--- ############## # PARAMETERS # ############## - parameter: name: "rec-aarch64_baremetal-defaults" parameters: - string: name: REC_ISO_IMAGE_NAME # yamllint disable-line rule:line-length default: "https://nexus.akraino.org/content/repositories/images-snapshots/TA/images/arm64/latest/install.aarch64.iso" description: "REC install image" - string: name: REC_PROVISIONING_ISO_NAME # yamllint disable-line rule:line-length default: "https://nexus.akraino.org/content/repositories/images-snapshots/TA/images/arm64/latest/bootcd.aarch64.iso" description: "REC provisioning image" - string: name: REC_USER_CONFIG default: "file:///data/rec_pod/user_config.yaml" description: "POD user config YAML (hosted on Jumpserver by default)" - string: name: ARCHIVE_ARTIFACTS default: "**/*.log" description: Artifacts to archive to the logs server. - string: name: SCM_REFSPEC_REMOTE_INSTALLER default: "refs/heads/master" description: "remote-installer custom git refspec" - parameter: name: "rec-defaults" parameters: - string: name: CLUSTER_MASTER_IP default: "" description: "IP address to connect to the K8s master" - string: name: CLUSTER_SSH_USER default: "cloudadmin" description: "SSH username to connect to the K8s master" - string: name: CLUSTER_SSH_PASSWORD default: "admin" description: "SSH password to connect to the K8s master" ######################## # trigger macros ######################## - trigger: name: "rec-weekly-master-trigger" triggers: - timed: "0 1 * * 6,7"