dev/null
+name: su-test
+version: 1.1.1
+description: test chart for software package change custom cbam operation
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: su-test
+ namespace: kube-system
+ replicas: 10
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: su-test
+ strategy:
+ type: RollingUpdate
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: su-test
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: busybox
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/busybox:latest
+ args: ["sleep", "{{ .Values.sleep_time }}"]
--- /dev/null
+sleep_time: "1000"
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+name: tenantconfig-test-error
+version: 1.0.0
+description: test chart for invalid TenantConfig manifests
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# erroneous TenantConfig with empty hostDevices and networkIds
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantConfig
+ name: tconf-invalid-01
--- /dev/null
+# erroneous TenantConfig missing both the hostDevices and networkIds section
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantConfig
+ name: tconf-invalid-02
--- /dev/null
+# erroneous TenantConfig with one host_device with missing vniRange
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantConfig
+ name: tconf-invalid-03
+- name: ens4
+ vniType: vlan
--- /dev/null
+# erroneous TenantConfig with one host_device with missing vniType
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantConfig
+ name: tconf-invalid-04
+- name: ens4
+ vniRange: 1000-2000
--- /dev/null
+# erroneous TenantConfig with multiple hostDevices, where one has missing vniRange
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantConfig
+ name: tconf-invalid-05
+- name: ens4
+ vniType: vlan
+- name: ens5
+ vniType: vlan
+ vniRange: 2000-3000
+ flannel: flannel
--- /dev/null
+# erroneous TenantConfig with multiple hostDevices where one is missing vniType
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantConfig
+ name: tconf-invalid-06
+- name: ens4
+ vniType: vlan
+ vniRange: 1000-2000
+- name: ens5
+ vniRange: 2000-3000
+ ipvlan: internal
+ flannel: flannel
--- /dev/null
+# erroneous TenantConfig with one host_device, and malformed networkIds which is missing the networkType from the networkType: networkId mapping
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantConfig
+ name: tconf-invalid-07
+- name: ens4
+ vniType: vlan
+ vniRange: 1000-2000
+ : flannel
--- /dev/null
+# erroneous TenantConfig with one host_device, and malformed networkIds which is missing the networkId from the networkType: networkId mapping
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantConfig
+ name: tconf-invalid-08
+- name: ens4
+ vniType: vlan
+ vniRange: 1000-2000
+ flannel:
--- /dev/null
+# erroneous TenantConfig with one host_device, and malformed networkIds where the networkId is longer than the allowed length for networkId (longer than 11)
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantConfig
+ name: tconf-invalid-09
+- name: ens4
+ vniType: vlan
+ vniRange: 1000-2000
+ ipvlan: twelve-chars
--- /dev/null
+name: tenantconfig-test
+version: 1.0.0
+description: test chart for valid TenantConfig manifests
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# TenantConfig with one host_device, without vniType & vniRange, and no networkType: networkId mapping
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantConfig
+ name: tconf-01
+- name: {{ .Values.infra_ext_if }}
--- /dev/null
+# TenantConfig with one host_device without vniType & vniRange, with networkType: networkId mapping
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantConfig
+ name: tconf-02
+- name: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ ipvlan: internal
--- /dev/null
+# TenantConfig with one host_device with vniType & vniRange, without networkType: networkId mapping
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantConfig
+ name: tconf-03
+- name: {{ .Values.infra_ext_if }}
+ vniType: vlan
+ vniRange: 1000-2000
--- /dev/null
+# TenantConfig with one host_device with vniType and vniRange, and with one networkType: networkId mapping
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantConfig
+ name: tconf-04
+- name: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ vniType: vlan
+ vniRange: 1000-2000
+ flannel: flannel
--- /dev/null
+# TenantConfig with multiple hostDevices without vniType and vniRange, and without networkType: networkId mapping for networkIds
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantConfig
+ name: tconf-05
+- name: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+- name: {{ .Values.infra_ext_if }}
+- name: {{ .Values.infra_storage_if }}
--- /dev/null
+# TenantConfig with multiple hostDevices without vniType & vniRange, and with networkType: networkId mapping for networkIds
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantConfig
+ name: tconf-06
+- name: {{ .Values.infra_ext_if }}
+- name: {{ .Values.infra_storage_if }}
+ flannel: flannel
--- /dev/null
+# TenantConfig with multiple hostDevices with/without vniType & vniRange, and no networkType: networkId mapping for networkIds
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantConfig
+ name: tconf-07
+- name: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ vniType: vlan
+ vniRange: 1000-1100
+- name: {{ .Values.infra_ext_if }}
+ vniType: vxlan
+ vniRange: 1000-2000
+- name: {{ .Values.infra_storage_if }}
+ vniType: vlan
+ vniRange: 2000-3000
--- /dev/null
+# TenantConfig with multiple hostDevices with/without vniType & vniRange, with multiple networkType: networkId mapping for networkIds
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantConfig
+ name: tconf-08
+- name: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ vniType: vlan
+ vniRange: 1000-2000
+- name: {{ .Values.infra_ext_if }}
+- name: {{ .Values.infra_storage_if }}
+ vniType: vlan
+ vniRange: 2000-3000
+ ipvlan: internal
+ flannel: flannel
--- /dev/null
+name: tenantnetwork-attach-pod1
+version: 1.0.0
+description: pods for TenantNetwork tests; static ip alloc
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-01-1
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-01", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-01-2
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-01", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-01-3
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-01", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-01-4
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-01", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: tenantnetwork-attach-pod10
+version: 1.0.0
+description: pods for TenantNetwork tests; attach with 'None' ip
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-10
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-01", "ip":"none"
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: tenantnetwork-attach-pod11
+version: 1.0.0
+description: pods for TenantNetwork tests; attach to multiple TenantNetwork-s, one of which does not exist
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-11
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-05", "ip":""
+ },
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"dummy", "ip":"dynamic"
+ },
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-06", "ip":"none"
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: tenantnetwork-attach-pod12
+version: 1.0.0
+description: pods for TenantNetwork tests; attach to multiple (3) TenantNetwork-s, static, dynamic, none ip allocation
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-12
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-05", "ip":""
+ },
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-01", "ip":"dynamic"
+ },
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-06", "ip":"none"
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: tenantnetwork-attach-pod13
+version: 1.0.0
+description: pods for TenantNetwork tests; attach to multiple networks, one of which does not exist
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-13
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-06", "ip":""
+ },
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"zsafol", "ip":"dynamic"
+ },
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-01", "ip":"none"
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: tenantnetwork-attach-pod14
+version: 1.0.0
+description: pods for TenantNetwork tests; attach to multiple (3) TenantNetwork-s, static & dynamic ip allocation
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-14
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-06", "ip":""
+ },
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-05", "ip":"dynamic"
+ },
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-01", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: tenantnetwork-attach-pod2
+version: 1.0.0
+description: pods for TenantNetwork tests; dynamic ip allocation of mostly taken ip-s; separately deployable, but 4 replicas fail during testing due to ip shortage
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-02
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 10
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-01", "ip":"dynamic"
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: tenantnetwork-attach-pod3
+version: 1.0.0
+description: pods for TenantNetwork tests; static ip allocation of taken ip-s - fails
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-03-1
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-01", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-03-2
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-01", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-03-3
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-01", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-03-4
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-01", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ nodeSelector:
+ nodename: caas_master1
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: tenantnetwork-attach-pod4
+version: 1.0.0
+description: pods for TenantNetwork tests; dynamic ip allocation for non-default namespaced Deployment+TenantNetwork
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-04
+ namespace: kube-system
+ replicas: 5
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-02", "ip":"dynamic"
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: tenantnetwork-attach-pod5
+version: 1.0.0
+description: pods for TenantNetwork tests; ip allocation from outside CIDR - fails
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-05
+ namespace: kube-system
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-02", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: tenantnetwork-attach-pod6
+version: 1.0.0
+description: pods for TenantNetwork tests; no CIDR, no allocation_pool, static/dynamic ip alloc fails
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-06-01
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 3
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-07", "ip":"dynamic"
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-06-02
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-07", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: tenantnetwork-attach-pod7
+version: 1.0.0
+description: pods for TenantNetwork tests; multiple TenantNetwork-s (flannel+ipvlan)
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-07
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 5
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-04", "ip":"dynamic"
+ },
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-03", "ip":"dynamic", "ip6":"dynamic"
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["sleep", "6000"]
--- /dev/null
+name: tenantnetwork-attach-pod8
+version: 1.0.0
+description: pods for TenantNetwork tests; check if service is reachable with flannel (static ip included in flannel cidr)
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-08
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ name: tennet-pod-08
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-04", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "sh", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["echo -e 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK \n\nOK'>/tmp/temp; nc -l -p 4242 < /tmp/temp; sleep 6000"]
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Service
+ labels:
+ name: tennet-pod-08
+ name: tennet-pod-08
+ namespace: default
+ ports:
+ - name: tennet-pod-08
+ port: 4242
+ protocol: TCP
+ selector:
+ name: tennet-pod-08
--- /dev/null
+name: tenantnetwork-attach-pod9
+version: 1.0.0
+description: pods for TenantNetwork tests; flannel with static ip allocation outside flannel CIDR, which is ignored, and dynamic alloc
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-09-01
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ name: tennet-pod-09
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-04", "ip":""
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "sh", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["echo -e 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK \n\nOK'>/tmp/temp; nc -l -p 4141 < /tmp/temp; sleep 6000"]
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: tennet-pod-09-02
+ namespace: default
+ replicas: 1
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: alpine
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ name: tennet-pod-09
+ app: alpine
+ annotations:
+ danm.k8s.io/interfaces: |
+ [
+ {
+ "tenantNetwork":"tennet-attach-04", "ip":"dynamic"
+ }
+ ]
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: alpine
+ image: {{ .Values.registry_url }}:5555/caas/alpine_test:latest
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ command: ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "-c", "sh", "-c", "--"]
+ args: ["echo -e 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK \n\nOK'>/tmp/temp; nc -l -p 4141 < /tmp/temp; sleep 6000"]
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Service
+ labels:
+ name: tennet-pod-09
+ name: tennet-pod-09
+ namespace: default
+ ports:
+ - name: tennet-pod-09
+ port: 4141
+ protocol: TCP
+ selector:
+ name: tennet-pod-09
--- /dev/null
+name: tenantnetwork-attach-test
+version: 1.0.0
+description: tenantnetwork manifests for testing network attach
--- /dev/null
+# valid TenantNetwork manifest with valid ipv4 CIDR notation, no routes, no allocation_pool
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-attach-01
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: tnet01
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ container_prefix: tnet_
+ rt_tables: 100
+ cidr:
+ routes:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+# valid TenantNetwork manifest with valid ipv4 CIDR notation, valid route, and no allocation_pool
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-attach-02
+ namespace: kube-system
+ NetworkID: tnet02
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ routes:
--- /dev/null
+# valid TenantNetwork manifest with both ipv4 and ipv6 CIDR notation without any routes and no allocation_pool
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-attach-03
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: tnet03
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ container_prefix: tnet03
+ cidr:
+ net6: 2001:db8::/45
--- /dev/null
+# valid TenantNetwork manifest with valid ipv4 and ipv6 CIDR notation, and with valid routes for both ipv4 and ipv6; no allocation_pool
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-attach-04
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: flannel
+ NetworkType: flannel
--- /dev/null
+# valid TenantNetwork manifest with valid ipv4 and ipv6 notation, and with allocation_pool; no routes
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-attach-05
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: tnet05
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ container_prefix: tnet5_
+ rt_tables: 200
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ net6: 2001:db8::/45
--- /dev/null
+# valid TenantNetwork manifest with valid ipv4 and ipv6 notation, and with allocation_pool; with ipv4 and ipv6 routes
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-attach-06
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: tnet06
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ net6: 2001:db8::/45
--- /dev/null
+# valid TenantNetwork manifest with valid ipv4 and ipv6 notation, and with allocation_pool; with ipv4 and ipv6 routes
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-attach-07
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: tnet07
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
--- /dev/null
+name: tenantnetwork-test-error
+version: 1.0.0
+description: test chart for invalid TenantNetwork manifests
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# invalid TenantNetwork manifest with incorrect ipv4 CIDR notation
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-invalid-01
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: internal
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
+ cidr:
--- /dev/null
+# invalid TenantNetwork manifest with incorrect ipv6 CIDR notation
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-invalid-02
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: internal
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
+ net6: ffff::ff::2::/64
--- /dev/null
+# invalid TenantNetwork manifest with invalid ipv4 route
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-invalid-03-01
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: internal
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
+ cidr:
+ routes:
--- /dev/null
+# invalid TenantNetwork manifest with invalid ipv4 route
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-invalid-03-02
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: internal
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
+ cidr:
+ routes:
--- /dev/null
+# invalid TenantNetwork manifest with incorrect ipv6 route
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-invalid-04-01
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: internal
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens4
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
+ net6: 2001:db8::/45
+ routes6:
+ 2001:db8::/45: 2001:db8::1::2
--- /dev/null
+# invalid TenantNetwork manifest with incorrect ipv6 route
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-invalid-04-02
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: internal
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens4
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
+ net6: 2001:db8::/45
+ routes6:
+ 1abc:db8::/45: 1002:ac81:1::1
--- /dev/null
+# invalid TenantNetwork manifest with manually defined Alloc
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-invalid-05
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: internal
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
--- /dev/null
+# invalid TenantNetwork manifest with allocation_pool defined without ipv4 CIDR
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-invalid-06
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: internal
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens4
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+# invalid TenantNetwork manifest where allocation_pool.end is defined to be smaller than allocation_pool.start
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-invalid-07-01
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: internal
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+# invalid TenantNetwork manifest where allocation_pool.end is defined to be smaller than allocation_pool.start
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-invalid-07-02
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: internal
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+# invalid TenantNetwork manifest with NetworkID that is longer than 11 characters
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-invalid-08
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: twelve-chars
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+# invalid TenantNetwork manifest with AllowedTenants defined
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-invalid-09
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: internal
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ AllowedTenants:
+ - default
+ - kube-system
+ - kube-public
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+# invalid TenantNetwork manifest with vlan provided
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-invalid-10
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: internal
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
+ vlan: 700
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+# invalid TenantNetwork manifest with vxlan defined
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-invalid-11
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: internal
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: ens3
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
+ vxlan: 1000
