# Pre-Setup (Before Application Integration) Step 1: docker login to akraino dockerhub username/pwd - ealtedge/Huawei_akraino or pull images manually docker pull ealtedge/obj-detection docker pull ealtedge/inventory-be:v1.3 docker pull ealtedge/robo-be docker pull ealtedge/robo Step 2: Install Influx DB - Install local path storage (if by default is not available on edge node) 1. git clone https://github.com/rancher/local-path-provisioner.git 2. cd local-path-provisioner 3. helm install local-path --namespace kube-system ./deploy/chart/ --set storageClass.provisionerName=rancher.io/local -path --set storageClass.defaultClass=true --set storageClass.name=local-path - Install influx db 1. create my-test namespace 2. helm repo add influxdata https://influxdata.github.io/helm-charts 3. helm upgrade -i influxdb influxdata/influxdb --set service.type=NodePort --namespace my-test Step 3: update influx db IP and nodeport in smart shelf App yaml - update smart shelf yaml file 1. update below enviorment variable in smartshelf-deployment.yaml: INFLUXDB_IP, INFLUXDB_PORT from Nodeport and Node IP for Influx DB in k3s cluster. Step 4: Install MINIO storage and create bucket - Install minio storage server 1. docker pull minio/minio 2. docker run -d --name minio -p 9000:9000 -v data:/data minio/minio server /data 3. docker exec -it minio cat /data/.minio.sys/config/config.json | egrep "(access|secret)_key" 4. create credentials-velero file... add values as : [default] aws_access_key_id=minioadmin aws_secret_access_key=minioadmin - Install minio cleint and create bucket for backup 1. docker pull minio/mc 2. enter to client container to add server and create bucket: docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/sh minio/mc 3. first create server alias in mc client: "mc alias set edge_minio" 4. then create bucket: mc mb edge_minio/mybucket 5. then list bucket: mc ls edge_minio Step 5: Install Velero server and client - Install velero client 1. download binary velero amd64/arm64: https://github.com/justmeandopensource/kubernetes/blob/master/docs/setup-velero-notes.md 2. move binary files to: /usr/local/bin 3. test velero cli is working by exec velero cmd - Install velero server 1. helm repo add vmware-tanzu https://vmware-tanzu.github.io/helm-charts 2. kubectl create ns velero 3. install velero using CLI: velero install \ --provider aws \ --bucket mybucket \ --secret-file ./credentials-velero \ --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:v1.0.0 \ --backup-location-config region=minio,s3ForcePathStyle=true,s3Url=http://hostVMIP:9000 - Some Pre-Checks - Check whether the config file is at location /root/.kube/ - Check that ports are not already occupied Step 6: Post setup, cleanup velero - Install velero resource 1. kubectl delete namespace velero 2. kubectl delete clusterrolebinding velero 3. kubectl delete crds -l component=velero