# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : require 'ipaddr' require 'uri' require 'yaml' # IMPORTANT To bring up the machines, use the "--no-parallel" option # to vagrant up. This is to workaround dependencies between the jump # machine and the machine pool machines. Specifically, the pool # machines will fail to come up until the baremetal network (created # by vagrant from the jump machine definition) is up. site = ENV['ICN_SITE'] || 'vm' with_jenkins = ENV['WITH_JENKINS'] || false # Calculate the baremetal network address from the bmcAddress (aka # IPMI address) specified in the machine pool values. IPMI in the # virtual environment is emulated by virtualbmc listening on the host. baremetal4_gw = '' baremetal4_netmask = '' baremetal6_gw = nil baremetal6_prefix = nil bmc_host = '' # From the default vagrant-libvirt network registry_mirrors = nil Dir.glob("deploy/site/#{site}/deployment/*.yaml") do |file| YAML.load_stream(File.read(file)) do |document| values = document.fetch('spec', {}).fetch('values', {}) unless values['networkData'].nil? or values['networkData']['networks'].nil? networks = values['networkData']['networks'] unless networks['ipv4'].nil? networks['ipv4'].select {|name,network| network.fetch('link', name) == 'baremetal'}.each_value do |network| if network.key?('gateway') baremetal4_gw = network['gateway'] elsif network.key?('fromIPPool') pool = network['fromIPPool'] if values['ipPools']["#{pool}"].key?('gateway') baremetal4_gw = values['ipPools']["#{pool}"]['gateway'] end end end end unless networks['ipv6'].nil? networks['ipv6'].select {|name,network| network.fetch('link', name) == 'baremetal'}.each_value do |network| if network.key?('gateway') baremetal6_gw = network['gateway'] baremetal6_prefix = 64 elsif network.key?('fromIPPool') pool = network['fromIPPool'] if values['ipPools']["#{pool}"].key?('gateway') baremetal6_gw = values['ipPools']["#{pool}"]['gateway'] baremetal6_prefix = 64 end end end end end unless values['bmcAddress'].nil? bmc_host = URI.parse(values['bmcAddress']).host end unless values['dockerRegistryMirrors'].nil? registry_mirrors = values['dockerRegistryMirrors'].join(' ') end end end $post_up_message = < "#{site}-baremetal", :type => 'dhcp' # The ICN provisioning network will be a vagrant private network # created upon bringing up the jump machine m.trigger.before [:up] do |trigger| trigger.name = 'Creating provisioning network' trigger.run = {inline: "./tools/vagrant/create_provisioning_network.sh #{site}"} end m.trigger.after [:destroy] do |trigger| trigger.name = 'Destroying provisioning network' trigger.run = {inline: "./tools/vagrant/destroy_provisioning_network.sh #{site}"} end m.vm.network :private_network, :libvirt__network_name => "#{site}-provisioning", :type => 'dhcp' # BMC control of machines is provided by sushy-emulator on the host m.trigger.after [:up] do |trigger| trigger.name = 'Starting sushy for BMC network' trigger.run = {inline: "./tools/vagrant/start_sushy.sh #{bmc_host}"} end m.trigger.after [:destroy] do |trigger| trigger.name = 'Stopping sushy for BMC network' trigger.run = {inline: "./tools/vagrant/stop_sushy.sh #{bmc_host}"} end m.trigger.after [:up] do |trigger| trigger.name = 'Creating ICN user_config.sh' trigger.run = {inline: "bash -c 'DOCKER_REGISTRY_MIRRORS=\"#{registry_mirrors}\" ./tools/vagrant/create_user_config.sh'"} end m.vm.provision 'Configuring ICN prerequisites', type: 'shell', privileged: true, inline: <<-SHELL ssh-keygen -f "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa" -P "" << 50, :type => 'raw', :cache => 'none' # Management attach is false so that vagrant will not interfere # with these machines: the jump server will manage them # completely libvirt.mgmt_attach = false end # The provisioning network must be listed first for PXE boot to # the metal3/ironic provided image m.vm.network :private_network, :libvirt__network_name => "#{site}-provisioning", :mac => boot_mac_address, :type => 'dhcp' if baremetal_mac_address.nil? m.vm.network :private_network, :libvirt__network_name => "#{site}-baremetal", :type => 'dhcp' else m.vm.network :private_network, :libvirt__network_name => "#{site}-baremetal", :mac => baremetal_mac_address, :type => 'dhcp' end end end end end