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
--- /dev/null
+name: tenantnetwork-test
+version: 1.0.0
+description: test chart for valid TenantNetwork manifests
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# valid TenantNetwork manifest with valid ipv4 CIDR notation, no routes, no allocation_pool
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-01
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: tnet01
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_ext_if }}
+ cidr:
--- /dev/null
+# valid TenantNetwork manifest with valid ipv4 CIDR notation, valid route, and no allocation_pool
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-02
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: tnet02
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
+ cidr:
+ routes:
--- /dev/null
+# valid TenantNetwork manifest with both ipv4 and ipv6 CIDR notation without any routes and no allocation_pool
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-03
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: tnet03
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ container_prefix: int
+ cidr:
+ net6: 2001:db8::/45
--- /dev/null
+# valid TenantNetwork manifest with valid ipv4 and ipv6 CIDR notation, and with valid routes for both ipv4 and ipv6; no allocation_pool
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-04
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: tnet04
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_storage_if }}
+ container_prefix: int
+ cidr:
+ net6: 2001:db8::/45
+ routes:
+ routes6:
+ 2001:db9::/45: 2001:db8:4::1
--- /dev/null
+# valid TenantNetwork manifest with valid ipv4 and ipv6 notation, and with allocation_pool; no routes
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-05
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: tnet05
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ net6: 2001:db8::/45
--- /dev/null
+# valid TenantNetwork manifest with valid ipv4 and ipv6 notation, and with allocation_pool; with ipv4 and ipv6 routes
+apiVersion: danm.k8s.io/v1
+kind: TenantNetwork
+ name: tennet-06
+ namespace: default
+ NetworkID: tnet06
+ NetworkType: ipvlan
+ Options:
+ host_device: {{ .Values.infra_int_if }}
+ container_prefix: int
+ rt_tables: 200
+ cidr:
+ allocation_pool:
+ start:
+ end:
+ net6: 2001:db8::/45
+ routes:
+ routes6:
+ 2001:db8::/45: 2001:db8:1::1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+FROM alpine:3.7
+RUN apk update \
+ && apk upgrade \
+ && apk add dumb-init \
+ && rm -rf /var/cache/apk
--- /dev/null
+FROM busybox:1.28.4
--- /dev/null
+FROM alpine:3.7
+MAINTAINER Tamas Kopcso <tamas.kopcso@nokia.com>
+RUN apk update
+RUN apk add python
+RUN apk add py-pip
+RUN pip install requests
+RUN mkdir /etc/http_traffic_gen
+COPY http_traffic_gen.py /etc/http_traffic_gen/http_traffic_gen.py
+CMD ["python", "/etc/http_traffic_gen/http_traffic_gen.py"]
--- /dev/null
+import thread
+import time
+import traceback
+import requests
+URL = "http://podinfo.kube-system.svc.rec.io:9898"
+LOCATION = "nokia"
+PARAMS = {'address': LOCATION}
+DELTA = 0.01
+def worker():
+ for _ in range(0, 1000):
+ time.sleep(DELTA)
+ requests.get(url=URL, params=PARAMS)
+ for x in range(0, 3):
+ thread.start_new_thread(worker, ("Thread-" + str(x), ))
+except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
--- /dev/null
+FROM python:3.6-alpine
+COPY ./textgen.py ./
+CMD ["python3","textgen.py"]
--- /dev/null
+import random
+import string
+import os
+import time
+# Configure script based on environment variables
+PS = int(os.environ.get("STRPS", 10))
+LEN = int(os.environ.get("STRLEN", 200))
+SPREAD = int(os.environ.get("SPREAD", 10))
+i = 0
+T = time.time()
+while True:
+ GENLEN = int((LEN-13)*(1-((random.randint(0, SPREAD*2)-SPREAD)/200)))
+ print ("Rate=", RATE, ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + " " +
+ " " + " ") for _ in range(GENLEN)))
+ time.sleep(1 / TPS)
+ i = i+1
+ if i >= PS / 2:
+ i = 0
+ t2 = time.time()
+ RATE = round(((PS / 2) / (t2 - T)), 2)
+ T = t2
--- /dev/null
+FROM php:5.6.36-apache-stretch
+ADD index.php /var/www/html/index.php
+RUN chmod a+rx index.php
--- /dev/null
+ $x = 0.0001;
+ for ($i = 0; $i <= 1000000; $i++) {
+ $x += sqrt($x);
+ }
+ echo "OK!";
--- /dev/null
+FROM stefanprodan/podinfo:1.4.2
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+import os
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../libraries/common'))
+from decorators_for_robot_functionalities import * # noqa
+import common_utils # noqa
+from test_constants import * # noqa
+execute = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')
+stack_infos = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('stack_infos')
+def Custom_HPA_check():
+ steps = ['step1_check_initial_replica_count_custom',
+ 'step2_check_scale_out_custom',
+ 'step3_check_scale_in_custom']
+ BuiltIn().run_keyword("Custom_HPA_check.setup")
+ common_utils.keyword_runner(steps)
+GET_POD_REPLICA_COUNT = "kubectl get hpa --namespace=kube-system | grep podinfo | awk '{print $6}'"
+def setup():
+ # flags = ["--horizontal-pod-autoscaler-downscale-stabilization=10s", "--horizontal-pod-autoscaler-sync-period=10s"]
+ # common_utils.modify_static_pod_config(common_utils.add_flag_to_command, "cm.yml", flags)
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/custom-metrics", release_name="podinfo",
+ values="registry_url={reg_url}".format(reg_url=reg))
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=podinfo_pod,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_available,
+ additional_filter="Running",
+ timeout=90)
+def step1_check_initial_replica_count_custom():
+ expected_initial_replica_num = 2
+ timeout = 1000
+ check_scaling(expected_initial_replica_num, timeout)
+def step2_check_scale_out_custom():
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/http-traffic-gen", release_name="http-traffic-gen",
+ values="registry_url={reg_url}".format(reg_url=reg))
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=http_traffic_gen,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_available,
+ additional_filter="Running",
+ timeout=45)
+ expected_replicas = 3
+ timeout = 1000
+ check_scaling(expected_replicas, timeout)
+def step3_check_scale_in_custom():
+ expected_replicas = 2
+ timeout = 1000
+ check_scaling(expected_replicas, timeout)
+def check_scaling(expected_replicas, timeout=60):
+ for _ in range(timeout):
+ BuiltIn().sleep('1s')
+ actual_replicas = int(execute.execute_unix_command(GET_POD_REPLICA_COUNT))
+ if actual_replicas == expected_replicas:
+ break
+ BuiltIn().should_be_equal(actual_replicas, expected_replicas)
--- /dev/null
+import sys\r
+import os\r
+import time\r
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../libraries/common'))\r
+from datetime import datetime # noqa\r
+from datetime import timedelta # noqa\r
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn # noqa\r
+from robot.api import logger # noqa\r
+import common_utils # noqa\r
+from decorators_for_robot_functionalities import * # noqa\r
+from test_constants import * # noqa\r
+execute = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')\r
+stack_infos = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('stack_infos')\r
+def HPA_check():\r
+ steps = ['step1_check_initial_replica_count',\r
+ 'step2_check_scale_out',\r
+ 'step3_check_scale_in']\r
+ BuiltIn().run_keyword("HPA_check.setup")\r
+ common_utils.keyword_runner(steps)\r
+def setup():\r
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/php-apache", release_name="crf01",\r
+ values="registry_url={reg_url}".format(reg_url=reg))\r
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=php_apache_pod,\r
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_available,\r
+ additional_filter="Running",\r
+ timeout=90)\r
+ flags = ["--horizontal-pod-autoscaler-downscale-stabilization=10s", "--horizontal-pod-autoscaler-sync-period=10s"]\r
+ common_utils.modify_static_pod_config(common_utils.add_flag_to_command, "cm.yml", flags)\r
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/load-generator-for-apache", release_name="load")\r
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=load_generator_for_apache,\r
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_available,\r
+ additional_filter="Running",\r
+ timeout=60)\r
+def step1_check_initial_replica_count():\r
+ time.sleep(5)\r
+ replica_count = int(\r
+ execute.execute_unix_command("kubectl get hpa | grep php-apache-hpa | awk '{print $6}'"))\r
+ if replica_count == 1:\r
+ logger.info("number of php apache pod is 1")\r
+ else:\r
+ raise Exception("Expected initial replica count is not correct: expected: 1, got: " + str(replica_count))\r
+def step2_check_scale_out():\r
+ check_scaling(expected_replicas="2", timeout=360)\r
+def step3_check_scale_in():\r
+ check_scaling(expected_replicas="1", timeout=480)\r
+def check_scaling(expected_replicas, timeout):\r
+ wait_until = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=timeout)\r
+ actual_replicas = execute.execute_unix_command("kubectl get hpa | grep php-apache-hpa | awk '{print $6}'")\r
+ while actual_replicas != expected_replicas:\r
+ time.sleep(5)\r
+ actual_replicas = execute.execute_unix_command("kubectl get hpa | grep php-apache-hpa | awk '{print $6}'")\r
+ if actual_replicas == expected_replicas:\r
+ logger.info("number of php apache pod is " + expected_replicas + ", scale out was successful")\r
+ elif wait_until < datetime.now():\r
+ raise Exception("Scaling did not happen in " + str(timeout) + " seconds, expected replica count is " +\r
+ expected_replicas + ", got " + actual_replicas)\r
--- /dev/null
+from robot.api import logger
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+from decorators_for_robot_functionalities import *
+import sys
+import os
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../libraries/common'))
+from test_constants import * # noqa
+import common_utils # noqa
+ex = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')
+STACK_INFOS = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('stack_infos')
+def tc_002_pod_health_check():
+ steps = ['step1_check_componentstatus',
+ 'step2_check_kubelet_is_running',
+ 'step3_check_apiserver_is_running',
+ 'step4_check_all_kubernetes_pod',
+ 'step5_check_services_with_systemctl']
+ common_utils.keyword_runner(steps)
+def step1_check_componentstatus():
+ stdout = ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl get componentstatus -o json | jq .items[].conditions[].type")
+ logger.console('\n')
+ for line in stdout.split('\n'):
+ if "Healthy" in line:
+ logger.console(line)
+ else:
+ raise Exception(line)
+def check_container_is_running(name, nodes):
+ for key in nodes:
+ stdout = ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_user("docker ps --filter status=running --filter name=" + name +
+ " | grep -v pause | grep " + name + " | wc -l ", nodes[key])
+ if stdout == '1':
+ logger.console("\n" + name + " container is running on node " + key + ".")
+ else:
+ stdout = ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_user("docker ps | grep -v pause | grep " + name, nodes[key])
+ raise Exception(name + "container is NOT running on node " + key + "\n" + stdout)
+def check_program_is_running(name, nodes):
+ for key in nodes:
+ stdout = ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_user("ps -aux | grep '" + name + "' | grep -v 'color' | wc -l ",
+ nodes[key])
+ if stdout == '1':
+ logger.console("\n" + name + " is running on node " + key + ".")
+ else:
+ stdout = ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_user("ps -aux | grep '" + name + "' | grep -v 'color'",
+ nodes[key])
+ raise Exception(name + " is NOT running on node " + key + "\n" + stdout)
+def step2_check_kubelet_is_running():
+ all_nodes = STACK_INFOS.get_all_nodes()
+ check_program_is_running("/kubelet ", all_nodes)
+ check_program_is_running("/kubelet_healthcheck.sh", all_nodes)
+def step3_check_apiserver_is_running():
+ crf_nodes = STACK_INFOS.get_crf_nodes()
+ check_container_is_running("kube-apiserver", crf_nodes)
+def step4_check_all_kubernetes_pod():
+ LOG_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+ command = "kubectl get po -n kube-system | tail -n +2 | grep -vP 'Running"
+ for pod in pods_skipped:
+ command += '|'+pod
+ command += "'"
+ stdout = ex.execute_unix_command(command, fail_on_non_zero_rc=False, skip_prompt_in_command_output=True)[0]
+ if not stdout:
+ logger.console("\nAll kubernetes PODs are running.")
+ return
+ for line in stdout.split("\n"):
+ line = line.split()
+ command = "kubectl logs --namespace " + line[0] + " " + line[1]
+ filename = "tc004_step1_" + line[1] + ".log"
+ common_utils.gather_logs(command, filename, LOG_DIR)
+ raise Exception(stdout)
+def step5_check_services_with_systemctl():
+ all_nodes = STACK_INFOS.get_all_nodes()
+ command = "systemctl status | grep -E 'State: running|Jobs: 0 queued|Failed: 0 units' | grep -v grep"
+ for key in all_nodes:
+ logger.console(key)
+ stdout = "\nsystemctl status output:\n" + ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_user(command, all_nodes[key])
+ if all(x in stdout for x in ["State: running", "Jobs: 0 queued", "Failed: 0 units"]):
+ logger.console(stdout)
+ else:
+ # cat is needed here to remove the coloring of the systemctl for the robot logs
+ failedservices = ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_user("systemctl --failed | cat", all_nodes[key])
+ # TODO: cloud-final.service fails with unknown reason
+ if any(service in failedservices for service in services_skipped):
+ stdout = stdout + "\n" + ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_user("systemctl --failed | cat",
+ all_nodes[key])
+ logger.console(stdout)
+ else:
+ stdout = stdout + "\n" + ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_user("systemctl --failed | cat",
+ all_nodes[key])
+ raise Exception(stdout)
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+import os
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+from robot.api import logger
+from test_constants import *
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../libraries/common'))
+import common_utils # noqa
+ex = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')
+stack_infos = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('stack_infos')
+crf_nodes = stack_infos.get_crf_nodes()
+all_nodes = stack_infos.get_all_nodes()
+temp_image_tag = 'test'
+def tc_003_test_registry():
+ steps = ['step_1_test_registry']
+ common_utils.keyword_runner(steps)
+def step_1_test_registry():
+ docker_img_tag_command = "docker images | grep {0} | awk '{{ print $2 }}' | head -n1".format(test_image)
+ image_tag = ex.execute_unix_command(docker_img_tag_command).strip()
+ image = reg + ':' + reg_port + '/' + reg_path + '/' + test_image + ':' + image_tag
+ command = 'docker rmi ' + image + '; docker pull ' + image + '; docker push ' + image
+ logger.console("")
+ for key in all_nodes:
+ ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root(command, all_nodes[key], delay="30s",)
+ logger.console(key + ": registry reachable.")
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+import os
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+from robot.api import logger
+import common_utils
+from test_constants import *
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../libraries/common'))
+ex = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')
+stack_infos = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('stack_infos')
+def tc_004_ssh_file_check():
+ steps = ['step1_openstack_file_check_on_crf_nodes']
+ common_utils.keyword_runner(steps)
+def step1_openstack_file_check_on_crf_nodes():
+ check_file(stack_infos.get_crf_nodes(), '/etc/userconfig/', crf_node_openstack_file_types)
+def check_file(nodes, folder, files):
+ if not nodes:
+ logger.info("Nodes dictionary is empty, nothing to check.")
+ return
+ for key in nodes:
+ logger.console("\n" + key + " " + nodes[key])
+ for f in files:
+ full_file_path = folder + f
+ command = 'ls ' + full_file_path + ' | wc -l'
+ stdout = ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_user(command, nodes[key])
+ if stdout == "1":
+ logger.console(full_file_path + " exists.")
+ else:
+ raise Exception(full_file_path + " not exists !")
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+import os
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+from robot.api import logger
+import common_utils
+from test_constants import *
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../libraries/common'))
+ex = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')
+crf_nodes = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('stack_infos').get_crf_nodes()
+def tc_005_ssh_dns_server_check():
+ steps = ['step1_check_dns_server_replica_num_within_limits',
+ 'step2_dns_server_port_check',
+ 'step3_check_address_resolution']
+ common_utils.keyword_runner(steps)
+def step1_check_dns_server_replica_num_within_limits():
+ command = "kubectl get daemonset kube-dns --namespace=kube-system | grep kube-dns | awk {'print $5'}"
+ available_dns_replica_num = int(ex.execute_unix_command(command))
+ if available_dns_replica_num < min_dns_replica:
+ raise Exception(available_dns_replica_num + "DNS server is running! Minimum should be " + min_dns_replica + ".")
+ if available_dns_replica_num > max_dns_replica:
+ raise Exception(available_dns_replica_num + "DNS server is running! Maximum should be " + max_dns_replica + ".")
+def step2_dns_server_port_check():
+ nodes = get_nodes_containing_dns_servers()
+ check_program_listening_on_given_port_protocol_on_remote(nodes, 'dnsmasq', 'tcp', dns_masq_port)
+ check_program_listening_on_given_port_protocol_on_remote(nodes, 'kube-dns', 'tcp6', kube_dns_port)
+def step3_check_address_resolution():
+ ex.execute_unix_command("getent hosts " + test_address1)
+ ex.execute_unix_command("getent hosts " + test_address2)
+ logger.console("Addresses are resolved successfully")
+def get_nodes_containing_dns_servers():
+ dns_nodes = {}
+ logger.console("")
+ for name, ip in crf_nodes.items():
+ command = 'docker ps | grep dnsmasq | wc -l'
+ stdout = int(ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_user(command, ip))
+ if stdout == 1:
+ logger.console('DNS server running on ' + name + ':' + ip)
+ dns_nodes[name] = ip
+ if stdout > 1:
+ raise Exception('Instead of one, ' + str(stdout) + ' DNS server running on node: ' + name + '!')
+ return dns_nodes
+def check_program_listening_on_given_port_protocol_on_remote(nodes, pname, proto, port):
+ command = 'netstat -lopna | grep --color=no -P "' + proto + ' .*:' + port + '.*LISTEN.*"' + pname
+ for name, ip in nodes.items():
+ stdout = ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root(command, ip)
+ logger.console(name + ':' + stdout)
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+import os
+from decorators_for_robot_functionalities import *
+from robot.api import logger
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+from test_constants import *
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../libraries/common'))
+import common_utils # noqa
+ex = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')
+stack_infos = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('stack_infos')
+def tc_006_ssh_test_ext_ntp():
+ steps = ['step1_check_ntpd_service_and_ext_ntp_ip_on_crf_nodes']
+ common_utils.keyword_runner(steps)
+def step1_check_ntpd_service_and_ext_ntp_ip_on_crf_nodes():
+ crf_nodes = stack_infos.get_crf_nodes()
+ check_ntpd_status(crf_nodes)
+ check_if_nokia_ntp_server_address_set_on_crf_node(crf_nodes)
+def check_ntpd_status(nodes):
+ if not nodes:
+ logger.info("Nodes dictionary is empty, nothing to check.")
+ return
+ command = 'systemctl status ntpd.service | grep --color=no "Active"'
+ for node in nodes:
+ logger.console("\nCheck ntpd status " + node + " " + nodes[node])
+ stdout = ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_user(command, nodes[node])
+ if "running" not in stdout:
+ raise Exception("ntpd.service is not running!")
+def get_ext_ntp_ips_from_node():
+ return stack_infos.get_inventory()["all"]["vars"]["time"]["ntp_servers"]
+def filter_valid_ntp_servers(ntp_servers):
+ valid_servers = []
+ for server in ntp_servers:
+ stdout = ex.execute_unix_command("ntpdate -q {}".format(server), fail_on_non_zero_rc=False)
+ if "no server suitable for synchronization found" not in stdout:
+ valid_servers.append(server)
+ return valid_servers
+def is_ntp_server_set_on_node(server_ip, node):
+ command = 'ntpq -pn | grep -w --color=no ' + server_ip
+ stdout = ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_user(command, node, {}, fail_on_non_zero_rc=False)
+ return server_ip in str(stdout)
+def check_if_nokia_ntp_server_address_set_on_crf_node(nodes):
+ ext_ntp_server_ips = get_ext_ntp_ips_from_node()
+ valid_servers = filter_valid_ntp_servers(ext_ntp_server_ips)
+ logger.info("The following ntp_servers will be tested:")
+ logger.info(valid_servers)
+ is_ip_set = True
+ for node in nodes:
+ for ntp_serv_ip in valid_servers:
+ if not is_ntp_server_set_on_node(ntp_serv_ip, node):
+ is_ip_set = False
+ if not is_ip_set:
+ raise Exception("Wrong or no NTP server address set!")
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+import os
+from robot.api import logger
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+from test_constants import *
+import common_utils
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../libraries/common'))
+ex = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')
+stack_infos = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('stack_infos')
+def tc_007_ssh_test_overlay_quota():
+ steps = ['step1_check_storage_driver_and_quota_setting',
+ 'step2_check_copy_files']
+ common_utils.keyword_runner(steps)
+def step1_check_storage_driver_and_quota_setting():
+ logger.info("step1: check size of all container")
+ command = r"ps -eaf | grep --color=no dockerd | grep --color=no " \
+ r"'\-\-storage-driver overlay2 \-\-storage-opt overlay2.size='" + docker_size_quota
+ nodes = stack_infos.get_all_nodes()
+ for node in nodes:
+ logger.info("\nchecking docker daemon settings on " + node + " : " + nodes[node])
+ ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root(command, nodes[node])
+def get_containerid_of_flannel_from_node(nodeIp):
+ return ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root("docker ps | grep flanneld | cut -d ' ' -f1", nodeIp)
+def allocate_file_on_node(nodeIp, size, test_file):
+ command = "fallocate -l " + size + " /var/lib/docker/" + test_file
+ return ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root(command, nodeIp)
+def copy_file_to_container(nodeIp, containerId, actual_file):
+ command = "docker cp " + actual_file + " " + containerId + ":/"
+ return ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root(command, nodeIp, delay="120s")
+def delete_files_from_container(nodeIp, containerId, listOfFiles):
+ command = "docker exec -ti " + containerId + " rm -f /"
+ for file in listOfFiles:
+ ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root(command + file, nodeIp)
+def delete_files_from_node(nodeIp, listOfFiles):
+ command = "rm -f "
+ for f in listOfFiles:
+ ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root(command + '/var/lib/docker/' + f, nodeIp)
+def test_copy_file(nodeIp, fileSize, fileName, containerId):
+ allocate_file_on_node(nodeIp, fileSize, fileName)
+ copy_file_to_container(nodeIp, containerId, "/var/lib/docker/" + fileName)
+def step2_check_copy_files():
+ crfNodes = stack_infos.get_crf_nodes()
+ nodeIp = crfNodes.values()[0]
+ if not nodeIp:
+ raise Exception("controller-1 internal ip address is not available!")
+ containerId = get_containerid_of_flannel_from_node(nodeIp)
+ listOfFiles = ["tmp_file", "tiny_file"]
+ file_size = str(int(docker_size_quota[:-1]) * 1024 - 5) + 'M'
+ logger.info("step2: copy a smaller file than overlay quota to flannel.")
+ test_copy_file(nodeIp, file_size, listOfFiles[0], containerId)
+ logger.info("step2: copy 10 Mbytes file to flannel container. It should fail!")
+ try:
+ test_copy_file(nodeIp, "10M", listOfFiles[1], containerId)
+ except Exception as e:
+ if "no space left on device" not in str(e):
+ raise e
+ logger.info("file can't be copied to container as expected")
+ delete_files_from_container(nodeIp, containerId, listOfFiles)
+ delete_files_from_node(nodeIp, listOfFiles)
--- /dev/null
+import sys\r
+import os\r
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn\r
+from robot.api import logger\r
+from decorators_for_robot_functionalities import *\r
+from test_constants import *\r
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../libraries/common'))\r
+import common_utils # noqa\r
+pabot = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('pabot.PabotLib')\r
+execute = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')\r
+stack_infos = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('stack_infos')\r
+pv_name = ""\r
+def tc_008_storage_check():\r
+ steps = ['step1_read_write_pv',\r
+ 'step2_check_pv_retaining',\r
+ 'step3_read_write_pv']\r
+ BuiltIn().run_keyword("tc_008_storage_check.Setup")\r
+ common_utils.keyword_runner(steps)\r
+def Setup():\r
+ pabot.acquire_lock("pv_test_ip")\r
+ install_charts()\r
+def step1_read_write_pv():\r
+ read_write_pv("step1.log")\r
+def step2_check_pv_retaining():\r
+ common_utils.helm_delete("storage-test")\r
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=pv_test_pod,\r
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,\r
+ timeout=90)\r
+ _install_storage_test_helm_chart()\r
+ pabot.release_lock("pv_test_ip")\r
+def step3_read_write_pv():\r
+ read_write_pv("step3.log")\r
+def read_write_pv(file_name):\r
+ pod_list = execute.execute_unix_command("kubectl get pod | grep pv-test-deployment | grep -i running | "\r
+ "awk '{print $1}'")\r
+ # write log on persistent storage from pods\r
+ for pod in pod_list.split("\n"):\r
+ pod = pod.strip()\r
+ logger.info("POD NAME: " + pod)\r
+ execute.execute_unix_command(\r
+ "kubectl exec " + pod + " -- sh -c 'echo test_log_" + pod + " >> /usr/share/storage_test/" + file_name +\r
+ "'")\r
+ # check if logs can be reached from containers\r
+ for pod in pod_list.split("\n"):\r
+ pod = pod.strip()\r
+ log = execute.execute_unix_command(\r
+ "kubectl exec " + pod + " -- sh -c 'cat /usr/share/storage_test/" + file_name + "'")\r
+ for pod_log in pod_list.split("\n"):\r
+ pod_log = pod_log.strip()\r
+ if pod_log not in log:\r
+ raise Exception("Log entry: test_log_" + pod_log + " is not found in log file")\r
+def install_charts():\r
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/persistentvolume-claim", release_name="pvc")\r
+ common_utils.wait_if_pressure()\r
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=pv_test_pvc,\r
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_available,\r
+ additional_filter="Bound", timeout=90)\r
+ _install_storage_test_helm_chart()\r
+ global pv_name # pylint: disable=global-statement\r
+ pv_name = execute.execute_unix_command("kubectl get pvc | grep pvc- | awk {'print$3'}")\r
+def _install_storage_test_helm_chart():\r
+ if stack_infos.get_worker_nodes():\r
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/storage-test-worker", release_name="storage-test")\r
+ else:\r
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/storage-test-oam", release_name="storage-test")\r
+ common_utils.wait_if_pressure()\r
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=pv_test_pod,\r
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_available,\r
+ additional_filter="Running", timeout=60)\r
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+from robot.libraries.String import String
+from robot.api import logger
+from decorators_for_robot_functionalities import *
+from time import sleep
+from test_constants import *
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../libraries/common'))
+import common_utils # noqa
+ex = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')
+cpupools = {}
+def tc_001_cpu_pool_validation_tests():
+ steps = [
+ 'step1_check_default_pool_cpu_node_capacity',
+ 'step2_exclusive_and_shared',
+ 'step3_annotation_without_requests',
+ 'step4_annotation_without_container',
+ 'step5_annotation_without_cpus',
+ 'step6_request_for_default_pool',
+ 'step7_pod_use_default_pool_guaranteed',
+ 'step8_pod_use_default_pool_burstable',
+ 'step9_1_exclusive_1_shared',
+ 'step10_cpu_allowed_list_set_after_test_pod_deployed'
+ ]
+ BuiltIn().run_keyword("tc_001_cpu_pool_validation_tests.Setup")
+ common_utils.keyword_runner(steps)
+def Setup():
+ global cpupools, nodename
+ nodename = common_utils.decide_nodename()
+ cpupools = common_utils.get_cpupools()
+ logger.info("CPU pools: " + str(cpupools))
+ logger.info("Default nodename to deploy: " + nodename)
+# set lock to not run with HPA_checks tests
+def step1_check_default_pool_cpu_node_capacity():
+ node_cpu_capacity = get_node_cpu_capacity(nodename)
+ cpu_request = "{0}m".format(node_cpu_capacity)
+ try:
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-default1", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url={reg_url},nodename={node_name},cpu_request={cpu},cpu_limit={cpu}"
+ .format(reg_url=reg, node_name=nodename, cpu=cpu_request))
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod7,
+ expected_result="1",
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+ logger.info("Default pool allocation successfull with maximum allocatable cpus!")
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod7,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=60)
+ cpu_request = "{0}m".format(node_cpu_capacity + 10)
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-default1", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url={reg_url},nodename={node_name},cpu_request={cpu},cpu_limit={cpu}"
+ .format(reg_url=reg, node_name=nodename, cpu=cpu_request))
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod7,
+ expected_result="1",
+ filter=r'(Pending)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90,
+ delay=3)
+ logger.info("Default pool allocation failed with more cpu than allocatable as expected!")
+ finally:
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod7,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=60)
+def step2_exclusive_and_shared():
+ try:
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-mix2", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url={reg_url}".format(reg_url=reg))
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod6,
+ expected_result="1",
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+ allowed_cpu_for_pod = common_utils.get_cpu_allowed_list_from_pod(cpu_pooling_pod6['obj_name'])
+ requested_cpupool = cpupools[nodename]['exclusive_caas'] + cpupools[nodename]['shared_caas']
+ if not common_utils.allowed_cpus_is_in_cpu_pool(allowed_cpu_for_pod, requested_cpupool):
+ raise Exception('{pod} not allocate CPUs from {req_pool} pool!'.format(pod=cpu_pooling_pod6['obj_name'],
+ req_pool=requested_cpupool))
+ finally:
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod6,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=90)
+def step3_annotation_without_requests():
+ try:
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-annotation1", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url={reg_url}".format(reg_url=reg))
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod9,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_available,
+ timeout=30,
+ delay=3)
+ result = ex.execute_unix_command('kubectl describe replicasets {0}'.format(cpu_pooling_pod9['obj_name']))
+ error = 'Container cpu-pooling has no pool requests in pod spec'
+ if error not in result:
+ raise Exception('Replicaset description does not contain expected error! -' + result)
+ else:
+ logger.info(error)
+ finally:
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod9,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=60)
+def step4_annotation_without_container():
+ try:
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-annotation2", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url={reg_url}".format(reg_url=reg))
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod10,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_available,
+ timeout=30,
+ delay=3)
+ result = ex.execute_unix_command('kubectl describe replicasets {0}'.format(cpu_pooling_pod10['obj_name']))
+ error = "'container' is mandatory in annotation"
+ if error not in result:
+ raise Exception('Replicaset description does not contain expected error! -' + result)
+ else:
+ logger.info(error)
+ finally:
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod10,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=60)
+def step5_annotation_without_cpus():
+ try:
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-annotation3", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url={reg_url}".format(reg_url=reg))
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod11,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_available,
+ timeout=30,
+ delay=3)
+ result = ex.execute_unix_command('kubectl describe replicasets {0}'.format(cpu_pooling_pod11['obj_name']))
+ error = "'cpus' field is mandatory in annotation"
+ if error not in result:
+ raise Exception('Replicaset description does not contain expected error! -' + result)
+ else:
+ logger.info(error)
+ finally:
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod11,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=60)
+def step6_request_for_default_pool():
+ try:
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-default2", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url={reg_url}".format(reg_url=reg))
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod8,
+ expected_result="1",
+ filter=r'(Pending)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=30,
+ delay=3)
+ error = "Insufficient nokia.k8s.io/default"
+ result = ex.execute_unix_command('kubectl describe pod {podname}'.format(podname=cpu_pooling_pod8['obj_name']))
+ if error not in result:
+ raise Exception('Replicaset description does not contain expected error! -' + result)
+ else:
+ logger.info(error)
+ finally:
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod8,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=60)
+def step7_pod_use_default_pool_guaranteed():
+ try:
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-default1", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url={reg_url},nodename={node_name}".format(reg_url=reg,
+ node_name=nodename))
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod7,
+ expected_result="1",
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+ allowed_cpu_for_pod = common_utils.get_cpu_allowed_list_from_pod(cpu_pooling_pod7['obj_name'])
+ default_pool = cpupools[nodename]['default']
+ if not common_utils.allowed_cpus_is_in_cpu_pool(allowed_cpu_for_pod, default_pool):
+ raise Exception('{pod} not allocate CPU from default pool!'.format(pod=cpu_pooling_pod7['obj_name']))
+ check_qos_of_pod(cpu_pooling_pod7['obj_name'], "Guaranteed")
+ finally:
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod7,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=60)
+def step8_pod_use_default_pool_burstable():
+ memory_request = "500Mi"
+ cpu_request = "250m"
+ try:
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-default1", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url={reg_url},nodename={node_name},mem_request={mem},"
+ "cpu_request={cpu}".format(reg_url=reg, node_name=nodename, mem=memory_request,
+ cpu=cpu_request))
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod7,
+ expected_result="1",
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+ allowed_cpu_for_pod = common_utils.get_cpu_allowed_list_from_pod(cpu_pooling_pod7['obj_name'])
+ default_pool = cpupools[nodename]['default']
+ if not common_utils.allowed_cpus_is_in_cpu_pool(allowed_cpu_for_pod, default_pool):
+ raise Exception('{pod} not allocate CPU from default pool!'.format(pod=cpu_pooling_pod7['obj_name']))
+ check_qos_of_pod(cpu_pooling_pod7['obj_name'], "Burstable")
+ finally:
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod7,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=60)
+def step9_1_exclusive_1_shared():
+ try:
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-mix1", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url={reg_url},nodename={node_name}".format(reg_url=reg,
+ node_name=nodename))
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod5,
+ expected_result="1",
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+ finally:
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod5,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=90)
+def step10_cpu_allowed_list_set_after_test_pod_deployed():
+ cpu_setter_deleted = False
+ try:
+ cpu_pooling_setter["obj_count"] = ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl get pod --all-namespaces | "
+ "grep setter | wc -l")
+ ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl get ds -n kube-system cpu-setter -o yaml")
+ ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl get ds -n kube-system cpu-setter -o yaml > setter.yaml")
+ ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl delete ds -n kube-system cpu-setter")
+ cpu_setter_deleted = True
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_setter,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=90)
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-exclusive1", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url=" + reg + ",nodename=" + nodename)
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod1,
+ expected_result="1",
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+ allowed_cpus_for_pod_before = common_utils.get_cpu_allowed_list_from_pod(cpu_pooling_pod1['obj_name'])
+ ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl create -f setter.yaml")
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_setter,
+ expected_result=cpu_pooling_setter["obj_count"],
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+ cpu_setter_deleted = False
+ allowed_cpus_for_pod_after = common_utils.get_cpu_allowed_list_from_pod(cpu_pooling_pod1['obj_name'])
+ exclusive_cpus = cpupools[nodename]['exclusive_caas']
+ if not common_utils.allowed_cpus_is_in_cpu_pool(allowed_cpus_for_pod_after, exclusive_cpus):
+ raise Exception('{pod} not allocate CPU from exclusive pool!'.format(pod=cpu_pooling_pod1['obj_name']))
+ if set(allowed_cpus_for_pod_before) == set(allowed_cpus_for_pod_after):
+ raise Exception('Allocated CPUs before setter deployed is equal with CPU set after deploy!')
+ finally:
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod1,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=90)
+ setter_count = ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl get pod --all-namespaces | grep setter | wc -l")
+ if cpu_setter_deleted:
+ if setter_count != "0":
+ search_cmd = "kubectl get pod -n kube-system |grep setter | awk '{print $1}'"
+ del_cmd = "kubectl -n kube-system delete pod --grace-period=0 --force --wait=false"
+ ex.execute_unix_command("for i in `{search}`; do {delete} $i; done".format(search=search_cmd,
+ delete=del_cmd))
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_setter,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=90)
+ ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl create -f setter.yaml")
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_setter,
+ expected_result=cpu_pooling_setter["obj_count"],
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+def check_qos_of_pod(podname, qos_type):
+ command = "kubectl describe pod " \
+ "`kubectl get pod | grep {0} | awk '{{print $1}}'` | grep 'QoS Class:'".format(podname)
+ result = ex.execute_unix_command(command)
+ if qos_type not in result:
+ raise Exception("{pod} QoS should be {qos}, instead of {result}!".format(pod=podname, qos=qos_type,
+ result=result))
+def get_node_cpu_capacity(node_name):
+ command = "kubectl describe node `kubectl get no -L=nodename | grep {nodename} | awk '{{print $1}}'`"\
+ .format(nodename=node_name)
+ result = ex.execute_unix_command(command)
+ matched = re.search(r'Allocatable:(.|\n)*cpu:\s+(\d+)', result)
+ if matched:
+ max_cap = int(matched.group(2)) * 1000
+ matched = re.search(r'cpu\s+(\d+)m', result)
+ if matched:
+ return max_cap - int(matched.group(1))
+ raise Exception('Failed getting node CPU capacity!')
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+import os
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+from robot.libraries.String import String
+from robot.api import logger
+from decorators_for_robot_functionalities import *
+from time import sleep
+from test_constants import *
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../libraries/common'))
+import common_utils # noqa
+ex = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')
+cpupools = {}
+def tc_002_exclusive_pool_tests():
+ steps = [
+ 'step1_no_annotation',
+ 'step2_with_annotation',
+ 'step3_more_replicas_than_cpus',
+ 'step4_request_more_than_cpus',
+ 'step5_less_cpu_annotation_than_request',
+ 'step6_more_cpu_annotation_than_request',
+ 'step_7_allocate_all_exclusive_and_new_one_start_running_after_needed_resource_is_freed_up'
+ ]
+ BuiltIn().run_keyword("tc_002_exclusive_pool_tests.Setup")
+ common_utils.keyword_runner(steps)
+def Setup():
+ global cpupools
+ global nodename
+ nodename = common_utils.decide_nodename()
+ cpupools = common_utils.get_cpupools()
+ logger.info("CPU pools: " + str(cpupools))
+ logger.info("Default nodename to deploy: " + nodename)
+def step1_no_annotation():
+ try:
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-exclusive1", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url={reg_url},nodename={node_name}".format(reg_url=reg,
+ node_name=nodename))
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod1,
+ expected_result="1",
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+ allowed_cpu_for_pod = common_utils.get_cpu_allowed_list_from_pod(cpu_pooling_pod1['obj_name'])
+ exclusive_cpus = cpupools[nodename]['exclusive_caas']
+ if not common_utils.allowed_cpus_is_in_cpu_pool(allowed_cpu_for_pod, exclusive_cpus):
+ raise Exception('{pod} not allocate CPU from exclusive pool!'.format(pod=cpu_pooling_pod1['obj_name']))
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise e
+ finally:
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod1,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=90)
+def step2_with_annotation():
+ try:
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-exclusive2", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url={reg_url},nodename={node_name}".format(reg_url=reg,
+ node_name=nodename))
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod2,
+ expected_result="1",
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+ allowed_cpu_for_pod = common_utils.get_cpu_allowed_list_from_pod(cpu_pooling_pod2['obj_name'])
+ exclusive_cpus = cpupools[nodename]['exclusive_caas']
+ if not common_utils.allowed_cpus_is_in_cpu_pool(allowed_cpu_for_pod, exclusive_cpus):
+ raise Exception('{pod} not allocate CPU from exclusive pool!'.format(pod=cpu_pooling_pod2['obj_name']))
+ finally:
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod2,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=90)
+def step3_more_replicas_than_cpus():
+ num_of_replicas = len(cpupools[nodename]['exclusive_caas'])
+ try:
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-exclusive2", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url={reg_url},nodename={node_name},replicas={cpus}"
+ .format(reg_url=reg, cpus=num_of_replicas+1, node_name=nodename))
+ cpu_pooling_pod2['obj_count'] = str(num_of_replicas)
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod2,
+ expected_result="1",
+ filter=r'(Pending)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90,
+ delay=3)
+ result = ex.execute_unix_command('kubectl describe pod {podname}'.format(podname=cpu_pooling_pod2['obj_name']))
+ error = 'Insufficient nokia.k8s.io/exclusive_caas'
+ if error not in result:
+ raise Exception('Replicaset description does not contain expected error! -' + result)
+ else:
+ logger.info(error)
+ finally:
+ cpu_pooling_pod2['obj_count'] = "1"
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod2,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=90)
+def step4_request_more_than_cpus():
+ max_exclusive_pool_size = len(cpupools[nodename]['exclusive_caas'])
+ try:
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-exclusive2", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url={reg_url},nodename={node_name},proc_req={cpus},pool_req={cpus}"
+ .format(reg_url=reg, cpus=max_exclusive_pool_size+1, node_name=nodename))
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod2,
+ expected_result="1",
+ filter=r'(Pending)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90,
+ delay=3)
+ result = ex.execute_unix_command('kubectl describe pod {podname}'.format(podname=cpu_pooling_pod2['obj_name']))
+ error = 'Insufficient nokia.k8s.io/exclusive_caas'
+ if error not in result:
+ raise Exception('Replicaset description does not contain expected error! -' + result)
+ else:
+ logger.info(error)
+ finally:
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod2,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=90)
+def step5_less_cpu_annotation_than_request():
+ annotation_cpu = 1
+ request_cpu = 2
+ cpu_pooling_pod2['obj_type'] = 'replicaset'
+ try:
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-exclusive2", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url={url},nodename={node_name},proc_req={proc},pool_req={req}"
+ .format(url=reg, proc=annotation_cpu, req=request_cpu, node_name=nodename))
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod2,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_available,
+ timeout=10,
+ delay=3)
+ result = ex.execute_unix_command('kubectl describe replicaset {0}'.format(cpu_pooling_pod2['obj_name']))
+ error = 'Exclusive CPU requests {req} do not match to annotation {proc}'.format(req=request_cpu,
+ proc=annotation_cpu)
+ if error not in result:
+ raise Exception('Replicaset description does not contain expected error! -' + result)
+ else:
+ logger.info(error)
+ finally:
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod2,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=90)
+ cpu_pooling_pod2['obj_type'] = 'pod'
+def step6_more_cpu_annotation_than_request():
+ annotation_cpu = 2
+ request_cpu = 1
+ cpu_pooling_pod2['obj_type'] = 'replicaset'
+ try:
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-exclusive2", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url={url},nodename={node_name},proc_req={proc},pool_req={req}"
+ .format(url=reg, proc=annotation_cpu, req=request_cpu, node_name=nodename))
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod2,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_available,
+ timeout=10,
+ delay=3)
+ result = ex.execute_unix_command('kubectl describe replicaset {0}'.format(cpu_pooling_pod2['obj_name']))
+ error = 'Exclusive CPU requests {req} do not match to annotation {proc}'.format(req=request_cpu,
+ proc=annotation_cpu)
+ if error not in result:
+ raise Exception('Replicaset description does not contain expected error! -' + result)
+ else:
+ logger.info(error)
+ finally:
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod2,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=90)
+ cpu_pooling_pod2['obj_type'] = 'pod'
+def step_7_allocate_all_exclusive_and_new_one_start_running_after_needed_resource_is_freed_up():
+ max_exclusive_pool_size = len(cpupools[nodename]['exclusive_caas'])
+ try:
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-exclusive2", release_name="cpu-pooling1",
+ values="registry_url={reg_url},nodename={node_name},proc_req={cpus},pool_req={cpus}"
+ .format(reg_url=reg, cpus=max_exclusive_pool_size, node_name=nodename))
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod2,
+ expected_result="1",
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+ logger.info("Allocation of all exclusive CPU successfull!")
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-exclusive1", release_name="cpu-pooling2",
+ values="registry_url={reg_url},nodename={node_name}".format(reg_url=reg,
+ node_name=nodename))
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod1,
+ expected_result="1",
+ filter=r'(Pending)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90,
+ delay=3)
+ logger.info("Try to allocate more exclusive CPU -> Pod in Pending!")
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling1")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod2,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=90)
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod1,
+ expected_result="1",
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+ finally:
+ if common_utils.helm_list("cpu-pooling1") != "0":
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling1")
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling2")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod1,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=90)
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod2,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=90)
+def get_cpu_core_of_process(pod_name, command):
+ bash_command = "ps | grep '{proc_name}' | grep -v grep | awk '{{print $1}}'".format(proc_name=command)
+ proc_id = ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl exec `kubectl get pod | grep {0} | "
+ "awk '{{print $1}}'` -- {1}".format(pod_name, bash_command))
+ bash_command = "cat /proc/{0}/stat | awk '{{print $39}}'".format(proc_id)
+ result = ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl exec `kubectl get pod | grep {0} | "
+ "awk '{{print $1}}'` -- {1}".format(pod_name, bash_command))
+ return int(result)
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+import os
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+from robot.libraries.String import String
+from robot.api import logger
+from decorators_for_robot_functionalities import *
+from test_constants import *
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../libraries/common'))
+import common_utils # noqa
+ex = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')
+cpupools = {}
+def tc_003_exclusive_pool_tests_more_cpu():
+ steps = ['step1_with_two_process']
+ BuiltIn().run_keyword("tc_003_exclusive_pool_tests_more_cpu.Setup")
+ common_utils.keyword_runner(steps)
+def Setup():
+ global cpupools, nodename
+ nodename = common_utils.decide_nodename()
+ cpupools = common_utils.get_cpupools()
+ logger.info("CPU pools: " + str(cpupools))
+ logger.info("Default nodename to deploy: " + nodename)
+def step1_with_two_process():
+ try:
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-exclusive3", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url=" + reg + ",nodename=" + nodename)
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod3,
+ expected_result="1",
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=10)
+ exclusive_cpus = cpupools[nodename]['exclusive_caas']
+ proc1_cpu, proc2_cpu = get_cpu_core_of_processes(cpu_pooling_pod3['obj_name'], "dumb-init -c sleep 1000")
+ if proc1_cpu not in exclusive_cpus:
+ raise Exception('{pod}: Proc1 running on non exclusive cpu core {cpu}!'
+ .format(pod=cpu_pooling_pod3['obj_name'], cpu=proc1_cpu))
+ if proc2_cpu not in exclusive_cpus:
+ raise Exception('{pod}: Proc2 running on non exclusive cpu core {cpu}!'
+ .format(pod=cpu_pooling_pod3['obj_name'], cpu=proc2_cpu))
+ if proc1_cpu == proc2_cpu:
+ raise Exception('{pod}: Two processes use same cpu core: {cpu}!'
+ .format(pod=cpu_pooling_pod3['obj_name'], cpu=proc2_cpu))
+ finally:
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod3,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=60)
+def get_cpu_core_of_processes(pod_name, command):
+ cpu_list = []
+ exact_pod_name = ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl get pod | grep {0} | awk '{{print $1}}'".format(pod_name))
+ bash_command = "ps | grep '{proc_name}' | grep -v grep | awk '{{print $1}}'".format(proc_name=command)
+ proc_ids = ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl exec {0} -- {1}".format(exact_pod_name, bash_command))
+ logger.info("PROC_IDS:" + proc_ids)
+ for id in proc_ids.splitlines():
+ bash_command = "cat /proc/{0}/stat | awk '{{print $39}}'".format(id)
+ command = "kubectl exec `kubectl get pod | grep {0} | awk '{{print $1}}'` -- {1}".format(pod_name, bash_command)
+ result = ex.execute_unix_command(command)
+ logger.info("CPU for pid " + id + "is: " + result)
+ cpu_list.append(int(result))
+ if len(cpu_list) == 1:
+ return cpu_list[0]
+ elif not cpu_list:
+ return ""
+ return cpu_list
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+import os
+import time
+import yaml
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+from robot.libraries.String import String
+from robot.api import logger
+from datetime import datetime
+from datetime import timedelta
+from decorators_for_robot_functionalities import *
+from test_constants import *
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../libraries/common'))
+import common_utils # noqa
+ex = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')
+cpupools = {}
+max_shared_pool_size = 0
+def tc_004_shared_cpu_pool_tests():
+ steps = [
+ 'step1_shared_passed',
+ 'step2_shared_fail'
+ ]
+ BuiltIn().run_keyword("tc_004_shared_cpu_pool_tests.Setup")
+ common_utils.keyword_runner(steps)
+def Setup():
+ global cpupools, max_shared_pool_size, nodename
+ nodename = common_utils.decide_nodename()
+ cpupools = common_utils.get_cpupools()
+ logger.info("CPU pools: " + str(cpupools))
+ max_shared_pool_size = get_max_shared_cpus_len()
+def step1_shared_passed():
+ cpu_request = 500
+ try:
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-shared1", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url={url},pool_req={cpu_req},"
+ "nodename={node_name}".format(url=reg, cpu_req=cpu_request,
+ node_name=nodename))
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod4,
+ expected_result="1",
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+ test_pod_cpu_usage(cpu_pooling_pod4['obj_name'], 90, cpu_request)
+ check_cpu_resources(cpu_pooling_pod4['obj_name'])
+ finally:
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod4,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=60)
+def step2_shared_fail():
+ try:
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/cpu-pooling-shared1", release_name="cpu-pooling",
+ values="registry_url={reg_url},pool_req={cpus},nodename={node_name}"
+ .format(reg_url=reg, cpus=(max_shared_pool_size*1000)+100, node_name=nodename))
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod4,
+ expected_result="1",
+ filter=r'(Pending)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90,
+ delay=3)
+ ex.execute_unix_command('kubectl describe pod {podname} | grep "{check_str}"'
+ .format(podname=cpu_pooling_pod4['obj_name'],
+ check_str='Insufficient nokia.k8s.io/shared_caas'))
+ finally:
+ common_utils.helm_delete("cpu-pooling")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=cpu_pooling_pod4,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=60)
+def test_pod_cpu_usage(pod_name, timeout, threshold):
+ command = "kubectl top pod `kubectl get pod | grep {name} | awk '{{print $1}}'`".format(name=pod_name)
+ result, ec = ex.execute_unix_command(command, fail_on_non_zero_rc=False)
+ logger.info(ec + " - " + result)
+ wait_until = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=timeout)
+ while (ec != "0" or "0m" in result) and (datetime.now() < wait_until):
+ result, ec = ex.execute_unix_command(command, fail_on_non_zero_rc=False)
+ logger.info(ec + " - " + result)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if ec != "0":
+ raise Exception("test_pod_cpu_usage failed: " + result)
+ else:
+ result = result.splitlines()[1].split()[1]
+ if int(result[:-1]) < threshold - 10 or int(result[:-1]) > threshold + 10:
+ raise Exception("CPU usage: {0} - request: {1}m".format(result, threshold))
+def get_max_shared_cpus_len():
+ maxlen = 0
+ for node in cpupools:
+ if 'shared_caas' in cpupools[node].keys() and len(cpupools[node]['shared_caas']) > maxlen:
+ maxlen = len(cpupools[node]['shared_caas'])
+ return maxlen
+def check_cpu_resources(pod_name):
+ command = "kubectl get pod `kubectl get pod | grep {name} | awk '{{print $1}}'` -o yaml".format(name=pod_name)
+ result = ex.execute_unix_command(command)
+ result_dict = yaml.safe_load(result)
+ resources = result_dict['spec']['containers'][0]['resources']
+ if resources['requests']['cpu'] != '0':
+ raise Exception("CPU request should be 0! CPU request: " + resources['requests']['cpu'])
+ if resources['limits']['cpu'][:-1] != resources['limits']['nokia.k8s.io/shared_caas']:
+ raise Exception("CPU limit should be equal to nokia.k8s.io/shared_caas! " + resources['requests']['cpu'])
--- /dev/null
+import time
+import json
+import re
+import os
+import users
+from robot.api import logger
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+from netaddr import IPAddress
+from decorators_for_robot_functionalities import *
+log_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+ex = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')
+sshlib = ex.get_ssh_library_instance()
+stack_infos = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('stack_infos')
+pabot = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('pabot.PabotLib')
+def check_host_interfaces(network_properties_dict):
+ for node, node_ip in stack_infos.get_all_nodes().items():
+ logger.info("Checking host interfaces on " + node + ": " + node_ip)
+ ex.ssh_to_another_node(node_ip, users.cloudadmin)
+ try:
+ for network in network_properties_dict:
+ if network_properties_dict[network]['host_if'] != '':
+ if (node in stack_infos.get_worker_nodes() and
+ network_properties_dict[network]['iface_type'] != 'int'):
+ continue
+ command = "ip a | grep " + network_properties_dict[network]['host_if'] + " | wc -l"
+ count = ex.execute_unix_command(command)
+ if count != '1':
+ raise Exception("host interface check Failed, interface " +
+ network_properties_dict[network]['host_if'] +
+ " does not exist on " + node + ": " + node_ip)
+ logger.info("host interface check OK, interface " + network_properties_dict[network]['host_if'] +
+ " exists on " + node)
+ else:
+ command = "ip a | grep " + network_properties_dict[network]['name'] + "[.:] | wc -l"
+ count = ex.execute_unix_command(command)
+ if count != '0':
+ raise Exception("host interface check Failed, " + network_properties_dict[network]['name'] +
+ " related interface exists on node: " + node + ": " + node_ip)
+ logger.info("host interface check OK, no unnecessary " + network_properties_dict[network]['name'] +
+ " related host interface exists on node: " + node + ": " + node_ip)
+ finally:
+ ex.exit_from_user()
+def create_resources_from_fetched_chart_templates(template_path):
+ ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl create -f " + template_path, fail_on_non_zero_rc=False)
+def delete_all_resources(resource_type):
+ ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl delete " + resource_type + " --all")
+def delete_resources_by_manifest_path(path):
+ ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl delete -f " + path)
+def get_resource_count(resource_type, resource_name):
+ return ex.execute_unix_command("kubectl get " + resource_type + " 2>/dev/null | grep -w " + resource_name +
+ " | wc -l")
+def compare_test_data(list_to_compare, dict_to_compare):
+ for danmnet in list_to_compare:
+ if danmnet not in dict_to_compare:
+ logger.warn(danmnet + " is not present in test constants: {}".format(dict_to_compare))
+ for key in dict_to_compare:
+ if key not in list_to_compare:
+ logger.warn(key + " is not present in {} chart".format(list_to_compare))
+def get_pod_list(kube_object):
+ pod_list = {}
+ command = "kubectl get pod --all-namespaces | grep -w " + kube_object[
+ 'obj_name'] + " | awk '{print $1 \" \" $2 \" \" $4 \" \" $5}'"
+ for line in ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command).split('\r\n'):
+ pod_list[line.split(' ')[1]] = {'namespace': line.split(' ')[0], 'status': line.split(' ')[2],
+ 'restarts': line.split(' ')[3]}
+ return pod_list
+def get_pod_ips(pod_list, skip_restarts=False, if_name='eth0'):
+ assigned_ips = []
+ for key in pod_list:
+ if (pod_list[key]['status'] == 'Running') and ((pod_list[key]['restarts'] == '0') or skip_restarts):
+ logger.info(pod_list[key]['namespace'])
+ if if_name != '':
+ command = "kubectl exec " + key + " -n " + pod_list[key]['namespace'] + " ip a | grep " + if_name + \
+ " | grep inet | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F \"/\" '{print $1}' "
+ else:
+ command = "kubectl exec " + key + " -n " + pod_list[key]['namespace'] + " -- ip -o a | " \
+ "grep -vE '(: lo|: eth0)' | grep inet | awk '{print $4}' | awk -F \"/\" '{print $1}'"
+ assigned_ips.append(ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command))
+ return assigned_ips
+def check_mac_address(pod_list, network, prop_dict):
+ command = "ip a | grep -wA 1 " + prop_dict[network]['host_if'] + " | grep ether | awk '{print $2}'"
+ host_mac = ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)
+ for pod in pod_list:
+ if (pod_list[pod]['status'] == 'Running') and (pod_list[pod]['restarts'] == '0'):
+ command = "kubectl exec " + pod + " -n " + pod_list[pod]['namespace'] + " ip a | grep -A 1 eth0 | " \
+ "grep link | awk '{print $2}'"
+ pod_mac = ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)
+ if host_mac != pod_mac:
+ raise Exception("Wrong Mac address in pod " + pod + "hostmac: " + host_mac + " ; podmac: " + pod_mac)
+ logger.info("Correct mac address in pod " + pod)
+def get_alloc_pool(network, dictionary, resource_type):
+ alloc_pool = {}
+ command = "kubectl get " + resource_type + " " + dictionary[network]['name'] + " -n " + \
+ dictionary[network]['namespace'] + " -o yaml " + \
+ " | grep allocation_pool -A 2 | grep start | awk {'print$2'}"
+ alloc_pool['start'] = ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)
+ command = "kubectl get " + resource_type + " " + dictionary[network]['name'] + " -n " + \
+ dictionary[network]['namespace'] + " -o yaml " + \
+ " | grep allocation_pool -A 2 | grep end | awk {'print$2'}"
+ alloc_pool['end'] = ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)
+ return alloc_pool
+def check_dynamic_ips(alloc_pool, assigned_ips):
+ for ip in assigned_ips:
+ if (IPAddress(alloc_pool['start']) > IPAddress(ip)) or (IPAddress(ip) > IPAddress(alloc_pool['end'])):
+ raise Exception("Dynamic ip: {} is not in allocation pool: {} - {}".format(ip, alloc_pool['start'],
+ alloc_pool['end']))
+ logger.info("All dynamic ips are from the allocation pool.")
+ if len((set(assigned_ips))) != len(assigned_ips):
+ raise Exception("duplicated IPs assigned")
+ logger.info("All allocated IPs are unique")
+def check_static_routes(pod_list, network, properties_dict):
+ for pod in pod_list:
+ if (pod_list[pod]['status'] == 'Running') and (pod_list[pod]['restarts'] == '0'):
+ command = "kubectl exec " + pod + " -n " + pod_list[pod]['namespace'] + " route | grep " + \
+ properties_dict[network]['routes'].split('/')[0] + " | grep " + \
+ properties_dict[network]['routes'].split(' ')[1] + " | wc -l"
+ res = ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)
+ if res != '1':
+ raise Exception("static route in pod " + pod + " does not match with route defined in " + network)
+ logger.info("Static route in pod " + pod + " is as it should be.")
+def check_connectivity(pod_list, pod, ip_list):
+ for ip in ip_list:
+ command = "kubectl exec " + pod + " -n " + pod_list[pod]['namespace'] + " -- sh -c \"ping -c 1 " + ip + "\""
+ stdout = ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)
+ if '0% packet loss' not in stdout:
+ raise Exception("pod " + pod + " cannot reach ip " + ip)
+ logger.info("pod " + pod + " can reach ip " + ip)
+def check_danmnet_endpoints_deleted(kube_object, network, properties_dict, assigned_ips):
+ for ip in assigned_ips:
+ command = "kubectl get danmep -n " + kube_object['namespace'] + " -o yaml | grep -B 10 " + \
+ properties_dict[network]['name'] + " | grep " + ip + " | wc -l"
+ res = ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)
+ if res != '0':
+ raise Exception("Endpoint with ip " + ip + " still exists.")
+ logger.info("The necessary endpoints are cleared")
+def get_alloc_value(network, dictionary, resource_type):
+ command = "kubectl get " + resource_type + " " + dictionary[network]['name'] + " -o yaml | grep -w alloc | " \
+ "awk '{print $2}'"
+ alloc = ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)
+ return alloc
+def check_danm_count(ip_count_before_parameter, cbr0_content1_parameter, tries):
+ if tries == 5:
+ raise Exception("Flannel ips are not cleared after pod deletion")
+ else:
+ tries = tries + 1
+ command = "ls -lrt /var/lib/cni/networks/cbr0/ | wc -l"
+ ip_count_after = ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)
+ command = "ls -lrt /var/lib/cni/networks/cbr0/"
+ cbr0_content2 = ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)
+ ip_count_before = ip_count_before_parameter
+ cbr0_content1 = cbr0_content1_parameter
+ if ip_count_before != ip_count_after:
+ logger.info(cbr0_content1)
+ logger.info(cbr0_content2)
+ time.sleep(30)
+ check_danm_count(ip_count_before, cbr0_content1, tries)
+def check_dep_count(namespace, exp_count, test_pod_name_pattern=r'^danmnet-pods'):
+ tries = 0
+ deps = get_deps(namespace)
+ # test_pod_name_pattern = r'^danmnet-pods'
+ danmnet_test_deps = [dep for dep in deps if is_dep_belongs_to_pod(dep, test_pod_name_pattern)]
+ while (tries < 5) and (len(danmnet_test_deps) != exp_count):
+ time.sleep(20)
+ tries += 1
+ deps = get_deps(namespace)
+ danmnet_test_deps = [dep for dep in deps if is_dep_belongs_to_pod(dep, test_pod_name_pattern)]
+ if len(danmnet_test_deps) != exp_count:
+ raise Exception("Danm endpoint count is not as expected! Got: " + str(len(danmnet_test_deps)) + ", expected: " +
+ str(exp_count))
+ logger.info("Danm endpoint count is as expected.")
+def get_deps(namespace):
+ command = "kubectl get dep -n {} -o json".format(namespace)
+ deps_text = ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)
+ return json.loads(deps_text).get("items")
+def is_dep_belongs_to_pod(dep, pod_pattern):
+ pod_name = dep["spec"]["Pod"]
+ return bool(re.search(pod_pattern, pod_name))
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+import os
+import danm_utils
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+from robot.api import logger
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../libraries/common'))
+import common_utils # noqa
+from decorators_for_robot_functionalities import * # noqa
+from test_constants import * # noqa
+from execute_command import execute_command # noqa
+execute = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')
+stack_infos = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('stack_infos')
+infra_int_if = stack_infos.get_infra_int_if()
+infra_ext_if = stack_infos.get_infra_ext_if()
+infra_storage_if = stack_infos.get_infra_storage_if()
+def tc_001_danmnet_object_check():
+ steps = ['step1_inspect_clusternetworks',
+ 'step2_inspect_tenantconfigs',
+ 'step3_inspect_tenantnetworks']
+ BuiltIn().run_keyword("tc_001_danmnet_object_check.Setup")
+ common_utils.keyword_runner(steps)
+def Setup():
+ cnet_test = common_utils.get_helm_chart_content("default/clusternetwork-test")
+ danm_utils.compare_test_data(cnet_test, clusternetworks_properties)
+ cnet_test_error = common_utils.get_helm_chart_content("default/clusternetwork-test-error")
+ danm_utils.compare_test_data(cnet_test_error, clusternetworks_error_properties)
+ tenantconfig_test = common_utils.get_helm_chart_content("default/tenantconfig-test")
+ danm_utils.compare_test_data(tenantconfig_test, tenantconfig_properties)
+ tenantconfig_test_error = common_utils.get_helm_chart_content("default/tenantconfig-test-error")
+ danm_utils.compare_test_data(tenantconfig_test_error, tenantconfig_error_properties)
+ tenantnetwork_test = common_utils.get_helm_chart_content("default/tenantnetwork-test")
+ danm_utils.compare_test_data(tenantnetwork_test, tenantnetwork_properties)
+ tenantnetwork_test_error = common_utils.get_helm_chart_content("default/tenantnetwork-test-error")
+ danm_utils.compare_test_data(tenantnetwork_test_error, tenantnetwork_error_properties)
+def step1_inspect_clusternetworks():
+ logger.info("Deploying valid ClusterNetwork manifests fetched from helm chart \'clusternetwork-test\'.")
+ replace_ifaces_in_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/clusternetwork-test/templates/*")
+ danm_utils.create_resources_from_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/clusternetwork-test/templates")
+ for cnet in clusternetworks_properties:
+ cnet_name = clusternetworks_properties[cnet]['name']
+ count = danm_utils.get_resource_count(resource_type="clusternetwork", resource_name=cnet_name)
+ if count == '0':
+ raise Exception("ClusterNetwork " + cnet_name + " does not exist, but it should!")
+ logger.info("ClusterNetwork " + cnet_name + " exists as expected.")
+ danm_utils.check_host_interfaces(clusternetworks_properties)
+ logger.info("Deploying invalid ClusterNetwork manifests fetched from helm chart \'clusternetwork-test-error\'."
+ " All should fail.")
+ danm_utils.create_resources_from_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/clusternetwork-test-error/templates")
+ for cnet in clusternetworks_error_properties:
+ cnet_name = clusternetworks_error_properties[cnet]['name']
+ count = danm_utils.get_resource_count(resource_type="clusternetworks", resource_name=cnet_name)
+ if count != '0':
+ raise Exception("ClusterNetwork " + cnet_name + " exists, but it should not!")
+ logger.info("ClusterNetwork " + cnet_name + " does not exist, as expected.")
+ danm_utils.delete_resources_by_manifest_path("/tmp/clusternetwork-test/templates")
+def step2_inspect_tenantconfigs():
+ logger.info("Deploying valid TenantConfig manifests fetched from helm chart \'tenantconfig-test\'.")
+ replace_ifaces_in_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/tenantconfig-test/templates/*")
+ danm_utils.create_resources_from_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/tenantconfig-test/templates")
+ for tconf in tenantconfig_properties:
+ tconf_name = tenantconfig_properties[tconf]['name']
+ count = danm_utils.get_resource_count(resource_type="tenantconfig", resource_name=tconf_name)
+ if count == '0':
+ raise Exception("TenantConfig " + tconf_name + " does not exist, but it should!")
+ logger.info("TenantConfig " + tconf_name + " exists as expected.")
+ logger.info("Deploying invalid TenantConfig manifests fetched from helm chart \'tenantconfig-test-error\'. "
+ "All should fail.")
+ danm_utils.create_resources_from_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/tenantconfig-test-error/templates")
+ for tconf in tenantconfig_error_properties:
+ tconf_name = tenantconfig_error_properties[tconf]['name']
+ count = danm_utils.get_resource_count(resource_type="tenantconfig", resource_name=tconf_name)
+ if count != '0':
+ raise Exception("TenantConfig " + tconf_name + " exists, but it shouldn't!")
+ logger.info("TenantConfig " + tconf_name + " does not exist, as expected.")
+def step3_inspect_tenantnetworks():
+ danm_utils.delete_all_resources("tenantconfig")
+ danm_utils.create_resources_from_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/tenantconfig-test/templates/tconf_05.yaml")
+ # TenantNetwork-s with TenantConfig without vlan/vxlan
+ logger.info("Deploying valid TenantNetwork manifests fetched from helm chart \'tenantnetwork-test\'.")
+ replace_ifaces_in_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/tenantnetwork-test/templates/*")
+ danm_utils.create_resources_from_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/tenantnetwork-test/templates")
+ for tnet in tenantnetwork_properties:
+ tnet_name = tenantnetwork_properties[tnet]['name']
+ count = danm_utils.get_resource_count(resource_type="tenantnetwork", resource_name=tnet_name)
+ if count == '0':
+ raise Exception("TenantNetwork " + tnet_name + " does not exist, but it should!")
+ logger.info("TenantNetwork " + tnet_name + " exists as expected.")
+ logger.info("Deploying invalid TenantNetwork manifests fetched from helm chart \'tenantnetwork-test-error\'. "
+ "All should fail.")
+ danm_utils.create_resources_from_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/tenantnetwork-test-error/templates")
+ for tnet in tenantnetwork_error_properties:
+ tnet_name = tenantnetwork_error_properties[tnet]['name']
+ count = danm_utils.get_resource_count(resource_type="tenantnetwork", resource_name=tnet_name)
+ if count != '0':
+ raise Exception("TenantNetwork " + tnet_name + " exists, but it shouldn't!")
+ logger.info("TenantNetwork " + tnet_name + " does not exist, as expected.")
+ danm_utils.delete_resources_by_manifest_path("/tmp/tenantnetwork-test/templates")
+ # TenantNetwork-s with TenantConfig with vlan/vxlan
+ danm_utils.create_resources_from_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/tenantconfig-test/templates/tconf_07.yaml")
+ danm_utils.delete_resources_by_manifest_path("/tmp/tenantconfig-test/templates/tconf_05.yaml")
+ danm_utils.create_resources_from_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/tenantnetwork-test/templates/")
+ danm_utils.check_host_interfaces(tenantnetwork_properties)
+ # cleanup after ourselves
+ danm_utils.delete_resources_by_manifest_path("/tmp/tenantnetwork-test/templates")
+ # redeploy the default TenantConfig 'danm-tenant-config' after we finish
+ execute.execute_unix_command("kubectl create -f /var/lib/caas/manifests/danm-tenant-config.yaml")
+ danm_utils.delete_resources_by_manifest_path("/tmp/tenantconfig-test/templates/tconf_07.yaml")
+def replace_ifaces_in_fetched_chart_templates(path):
+ execute.execute_unix_command("sed -i 's/{{ .Values.infra_int_if }}/" + infra_int_if + "/g' " + path)
+ execute.execute_unix_command("sed -i 's/{{ .Values.infra_ext_if }}/" + infra_ext_if + "/g' " + path)
+ execute.execute_unix_command("sed -i 's/{{ .Values.infra_storage_if }}/" + infra_storage_if + "/g' " + path)
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+import os
+import common_utils
+import danm_utils
+from execute_command import execute_command
+from decorators_for_robot_functionalities import *
+from test_constants import *
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../libraries/common'))
+execute = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')
+stack_infos = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('stack_infos')
+infra_int_if = stack_infos.get_infra_int_if()
+infra_ext_if = stack_infos.get_infra_ext_if()
+infra_storage_if = stack_infos.get_infra_storage_if()
+def tc_002_tenantnetwork_pod_check():
+ steps = ['step1_check_static_ip_allocations',
+ 'step2_check_dynamic_ip_shortage',
+ 'step3_check_static_ip_shortage',
+ 'step4_check_attach_in_kubesystem_namespace',
+ 'step5_check_static_ip_alloc_static_routes_success_after_purge',
+ 'step6_check_step4_deletion_success',
+ 'step7_check_static_ip_alloc_outside_cidr',
+ 'step8_check_ip_alloc_with_cidrless_allocpoolless_tenantnet',
+ 'step9_check_connection_to_flannel_and_ipvlan_tenantnetworks',
+ 'step10_check_service_reachability_with_flannel',
+ 'step11_check_flannel_static_ip_alloc_not_in_flannel_cidr_ignored',
+ 'step12_none_ip_pod_restart_loop',
+ 'step13_check_invalid_net_attach_and_successful_damnep_ip_release_after_retries',
+ 'step14_check_realloc_ips_of_prev_step_with_dynamic_and_none_ip_alloc',
+ 'tc_002_tenantnetwork_pod_check.Teardown']
+ BuiltIn().run_keyword("tc_002_tenantnetwork_pod_check.Setup")
+ common_utils.keyword_runner(steps)
+def Setup():
+ tennet_attach_test = common_utils.get_helm_chart_content("default/tenantnetwork-attach-test")
+ danm_utils.compare_test_data(tennet_attach_test, tenantnetwork_attach_properties)
+ replace_ifaces_in_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/tenantnetwork-attach-test/templates/*")
+ replace_ifaces_in_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/tenantconfig-test/templates/*")
+ # deploy a valid TenantConfig
+ danm_utils.create_resources_from_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/tenantconfig-test/templates/tconf_05.yaml")
+ # remove the default TenantConfig
+ execute.execute_unix_command("kubectl delete tenantconfig danm-tenant-config")
+ # deploy all TenantNetwork-s
+ danm_utils.create_resources_from_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/tenantnetwork-attach-test/templates")
+ set_expected_host_if_in_constants(tenantnetwork_attach_properties)
+def Teardown():
+ execute.execute_unix_command("kubectl create -f /var/lib/caas/manifests/danm-tenant-config.yaml")
+ execute.execute_unix_command("kubectl delete tenantconfig tconf-05")
+ execute.execute_unix_command("kubectl delete -f /tmp/tenantnetwork-attach-test/templates/")
+def step1_check_static_ip_allocations():
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/tenantnetwork-attach-pod1", release_name="tenantnetwork-attach-pod1")
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=tennet_pod1,
+ expected_result=tennet_pod1['obj_count'],
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=60,
+ delay=10)
+ pod_list = danm_utils.get_pod_list(tennet_pod1)
+ if set(tennet_pod1['ip_list']) != set(danm_utils.get_pod_ips(pod_list)):
+ raise Exception("Static ip allocation for tenantnetwork-attach-pod1 was unsuccessful!")
+ logger.info("Static ips allocated successfully!")
+ danm_utils.check_mac_address(pod_list, 'tennet_attach_01', tenantnetwork_attach_properties)
+def step2_check_dynamic_ip_shortage():
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/tenantnetwork-attach-pod2", release_name="tenantnetwork-attach-pod2")
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=tennet_pod2,
+ expected_result=tennet_pod2['obj_count'],
+ filter=r'(ContainerCreating)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=60)
+ alloc_pool = danm_utils.get_alloc_pool('tennet_attach_01', tenantnetwork_attach_properties, 'tenantnetwork')
+ danm_utils.check_dynamic_ips(alloc_pool, tennet_pod2['ip_list'])
+def step3_check_static_ip_shortage():
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/tenantnetwork-attach-pod3", release_name="tenantnetwork-attach-pod3")
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=tennet_pod3,
+ expected_result=tennet_pod3['obj_count'],
+ filter=r'(ContainerCreating)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=30)
+ common_utils.helm_delete("tenantnetwork-attach-pod2")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=tennet_pod2,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=60)
+ common_utils.helm_delete("tenantnetwork-attach-pod1")
+def step4_check_attach_in_kubesystem_namespace():
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/tenantnetwork-attach-pod4", release_name="tenantnetwork-attach-pod4")
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=tennet_pod4,
+ expected_result=tennet_pod4['obj_count'],
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=60,
+ delay=10)
+ alloc_pool = danm_utils.get_alloc_pool("tennet_attach_02", tenantnetwork_attach_properties, 'tenantnetwork')
+ danm_utils.check_dynamic_ips(alloc_pool, tennet_pod4['ip_list'])
+ common_utils.helm_delete(release_name="tenantnetwork-attach-pod4")
+def step5_check_static_ip_alloc_static_routes_success_after_purge():
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=tennet_pod1,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=60)
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=tennet_pod3,
+ expected_result=tennet_pod3['obj_count'],
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=60)
+ pod_list = danm_utils.get_pod_list(tennet_pod3)
+ if set(tennet_pod3['ip_list']) != set(danm_utils.get_pod_ips(pod_list)):
+ raise Exception("Static ip allocation for tenantnetwork-attach-pod3 was unsuccessful!")
+ logger.info("Static ips allocated successfully!")
+ danm_utils.check_static_routes(pod_list, 'tennet_attach_01', tenantnetwork_attach_properties)
+ danm_utils.check_connectivity(pod_list, list(pod_list)[0], tennet_pod3['ip_list'])
+ danm_utils.check_connectivity(pod_list, list(pod_list)[3], tennet_pod3['ip_list'])
+def step6_check_step4_deletion_success():
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=tennet_pod4,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=60)
+ danm_utils.check_danmnet_endpoints_deleted(tennet_pod4, 'tennet_attach_02', tenantnetwork_attach_properties,
+ tennet_pod4['ip_list'])
+def step7_check_static_ip_alloc_outside_cidr():
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/tenantnetwork-attach-pod5", release_name="tenantnetwork-attach-pod5")
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=tennet_pod5,
+ expected_result=tennet_pod5['obj_count'],
+ filter=r'(ContainerCreating)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+def step8_check_ip_alloc_with_cidrless_allocpoolless_tenantnet():
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/tenantnetwork-attach-pod6", release_name="tenantnetwork-attach-pod6")
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=tennet_pod6,
+ expected_result=tennet_pod6['obj_count'],
+ filter=r'(ContainerCreating)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+def step9_check_connection_to_flannel_and_ipvlan_tenantnetworks():
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/tenantnetwork-attach-pod7", release_name="tenantnetwork-attach-pod7")
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=tennet_pod7,
+ expected_result=tennet_pod7['obj_count'],
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+ pod_list = danm_utils.get_pod_list(tennet_pod7)
+ danm_utils.check_dynamic_ips(tenantnetwork_attach_properties['tennet_attach_04']['flannel_pool'],
+ danm_utils.get_pod_ips(pod_list))
+ alloc_pool = danm_utils.get_alloc_pool('tennet_attach_03', tenantnetwork_attach_properties, 'tenantnetwork')
+ danm_utils.check_dynamic_ips(alloc_pool, danm_utils.get_pod_ips(pod_list, if_name=''))
+def step10_check_service_reachability_with_flannel():
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/tenantnetwork-attach-pod8", release_name="tenantnetwork-attach-pod8")
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=tennet_pod8,
+ expected_result=tennet_pod8['obj_count'],
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+ command = "curl tennet-pod-08.default.svc.rec.io:4242"
+ res = execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)
+ if "OK" not in res:
+ raise Exception("NOK: tennet-pod-08 service is not reachable")
+ logger.info("OK: tennet-pod-08 service is reachable")
+ pod_list = danm_utils.get_pod_list(tennet_pod8)
+ assigned_ips = danm_utils.get_pod_ips(pod_list)
+ danm_utils.check_dynamic_ips(tenantnetwork_attach_properties['tennet_attach_04']['flannel_pool'], assigned_ips)
+def step11_check_flannel_static_ip_alloc_not_in_flannel_cidr_ignored():
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/tenantnetwork-attach-pod9", release_name="tenantnetwork-attach-pod9")
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=tennet_pod9,
+ expected_result=tennet_pod9['obj_count'],
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+def step12_none_ip_pod_restart_loop():
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/tenantnetwork-attach-pod10",
+ release_name="tenantnetwork-attach-pod10")
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=tennet_pod10,
+ expected_result=tennet_pod10['obj_count'],
+ filter=r'(ContainerCreating)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+ common_utils.helm_delete("tenantnetwork-attach-pod3")
+ common_utils.helm_delete("tenantnetwork-attach-pod5")
+ common_utils.helm_delete("tenantnetwork-attach-pod6")
+ common_utils.helm_delete("tenantnetwork-attach-pod7")
+ common_utils.helm_delete("tenantnetwork-attach-pod8")
+ common_utils.helm_delete("tenantnetwork-attach-pod9")
+ common_utils.helm_delete("tenantnetwork-attach-pod10")
+def step13_check_invalid_net_attach_and_successful_damnep_ip_release_after_retries():
+ tnet1_alloc_before = danm_utils.get_alloc_value('tennet_attach_01', tenantnetwork_attach_properties,
+ "tenantnetwork")
+ tnet5_alloc_before = danm_utils.get_alloc_value('tennet_attach_05', tenantnetwork_attach_properties,
+ "tenantnetwork")
+ tnet6_alloc_before = danm_utils.get_alloc_value('tennet_attach_06', tenantnetwork_attach_properties,
+ "tenantnetwork")
+ common_utils.get_helm_chart_content("default/tenantnetwork-attach-pod11")
+ common_utils.get_helm_chart_content("default/tenantnetwork-attach-pod13")
+ execute.execute_unix_command("sed -i 's/{{ .Values.registry_url }}/" + reg + "/g' " +
+ "/tmp/tenantnetwork-attach-pod11/templates/tennet_pod_11.yaml")
+ execute.execute_unix_command("sed -i 's/{{ .Values.registry_url }}/" + reg + "/g' " +
+ "/tmp/tenantnetwork-attach-pod13/templates/tennet_pod_13.yaml")
+ for _ in range(0, 10):
+ danm_utils.create_resources_from_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/tenantnetwork-attach-pod11/templates")
+ danm_utils.create_resources_from_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/tenantnetwork-attach-pod13/templates")
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=tennet_pod11,
+ expected_result=tennet_pod11['obj_count'],
+ filter=r'(ContainerCreating)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=40)
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=tennet_pod13,
+ expected_result=tennet_pod13['obj_count'],
+ filter=r'(ContainerCreating)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=40)
+ danm_utils.delete_resources_by_manifest_path("/tmp/tenantnetwork-attach-pod11/templates")
+ danm_utils.delete_resources_by_manifest_path("/tmp/tenantnetwork-attach-pod13/templates")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=tennet_pod11,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=40)
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=tennet_pod13,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=40)
+ tnet1_alloc_after = danm_utils.get_alloc_value('tennet_attach_01', tenantnetwork_attach_properties, 'tenantnetwork')
+ tnet5_alloc_after = danm_utils.get_alloc_value('tennet_attach_05', tenantnetwork_attach_properties, 'tenantnetwork')
+ tnet6_alloc_after = danm_utils.get_alloc_value('tennet_attach_06', tenantnetwork_attach_properties, 'tenantnetwork')
+ if tnet1_alloc_before != tnet1_alloc_after:
+ raise Exception("allocation value in tennet_attach_01 is not as expected")
+ if tnet5_alloc_before != tnet5_alloc_after:
+ raise Exception("allocation value in tennet_attach_05 is not as expected")
+ if tnet6_alloc_before != tnet6_alloc_after:
+ raise Exception("allocation value in tennet_attach_06 is not as expected")
+ danm_utils.check_dep_count('default', exp_count=0)
+def step14_check_realloc_ips_of_prev_step_with_dynamic_and_none_ip_alloc():
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/tenantnetwork-attach-pod12",
+ release_name="tenantnetwork-attach-pod12")
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/tenantnetwork-attach-pod14",
+ release_name="tenantnetwork-attach-pod14")
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=tennet_pod12,
+ expected_result=tennet_pod12['obj_count'],
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+ pod_list = danm_utils.get_pod_list(tennet_pod12)
+ alloc_pool = danm_utils.get_alloc_pool("tennet_attach_01", tenantnetwork_attach_properties, "tenantnetwork")
+ danm_utils.check_dynamic_ips(alloc_pool, danm_utils.get_pod_ips(pod_list, if_name='tnet_1'))
+ alloc_pool = danm_utils.get_alloc_pool("tennet_attach_05", tenantnetwork_attach_properties, "tenantnetwork")
+ danm_utils.check_dynamic_ips(alloc_pool, danm_utils.get_pod_ips(pod_list, if_name='eth0'))
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=tennet_pod14,
+ expected_result=tennet_pod14['obj_count'],
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',
+ timeout=90)
+ pod_list = danm_utils.get_pod_list(tennet_pod14)
+ # danm_utils.check_dynamic_ips(alloc_pool, [tennet_pod14['ip_list'][2]])
+ danm_utils.check_dynamic_ips(alloc_pool, danm_utils.get_pod_ips(pod_list, if_name='tnet5'))
+ alloc_pool = danm_utils.get_alloc_pool("tennet_attach_06", tenantnetwork_attach_properties, "tenantnetwork")
+ danm_utils.check_dynamic_ips(alloc_pool, danm_utils.get_pod_ips(pod_list, if_name='eth0'))
+ alloc_pool = danm_utils.get_alloc_pool("tennet_attach_01", tenantnetwork_attach_properties, "tenantnetwork")
+ danm_utils.check_dynamic_ips(alloc_pool, danm_utils.get_pod_ips(pod_list, if_name='tnet_2'))
+ common_utils.helm_delete("tenantnetwork-attach-pod12")
+ common_utils.helm_delete("tenantnetwork-attach-pod14")
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=tennet_pod12,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=20)
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=tennet_pod14,
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,
+ timeout=20)
+ danm_utils.check_dep_count(tennet_pod12["namespace"], exp_count=0)
+def replace_ifaces_in_fetched_chart_templates(path):
+ execute.execute_unix_command("sed -i 's/{{ .Values.infra_int_if }}/" + infra_int_if + "/g' " + path)
+ execute.execute_unix_command("sed -i 's/{{ .Values.infra_ext_if }}/" + infra_ext_if + "/g' " + path)
+ execute.execute_unix_command("sed -i 's/{{ .Values.infra_storage_if }}/" + infra_storage_if + "/g' " + path)
+# TODO: figure out sg for host_if verif, make all v(x)lan and fill expected res in prop_dict
+def set_expected_host_if_in_constants(properties_dict):
+ for elem in properties_dict:
+ properties_dict[elem]['host_if'] = infra_int_if
--- /dev/null
+import sys\r
+import os\r
+import time\r
+import json\r
+import re\r
+import danm_utils\r
+from robot.api import logger\r
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn\r
+from netaddr import IPAddress\r
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../libraries/common'))\r
+import common_utils # noqa\r
+from execute_command import execute_command # noqa\r
+from decorators_for_robot_functionalities import * # noqa\r
+from test_constants import * # noqa\r
+execute = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')\r
+stack_infos = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('stack_infos')\r
+flannel_pool = {'start': '', 'end': ''}\r
+static_ips = ["", "", "", "", ]\r
+infra_int_if = stack_infos.get_infra_int_if()\r
+infra_ext_if = stack_infos.get_infra_ext_if()\r
+infra_storage_if = stack_infos.get_infra_storage_if()\r
+def tc_003_clusternetwork_pod_check():\r
+ """\r
+ danmnet_pods1: pods attached to d_test-net2 with static ips\r
+ danmnet_pods2: pods attached to d_test-net2 with dynamic ips\r
+ danmnet_pods3: pods attached to d_test-net2 with the same static ips as danmnet-pods1\r
+ danmnet_pods4: pods attached to ks_test-net2 with dynamic ips (kube-system namespace)\r
+ danmnet_pods5: pod attached to d_test-net2 with static ip, ip is not in CIDR\r
+ danmnet_pods6: pods attached to d_test-net1 with dynamic ips (no CIDR/alloc pool is defined in test-net1 )\r
+ danmnet_pods7: pods attached to d_test-net24(flannel) and d_test-net7(ipvlan) networks with dynamic ip\r
+ danmnet_pods8: pods attached to d_test-net24(flannel) with dynamic ip and service defined\r
+ danmnet_pods9: pods attached to d_test-net24(flannel) with static ip(ignored)\r
+ danmnet_pods10: pods attached to d_test-net2 with none ip\r
+ danmnet_pods11: pod attached to d_test-net30 with static ip, d_test-net8 with none ip, none existing\r
+ danmnet(error)\r
+ danmnet_pods12: pod attached to d_test-net30 with static ip, d_test-net8 with dynamic ip, d_test-net25 with\r
+ none ip\r
+ danmnet_pods13: pod attached to d_test-net8 with static ip, d_test-net24(flannel) with dynamic ip, none existing\r
+ danmnet(error)\r
+ danmnet_pods14: pod attached to d_test-net25 with static ip, d_test-net24(flannel) with dynamic ip\r
+ danmnet_pods1: pods attached to cnet-pod1 with static ips\r
+ danmnet_pods2: pods attached to cnet-pod1 with dynamic ips\r
+ danmnet_pods3: pods attached to cnet-pod1 with the same static ips as danmnet-pods1\r
+ danmnet_pods4: pods attached to ks_test-net2 with dynamic ips (kube-system namespace)\r
+ danmnet_pods5: pod attached to cnet-pod1 with static ip, ip is not in CIDR\r
+ danmnet_pods6: pods attached to d_test-net1 with dynamic ips (no CIDR/alloc pool is defined in test-net1 )\r
+ danmnet_pods7: pods attached to d_test-net24(flannel) and d_test-net7(ipvlan) networks with dynamic ip\r
+ danmnet_pods8: pods attached to d_test-net24(flannel) with dynamic ip and service defined\r
+ danmnet_pods9: pods attached to d_test-net24(flannel) with static ip(ignored)\r
+ danmnet_pods10: pods attached to cnet-pod1 with none ip\r
+ danmnet_pods11: pod attached to d_test-net30 with static ip, d_test-net8 with none ip,\r
+ none existing danmnet(error)\r
+ danmnet_pods12: pod attached to d_test-net30 with static ip, d_test-net8 with dynamic ip,\r
+ d_test-net25 with none ip\r
+ danmnet_pods13: pod attached to d_test-net8 with static ip, d_test-net24(flannel) with dynamic ip,\r
+ none existing danmnet(error)\r
+ danmnet_pods14: pod attached to d_test-net25 with static ip, d_test-net24(flannel) with dynamic ip\r
+ """\r
+ steps = ['step1', 'step2', 'step3', 'step5', 'step7', 'step8', 'step9', 'step10', 'step11', 'step12', 'step13',\r
+ 'step14', 'tc_003_clusternetwork_pod_check.Teardown']\r
+ BuiltIn().run_keyword("tc_003_clusternetwork_pod_check.Setup")\r
+ common_utils.keyword_runner(steps)\r
+def Setup():\r
+ # execute.execute_unix_command("kubectl create -f /tmp/clusternetwork-test/templates/cnet_attach.yaml")\r
+ network_attach_test = common_utils.get_helm_chart_content("default/network-attach-test")\r
+ compare_test_data(network_attach_test, network_attach_properties)\r
+ replace_ifaces_in_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/network-attach-test/templates/*")\r
+ danm_utils.create_resources_from_fetched_chart_templates("/tmp/network-attach-test/templates")\r
+ install_chart(danmnet_pods1)\r
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=danmnet_pods1,\r
+ expected_result=danmnet_pods1['obj_count'],\r
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',\r
+ timeout=90)\r
+ install_chart(danmnet_pods2)\r
+ install_chart(danmnet_pods3)\r
+ # install_chart(danmnet_pods4)\r
+ install_chart(danmnet_pods5)\r
+ install_chart(danmnet_pods6)\r
+ install_chart(danmnet_pods7)\r
+ install_chart(danmnet_pods8)\r
+ install_chart(danmnet_pods9)\r
+ install_chart(danmnet_pods10)\r
+def Teardown():\r
+ common_utils.helm_delete("danmnet-pods12")\r
+ common_utils.helm_delete("danmnet-pods14")\r
+ danm_utils.delete_resources_by_manifest_path("/tmp/network-attach-test/templates/")\r
+def step1():\r
+ # Install danmnet_pods1: all of the pods should be in Running state, check static ips, mac address\r
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=danmnet_pods1,\r
+ expected_result=danmnet_pods1['obj_count'],\r
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',\r
+ timeout=90,\r
+ delay=10)\r
+ pod_list = get_pod_list(danmnet_pods1)\r
+ danmnet_pods1['ip_list'] = get_pod_ips(pod_list)\r
+ if set(danmnet_pods1['ip_list']) != set(static_ips):\r
+ raise Exception("Static ip allocation for danmnet-pods1 was not successful, assigned ips!")\r
+ logger.info("Static ip allocation for danmnet-pods1 was successful")\r
+ check_mac_address(pod_list, 'cnet_pod1')\r
+def step2():\r
+ # Install danmnet_pods2: ips already used from allocation pool -> 3 pods in containercreating state, check remaining\r
+ # assigned ips in allocation pool\r
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=danmnet_pods2,\r
+ expected_result=danmnet_pods2['obj_count'],\r
+ filter=r'(ContainerCreating)\s*[0]',\r
+ timeout=90)\r
+ pod_list = get_pod_list(danmnet_pods2)\r
+ alloc_pool = get_alloc_pool('cnet_pod1', network_attach_properties, 'clusternetwork')\r
+ danmnet_pods2['ip_list'] = get_pod_ips(pod_list)\r
+ check_dynamic_ips(alloc_pool, danmnet_pods2['ip_list'])\r
+def step3():\r
+ # Danmnet_pods3 pods are not running because static ips are already allocated\r
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=danmnet_pods3,\r
+ expected_result=danmnet_pods3['obj_count'],\r
+ filter=r'(ContainerCreating)\s*[0]',\r
+ timeout=90)\r
+ # Delete danmnet_pods1, danmnet_pods2\r
+ common_utils.helm_delete("danmnet-pods2")\r
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=danmnet_pods2,\r
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,\r
+ timeout=90)\r
+ common_utils.helm_delete("danmnet-pods1")\r
+def step5():\r
+ # Check danmnet_pods1, danmnet_pods2 are purged, ips are reallocated for danmnet_pods3\r
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=danmnet_pods1,\r
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,\r
+ timeout=90)\r
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=danmnet_pods3,\r
+ expected_result=danmnet_pods3['obj_count'],\r
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',\r
+ timeout=60)\r
+ pod_list = get_pod_list(danmnet_pods3)\r
+ assigned_ips = get_pod_ips(pod_list, skip_restarts=True)\r
+ if set(assigned_ips) != set(static_ips):\r
+ raise Exception("Static ip allocation for danmnet-pods3 was not successful!")\r
+ logger.info("Static ip allocation for danmnet-pods3 was successful")\r
+ check_static_routes(pod_list, 'cnet_pod1')\r
+ actual_pod = list(pod_list)[0]\r
+ check_connectivity(pod_list, actual_pod, static_ips)\r
+ actual_pod = list(pod_list)[3]\r
+ check_connectivity(pod_list, actual_pod, static_ips)\r
+def step6():\r
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=danmnet_pods4,\r
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,\r
+ timeout=90)\r
+ check_danmnet_endpoints(danmnet_pods4, 'test-net2', danmnet_pods4['ip_list'])\r
+def step7():\r
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=danmnet_pods5,\r
+ expected_result=danmnet_pods5['obj_count'],\r
+ filter=r'(ContainerCreating)\s*[0]',\r
+ timeout=90)\r
+def step8():\r
+ # Dynamic ip allocation fails if no CIDR/allocation pool defined\r
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=danmnet_pods6,\r
+ expected_result=danmnet_pods6['obj_count'],\r
+ filter=r'(ContainerCreating)\s*[0]',\r
+ timeout=90)\r
+def step9():\r
+ # multiple interfaces, check flannel and ipvlan ip allocation\r
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=danmnet_pods7,\r
+ expected_result=danmnet_pods7['obj_count'],\r
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',\r
+ timeout=90)\r
+ pod_list = get_pod_list(danmnet_pods7)\r
+ assigned_ips = get_pod_ips(pod_list)\r
+ check_dynamic_ips(flannel_pool, assigned_ips)\r
+ alloc_pool = get_alloc_pool('cnet_pod3', network_attach_properties, 'clusternetwork')\r
+ assigned_ips = get_pod_ips(pod_list, if_name='')\r
+ check_dynamic_ips(alloc_pool, assigned_ips)\r
+def step10():\r
+ # Check service is reachable with flannel\r
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=danmnet_pods8,\r
+ expected_result=danmnet_pods8['obj_count'],\r
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',\r
+ timeout=90)\r
+ command = "curl danmnet-pods8-1.default.svc.rec.io:4242"\r
+ res = execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)\r
+ if "OK" not in res:\r
+ raise Exception("NOK: danmnet-pods8-1 service is not reachable")\r
+ logger.info("OK: danmnet-pods8-1 service is reachable")\r
+ pod_list = get_pod_list(danmnet_pods8)\r
+ assigned_ips = get_pod_ips(pod_list)\r
+ check_dynamic_ips(flannel_pool, assigned_ips)\r
+def step11():\r
+ # Static ip allocation is ignored with flannel\r
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=danmnet_pods9,\r
+ expected_result=danmnet_pods9['obj_count'],\r
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',\r
+ timeout=90)\r
+def step12():\r
+ # None ip, pod is restarting\r
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=danmnet_pods10,\r
+ expected_result=danmnet_pods10['obj_count'],\r
+ filter=r'(ContainerCreating)\s*[0]',\r
+ timeout=90)\r
+ common_utils.helm_delete("danmnet-pods3")\r
+ common_utils.helm_delete("danmnet-pods4")\r
+ common_utils.helm_delete("danmnet-pods5")\r
+ common_utils.helm_delete("danmnet-pods6")\r
+ common_utils.helm_delete("danmnet-pods7")\r
+ common_utils.helm_delete("danmnet-pods8")\r
+ common_utils.helm_delete("danmnet-pods9")\r
+ common_utils.helm_delete("danmnet-pods10")\r
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=danmnet_pods_all,\r
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,\r
+ timeout=20)\r
+ check_dep_count(danmnet_pods1["namespace"], exp_count=0)\r
+def step13():\r
+ # danmnet_pods11, danmnet_pods13 has invalid networks attached hance the pod creation will fail,\r
+ # checking if danmnet endpoints, ips are cleared after several unsuccessful pod creations\r
+ alloc_before_cnet_pod5 = get_alloc_value('cnet_pod5', network_attach_properties, 'clusternetwork')\r
+ alloc_before_cnet_pod6 = get_alloc_value('cnet_pod6', network_attach_properties, 'clusternetwork')\r
+ common_utils.get_helm_chart_content('default/' + danmnet_pods11['obj_name'])\r
+ execute.execute_unix_command("sed -i 's/{{ .Values.registry_url }}/" + reg + "/g' " + "/tmp/" +\r
+ danmnet_pods11['obj_name'] + "/templates/" + danmnet_pods11['obj_name'] + ".yaml")\r
+ common_utils.get_helm_chart_content('default/' + danmnet_pods13['obj_name'])\r
+ execute.execute_unix_command("sed -i 's/{{ .Values.registry_url }}/" + reg + "/g' " + "/tmp/" +\r
+ danmnet_pods13['obj_name'] + "/templates/" + danmnet_pods13['obj_name'] + ".yaml")\r
+ command = "ls -rt /var/lib/cni/networks/cbr0/ | wc -l"\r
+ ip_count_before = execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)\r
+ command = "ls -rt /var/lib/cni/networks/cbr0/"\r
+ cbr0_content1 = execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)\r
+ for _ in range(0, 10):\r
+ # danmnet_pods11 creation fails\r
+ command = "kubectl create -f /tmp/" + danmnet_pods11['obj_name'] + "/templates"\r
+ execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)\r
+ # danmnet_pods13 creation fails\r
+ command = "kubectl create -f /tmp/" + danmnet_pods13['obj_name'] + "/templates"\r
+ execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)\r
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=danmnet_pods11,\r
+ expected_result=danmnet_pods11['obj_count'],\r
+ filter=r'(ContainerCreating)\s*[0]',\r
+ timeout=40)\r
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=danmnet_pods13,\r
+ expected_result=danmnet_pods13['obj_count'],\r
+ filter=r'(ContainerCreating)\s*[0]',\r
+ timeout=40)\r
+ command = "kubectl delete -f /tmp/" + danmnet_pods11['obj_name'] + "/templates"\r
+ execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)\r
+ command = "kubectl delete -f /tmp/" + danmnet_pods13['obj_name'] + "/templates"\r
+ execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)\r
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=danmnet_pods11,\r
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,\r
+ timeout=40)\r
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=danmnet_pods13,\r
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,\r
+ timeout=40)\r
+ check_danm_count(ip_count_before, cbr0_content1, 0)\r
+ logger.info("All flannel ips are cleared")\r
+ alloc_after_cnet_pod5 = get_alloc_value('cnet_pod5', network_attach_properties, 'clusternetwork')\r
+ alloc_after_cnet_pod6 = get_alloc_value('cnet_pod6', network_attach_properties, 'clusternetwork')\r
+ if alloc_after_cnet_pod6 != alloc_before_cnet_pod6:\r
+ raise Exception("allocation value in cnet-pod6 is not as expected")\r
+ if alloc_after_cnet_pod5 != alloc_before_cnet_pod5:\r
+ raise Exception("allocation value in cnet-pod5 is not as expected")\r
+ check_dep_count('default', exp_count=0)\r
+def step14():\r
+ # Static ip, dynamic ip allocation and none ip in the same pod\r
+ # Check if the same ips can be allocated, which were failing in step 13\r
+ install_chart(danmnet_pods12)\r
+ install_chart(danmnet_pods14)\r
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=danmnet_pods12,\r
+ expected_result=danmnet_pods12['obj_count'],\r
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',\r
+ timeout=90)\r
+ pod_list = get_pod_list(danmnet_pods12)\r
+ alloc_pool = get_alloc_pool('cnet_pod6', network_attach_properties, 'clusternetwork')\r
+ danmnet_pods12['ip_list'] = get_pod_ips(pod_list, if_name='eth1')\r
+ check_dynamic_ips(alloc_pool, danmnet_pods12['ip_list'])\r
+ danmnet_pods12['ip_list'] = get_pod_ips(pod_list, if_name='eth0')\r
+ if IPAddress(danmnet_pods12['ip_list'][0]) != IPAddress(''):\r
+ raise Exception("static ip in pod danmnet-pods12 is not as expected")\r
+ common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_quality(kube_object=danmnet_pods14,\r
+ expected_result=danmnet_pods14['obj_count'],\r
+ filter=r'(Running)\s*[0]',\r
+ timeout=90)\r
+ pod_list = get_pod_list(danmnet_pods14)\r
+ danmnet_pods14['ip_list'] = get_pod_ips(pod_list, if_name='eth2')\r
+ if IPAddress(danmnet_pods14['ip_list'][0]) != IPAddress(''):\r
+ raise Exception("static ip in pod danmnet-pods14 is not as expected")\r
+ common_utils.helm_delete("danmnet-pods12")\r
+ common_utils.helm_delete("danmnet-pods14")\r
+ common_utils.check_kubernetes_object(kube_object=danmnet_pods14,\r
+ tester_function=common_utils.test_kubernetes_object_not_available,\r
+ timeout=20)\r
+ check_dep_count(danmnet_pods12["namespace"], exp_count=0)\r
+def check_danm_count(ip_count_before_parameter, cbr0_content1_parameter, tries):\r
+ command = "ls -rt /var/lib/cni/networks/cbr0/"\r
+ cbr0_content2 = execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)\r
+ if tries == 3:\r
+ diff = list(set(cbr0_content1_parameter) - set(cbr0_content2))\r
+ logger.info("Additional IPs after step: " + diff)\r
+ for ip in diff:\r
+ command = "cat /var/lib/cni/networks/cbr0/" + ip + " | grep -v eth"\r
+ cid = execute.execute_unix_command(command)\r
+ command = "docker ps -a --no-trunc | grep " + cid\r
+ docker_ps = execute.execute_unix_command(command)\r
+ logger.info("Additional ip belongs to the following container: " + docker_ps)\r
+ raise Exception("Flannel ips are not cleared after pod deletion")\r
+ else:\r
+ tries = tries + 1\r
+ command = "ls -rt /var/lib/cni/networks/cbr0/ | wc -l"\r
+ ip_count_after = execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)\r
+ ip_count_before = ip_count_before_parameter\r
+ cbr0_content1 = cbr0_content1_parameter\r
+ if ip_count_before != ip_count_after:\r
+ logger.info(cbr0_content1)\r
+ logger.info(cbr0_content2)\r
+ time.sleep(30)\r
+ check_danm_count(ip_count_before, cbr0_content1, tries)\r
+def install_chart(kube_object):\r
+ common_utils.helm_install(chart_name="default/" + kube_object['obj_name'], release_name=kube_object['obj_name'])\r
+def get_pod_ips(pod_list, skip_restarts=False, if_name='eth0'):\r
+ assigned_ips = []\r
+ for key in pod_list:\r
+ if (pod_list[key]['status'] == 'Running') and ((pod_list[key]['restarts'] == '0') or skip_restarts):\r
+ logger.info(pod_list[key]['namespace'])\r
+ if if_name != '':\r
+ command = "kubectl exec " + key + " -n " + pod_list[key]['namespace'] + " ip a | grep " + if_name + \\r
+ " | grep inet | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F \"/\" '{print $1}' "\r
+ else:\r
+ command = "kubectl exec " + key + " -n " + pod_list[key]['namespace'] + \\r
+ " -- ip -o a | grep -vE '(: lo|: eth0)' | grep inet | awk '{print $4}' | " \\r
+ "awk -F \"/\" '{print $1}'"\r
+ assigned_ips.append(execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command))\r
+ return assigned_ips\r
+def get_alloc_pool(network, dictionary, resource_type):\r
+ alloc_pool = {}\r
+ command = "kubectl get " + resource_type + " " + dictionary[network]['name'] + " -o yaml " + \\r
+ " | grep allocation_pool -A 2 | grep start | awk {'print$2'}"\r
+ alloc_pool['start'] = execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)\r
+ command = "kubectl get " + resource_type + " " + dictionary[network]['name'] + " -o yaml " + \\r
+ " | grep allocation_pool -A 2 | grep end | awk {'print$2'}"\r
+ alloc_pool['end'] = execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)\r
+ return alloc_pool\r
+def get_pod_list(kube_object):\r
+ pod_list = {}\r
+ command = "kubectl get pod --all-namespaces | grep -w " + kube_object[\r
+ 'obj_name'] + " | awk '{print $1 \" \" $2 \" \" $4 \" \" $5}'"\r
+ for line in execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command).split('\r\n'):\r
+ pod_list[line.split(' ')[1]] = {'namespace': line.split(' ')[0], 'status': line.split(' ')[2],\r
+ 'restarts': line.split(' ')[3]}\r
+ return pod_list\r
+def check_dynamic_ips(alloc_pool, assigned_ips):\r
+ for ip in assigned_ips:\r
+ if (IPAddress(alloc_pool['start']) > IPAddress(ip)) or (IPAddress(ip) > IPAddress(alloc_pool['end'])):\r
+ raise Exception("Dynamic ip is not in allocation pool")\r
+ logger.info("All dynamic ips are from the allocation pool.")\r
+ if len(list(set(assigned_ips))) != len(assigned_ips):\r
+ raise Exception("duplicated IPs assigned")\r
+ logger.info("All allocated IPs are unique")\r
+def check_static_routes(pod_list, danmnet):\r
+ for pod in pod_list:\r
+ if (pod_list[pod]['status'] == 'Running') and (pod_list[pod]['restarts'] == '0'):\r
+ command = "kubectl exec " + pod + " -n " + pod_list[pod]['namespace'] + " route | grep " + \\r
+ network_attach_properties[danmnet]['routes'].split('/')[0] + " | grep " + \\r
+ network_attach_properties[danmnet]['routes'].split(' ')[1] + " | wc -l"\r
+ res = execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)\r
+ if res != '1':\r
+ raise Exception("static route in pod " + pod + " does not match with route defined in " + danmnet)\r
+ logger.info("Static route in pod " + pod + " is as it should be.")\r
+def check_mac_address(pod_list, network):\r
+ command = "ip a | grep -wA 1 " + network_attach_properties[network]['host_if'] + " | grep ether | awk '{print $2}'"\r
+ host_mac = execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)\r
+ for pod in pod_list:\r
+ if (pod_list[pod]['status'] == 'Running') and (pod_list[pod]['restarts'] == '0'):\r
+ command = "kubectl exec " + pod + " -n " + pod_list[pod]['namespace'] + " ip a | grep -A 1 eth0 | " \\r
+ "grep link | awk '{print $2}'"\r
+ pod_mac = execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)\r
+ if host_mac != pod_mac:\r
+ raise Exception("Wrong Mac address in pod " + pod)\r
+ logger.info("Correct mac address in pod " + pod)\r
+def check_danmnet_endpoints(kube_object, network, assigned_ips):\r
+ for ip in assigned_ips:\r
+ command = "kubectl get danmep -n " + kube_object['namespace'] + " -o yaml | grep -B 10 " + \\r
+ network_attach_properties[network]['name'] + " | grep " + ip + " | wc -l"\r
+ res = execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)\r
+ if res != '0':\r
+ raise Exception("Endpoint with ip " + ip + " still exists.")\r
+ logger.info("The necessary endpoints are cleared")\r
+def check_connectivity(pod_list, pod, ip_list):\r
+ for ip in ip_list:\r
+ command = "kubectl exec " + pod + " -n " + pod_list[pod]['namespace'] + " -- sh -c \"ping -c 1 " + ip + "\""\r
+ stdout = execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)\r
+ if '0% packet loss' not in stdout:\r
+ raise Exception("pod " + pod + " cannot reach ip " + ip)\r
+ logger.info("pod " + pod + " can reach ip " + ip)\r
+def check_dep_count(namespace, exp_count):\r
+ tries = 0\r
+ danm_eps = get_deps(namespace)\r
+ test_pod_name_pattern = r'^danmnet-pods'\r
+ danmnet_test_deps = [dep for dep in danm_eps if is_dep_belongs_to_pod(dep, test_pod_name_pattern)]\r
+ while (tries < 5) and (len(danmnet_test_deps) != exp_count):\r
+ time.sleep(20)\r
+ tries += 1\r
+ danm_eps = get_deps(namespace)\r
+ danmnet_test_deps = [dep for dep in danm_eps if is_dep_belongs_to_pod(dep, test_pod_name_pattern)]\r
+ if len(danmnet_test_deps) != exp_count:\r
+ raise Exception("Danm endpoint count is not as expected! Got: " + str(len(danmnet_test_deps)) + ", expected: " +\r
+ str(exp_count))\r
+ logger.info("Danm endpoint count is as expected.")\r
+def get_deps(namespace):\r
+ command = "kubectl get dep -n {} -o json".format(namespace)\r
+ deps_text = execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)\r
+ return json.loads(deps_text).get("items")\r
+def is_dep_belongs_to_pod(dep, pod_pattern):\r
+ pod_name = dep["spec"]["Pod"]\r
+ return bool(re.search(pod_pattern, pod_name))\r
+def get_alloc_value(network, dictionary, resource_type):\r
+ command = "kubectl get " + resource_type + " " + dictionary[network]['name'] + " -o yaml | grep -w alloc | " \\r
+ "awk '{print $2}'"\r
+ alloc = execute.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)\r
+ return alloc\r
+def replace_ifaces_in_fetched_chart_templates(path):\r
+ execute.execute_unix_command("sed -i 's/{{ .Values.infra_int_if }}/" + infra_int_if + "/g' " + path)\r
+ execute.execute_unix_command("sed -i 's/{{ .Values.infra_ext_if }}/" + infra_ext_if + "/g' " + path)\r
+ execute.execute_unix_command("sed -i 's/{{ .Values.infra_storage_if }}/" + infra_storage_if + "/g' " + path)\r
+def compare_test_data(list_to_compare, dict_to_compare):\r
+ for danmnet in list_to_compare:\r
+ if danmnet not in dict_to_compare:\r
+ logger.warn(danmnet + " is not present in test constants: {}".format(dict_to_compare))\r
+ for key in dict_to_compare:\r
+ if key not in list_to_compare:\r
+ logger.warn(key + " is not present in {} chart".format(list_to_compare))\r
+def delete_all_resources(resource_type):\r
+ execute.execute_unix_command("kubectl delete " + resource_type + " --all")\r
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+import os
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+from robot.api import logger
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../common'))
+import common_utils # noqa
+from decorators_for_robot_functionalities import * # noqa
+from test_constants import * # noqa
+ex = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')
+stack_infos = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('stack_infos')
+log_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+def tc_001_ssh_test_fluentd_logging():
+ steps = ['step1_fluentd_logging_followup_check']
+ common_utils.keyword_runner(steps)
+# Get all pods or list of pods running on a node
+def kubernetes_get_all_pods(node, podsList):
+ pods = []
+ for po in podsList:
+ command = "kubectl get po --all-namespaces -o wide | grep " + node + " | grep -vP '"
+ for pod in pods_skipped[:-1]:
+ command += pod + '|'
+ command += pods_skipped[-1] + "' | grep " + po + " | awk '{print $2}'"
+ stdout = ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root(command, node)
+ for line in stdout.splitlines():
+ pods.append(line)
+ logger.info(pods)
+ return pods
+# Check wether logs from pods are gathered by fluentd or not
+# - Logs from pods in kube-system are monitored
+# - Logs from glusterfs in default are monitored
+# Looking into fluentd logs for messages like below:
+# "2017-10-17 13:03:14 +0000 [info]: plugin/in_tail.rb:586:initialize: following tail of
+# /var/log/containers/kube-proxy-
+# 81ea7d0e0fcfd372ac3cc2a7f980dc7761ede68566b1ef30663cbb1e46307e62.log"
+# meaning that e.g. kube-proxy container log is managed by fluentd
+# The research starts from the first "fluent starting" message and stops at first "restarting" occurrence if any
+def fluentd_logging_followup_check(nodes, followedPods):
+ for key in nodes:
+ command = "kubectl get po --all-namespaces -o wide|grep " + nodes[key] + "|grep fluent|awk '{print $2}'"
+ fluentd = ex.execute_unix_command(command)
+ pods = kubernetes_get_all_pods(nodes[key], followedPods)
+ if fluentd is not None:
+ for pod in pods:
+ command = "kubectl -n kube-system logs " + fluentd + \
+ "|awk '/starting fluentd/{p=1;next}/restarting/{exit} p'|grep -c 'following.*'" + pod
+ logger.info(command)
+ stdout = ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root(command, nodes[key])
+ if stdout[0] == '0':
+ err = key + ": Pod not followed by fluentd: " + pod
+ raise Exception(err)
+ else:
+ err = key + ": Fluentd pod not found"
+ raise Exception(err)
+def step1_fluentd_logging_followup_check():
+ logger.console("\nstep1_fluentd_logging_followup_check")
+ nodes = stack_infos.get_crf_nodes()
+ # Monitor all pods in kube-system namespace
+ podsList = ["kube-system"]
+ fluentd_logging_followup_check(nodes, podsList)
+ nodes = stack_infos.get_storage_nodes()
+ # Monitor all pods in kube-system namespace
+ podsList = ["kube-system"]
+ fluentd_logging_followup_check(nodes, podsList)
+ nodes = stack_infos.get_worker_nodes()
+ # Monitor all pods in kube-system namespace
+ podsList = ["kube-system"]
+ fluentd_logging_followup_check(nodes, podsList)
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+import os
+import datetime
+import json
+import common_utils
+from decorators_for_robot_functionalities import *
+from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
+from robot.api import logger
+from test_constants import *
+from users import *
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../common'))
+ex = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command')
+def tc_002_elasticsearch_storage_check():
+ steps = ['step1_get_elasticsearch_kubernetes_data', 'step2_check_plugins']
+ if check_if_test_should_be_run():
+ common_utils.keyword_runner(steps)
+def check_if_test_should_be_run():
+ command = "cmcli get-property --property cloud.caas " \
+ "grep '\"infra_log_store\": \"elasticsearch\"' | wc -l"
+ if ex.execute_unix_command(command) != '1':
+ command = "cat {} | grep 'infra_log_store: elasticsearch' | wc -l".format(USER_CONFIG_PATH)
+ return ex.execute_unix_command(command) == '1'
+ return True
+def elasticsearch_get_field(field):
+ data = '{ "size": 1, ' \
+ '"query": { ' \
+ '"exists": { "field": "' + field + '" } }, ' \
+ '"sort" : [ {"@timestamp" : {"order" : "desc"}} ] }'
+ header = "Content-Type: application/json"
+ es_index = "_all"
+ url = "{}/{}/_search".format(ELASTICSEARCH_URL, es_index)
+ request = "--header '{}' --request POST --data '{}' {}".format(header, data, url)
+ resp = ex.execute_unix_command("curl {}".format(request))
+ return json.loads(resp)
+def elasticsearch_parse_field(msg, field):
+ if 'hits' not in msg:
+ msg = elasticsearch_get_field(field)
+ if 'hits' not in msg:
+ raise Exception('hits key not found in the following input:\n {}'.format(json.dumps(msg)))
+ msglen = len(msg['hits']['hits'])
+ output = {}
+ for i in range(msglen):
+ output['date'] = (msg['hits']['hits'][i]['_source']['@timestamp'])
+ output['tag'] = (msg['hits']['hits'][i]['_source'][field])
+ logger.info(output)
+ return output
+def step1_get_elasticsearch_kubernetes_data():
+ field = "kubernetes"
+ resp = elasticsearch_get_field(field)
+ output = elasticsearch_parse_field(resp, field)
+ if not output:
+ raise Exception("Logs with field {} not found!".format(field))
+def is_there_some_plugin(elastic_plugins):
+ return elastic_plugins.find("reindex") != -1
+def step2_check_plugins():
+ command = "curl http://elasticsearch-logging.kube-system.svc.nokia.net:9200/_cat/plugins?v"
+ elastic_plugins = ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command)
+ if is_there_some_plugin(elastic_plugins):
+ logger.info("Installed elastic search plugins:" + elastic_plugins)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("No plugin named 'reindex' is installed inside elasticsearch, something not right!")
--- /dev/null
+*** Setting ***
+Suite Setup Set Basic Connection ${cloudadmin}
+Suite Teardown Close All Connections
+Library ../../libraries/common/stack_infos.py
+Library ../../libraries/common/execute_command.py
+Variables ../../libraries/common/users.py
+Library ../cpu_pooling/tc_001_cpu_pool_validation_tests.py
+Library ../cpu_pooling/tc_002_exclusive_pool_tests.py
+Library ../cpu_pooling/tc_003_exclusive_pool_tests_more_cpu.py
+Library ../cpu_pooling/tc_004_shared_cpu_pool_tests.py
+Test Timeout 10 minutes
+*** Test Cases ***
+ [Documentation] TC 001 CPU Pool Validation Tests
+ [Tags] CI
+ tc_001_cpu_pool_validation_tests
+ [Documentation] TC 002 Exclusive CPU Pool Tests
+ [Tags] CI
+ tc_002_exclusive_pool_tests
+ [Documentation] TC 003 Exclusive CPU Pool Tests More CPU
+ [Tags] CI
+ tc_003_exclusive_pool_tests_more_cpu
+ [Documentation] TC 004 Shared CPU Pool Tests
+ [Tags] CI
+ tc_004_shared_cpu_pool_tests
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+*** Setting ***\r
+Suite Setup Set Basic Connection ${cloudadmin}\r
+Suite Teardown Close All Connections\r
+Library ../../libraries/common/stack_infos.py\r
+Library ../../libraries/common/execute_command.py\r
+Variables ../../libraries/common/users.py\r
+Library ../danm_network_check/tc_001_danmnet_object_check.py\r
+Library ../danm_network_check/tc_002_tenantnetwork_pod_check.py\r
+Library ../danm_network_check/tc_003_clusternetwork_pod_check.py\r
+Test Timeout 12 minutes\r
+*** Test Cases ***\r
+ [Documentation] TC 001 Danmnet Check\r
+ [Tags] CI\r
+ tc_001_danmnet_object_check\r
+ [Documentation] TC 002 Tenantnetwork Pod Check\r
+ [Tags] CI\r
+ tc_002_tenantnetwork_pod_check\r
+ [Documentation] TC 003 Clusternetwork Pod Check\r
+ [Tags] CI\r
+ tc_003_clusternetwork_pod_check
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***\r
+Suite Setup Set Basic Connection ${cloudadmin}\r
+Suite Teardown Close All Connections\r
+Library ../../libraries/common/stack_infos.py\r
+Library ../../libraries/common/execute_command.py\r
+Variables ../../libraries/common/users.py\r
+Library ../HPA_check/HPA_check.py\r
+Library ../HPA_check/Custom_HPA_check.py\r
+*** Test Cases ***\r
+ [Documentation] HPA check\r
+ [Tags] hpa CI\r
+ [Timeout] 7 minutes\r
+ HPA_check\r
+ [Documentation] Custom HPA check\r
+ [Tags] hpa CI\r
+ [Timeout] 9 minutes\r
+ Custom_HPA_check\r
--- /dev/null
+*** Setting ***
+Suite Setup Set Basic Connection ${cloudadmin}
+Suite Teardown Close All Connections
+Library ../../libraries/common/stack_infos.py
+Library ../../libraries/common/execute_command.py
+Variables ../../libraries/common/users.py
+Library ../basic_func_tests/tc_002_pod_health_check.py
+Library ../basic_func_tests/tc_003_test_registry.py
+Library ../basic_func_tests/tc_004_ssh_file_check.py
+Library ../basic_func_tests/tc_005_ssh_dns_server_check.py
+Library ../basic_func_tests/tc_006_ssh_test_ext_ntp.py
+Library ../basic_func_tests/tc_007_ssh_test_overlay_quota.py
+Library ../fluentd/tc_001_ssh_test_fluentd_logging.py
+Library ../fluentd/tc_002_elasticsearch_storage_check.py
+Library ../basic_func_tests/tc_008_storage_check.py
+Test Timeout 3 minutes
+*** Test Cases ***
+ [Documentation] TC 008 Storage Check
+ [Tags] CI
+ [Timeout] 20 minutes
+ tc_008_storage_check
+ [Documentation] TC 002 pod health check
+ [Tags] CI
+ [Timeout] 5 minutes
+ tc_002_pod_health_check
+ [Documentation] TC 003 test_registry
+ [Tags] CI
+ tc_003_test_registry
+ [Documentation] TC 004 SSH file check
+ [Tags] CI
+ tc_004_ssh_file_check
+ [Documentation] TC 005 SSH DNS server check
+ [Tags] CI
+ tc_005_ssh_dns_server_check
+ [Documentation] TC 006 SSH Test Ext Ntp
+ [Tags] CI
+ tc_006_ssh_test_ext_ntp
+ [Documentation] TC 007 SSH Test Overlay Quota
+ [Tags] CI
+ tc_007_ssh_test_overlay_quota
+ [Documentation] TC 001 ssh test fluentd logging
+ [Tags] CI
+ tc_001_ssh_test_fluentd_logging
--cov-branch \
--cov-report term-missing \
--cov-report html:coverage-html-{envname} \
+ --ignore libraries/common/test_constants.py \
--ignore testcases/pm-support/misc \
cache_dir = .pytest-cache
-pep8maxlinelength = 100
+pep8maxlinelength = 120
basepython = python2.7
--pylint \
--pylint-rcfile={toxinidir}/.pylintrc \
--ignore resources/system_testing/latency \
+ --ignore libraries/common/test_constants.py \
--ignore testcases/pm-support/misc \