#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # """ REC_create.py - This workflow is used to create a REC POD by way of the remote-installer container. The remote-installer is started if it is not running. Parameters passed to this script (via the INPUT.yaml file) are: iso_primary - the main installer.iso file to use iso_secondary - the secondary bootcd.iso file input_yaml - the YAML file passed to remote_installer rc_host - the IP address or DNS name of the RC """ import datetime import docker import requests, urllib3 import os, sys, time, yaml import POD WORKDIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) RI_NAME = 'remote-installer' RI_IMAGE = 'nexus3.akraino.org:10003/akraino/remote-installer:latest' RI_DIR = '/workflow/remote-installer' CERT_DIR = RI_DIR + '/certificates' EXTERNALROOT = '/data' NETWORK = 'host' WAIT_TIME = 150 HTTPS_PORT = 8443 API_PORT = 15101 ADMIN_PASSWD = 'recAdm1n' REMOVE_ISO = False HOST_IP = '' def start(ds, **kwargs): # Read the user input from the POST global HOST_IP urllib3.disable_warnings() yaml = read_yaml(WORKDIR + '/INPUT.yaml') REC_ISO_IMAGE_NAME = yaml['iso_primary'] REC_PROVISIONING_ISO_NAME = yaml['iso_secondary'] INPUT_YAML_URL = yaml['input_yaml'] HOST_IP = yaml['rc_host'] CLOUDNAME = 'CL-'+POD.POD ISO = '%s/images/install-%s.iso' % (RI_DIR, POD.POD) BOOTISO = '%s/images/bootcd-%s.iso' % (RI_DIR, POD.POD) USERCONF = '%s/user-configs/%s/user_config.yaml' % (RI_DIR, CLOUDNAME) print('-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------') print(' POD is '+POD.POD) print(' CLOUDNAME is '+CLOUDNAME) print(' WORKDIR is '+WORKDIR) print(' HOST_IP is '+HOST_IP) print(' EXTERNALROOT is '+EXTERNALROOT) print(' REC_ISO_IMAGE_NAME is '+REC_ISO_IMAGE_NAME) print('REC_PROVISIONING_ISO_NAME is '+REC_PROVISIONING_ISO_NAME) print(' INPUT_YAML_URL is '+INPUT_YAML_URL) print(' ISO is '+ISO) print(' BOOTISO is '+BOOTISO) print(' USERCONF is '+USERCONF) print('-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------') # Setup RI_DIR initialize_RI(CLOUDNAME) # Fetch the three files into WORKDIR fetchURL(REC_ISO_IMAGE_NAME, WORKDIR + '/install.iso'); fetchURL(REC_PROVISIONING_ISO_NAME, WORKDIR + '/bootcd.iso'); fetchURL(INPUT_YAML_URL, WORKDIR + '/user_config.yaml'); # Link files to RI_DIR with unique names os.link(WORKDIR + '/install.iso', ISO) os.link(WORKDIR + '/bootcd.iso', BOOTISO) os.link(WORKDIR + '/user_config.yaml', USERCONF) PWFILE = '%s/user-configs/%s/admin_passwd' % (RI_DIR, CLOUDNAME) with open(PWFILE, "w") as f: f.write(ADMIN_PASSWD + '\n') # Start the remote_installer client = docker.from_env() namefilt = { 'name': RI_NAME } ri = client.containers.list(filters=namefilt) if len(ri) == 0: print(RI_NAME + ' is not running.') c = start_RI(client) else: print(RI_NAME + ' is running.') c = ri[0] # Send request to remote_installer id = send_request(HOST_IP, CLOUDNAME, ISO, BOOTISO) # Wait up to WAIT_TIME minutes for completion if wait_for_completion(HOST_IP, id, WAIT_TIME): print('Installation failed after %d minutes.' % (WAIT_TIME)) sys.exit(1) # Remove the ISOs? if REMOVE_ISO: for iso in (WORKDIR + '/install.iso', ISO, WORKDIR + '/bootcd.iso', BOOTISO): os.unlink(iso) # Done! print('Installation complete!') # sys.exit(0) Don't exit as this will cause the task to fail! return 'Complete.' def read_yaml(input_file): print('Reading '+input_file+' ...') with open(input_file, 'r') as stream: try: return yaml.safe_load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) sys.exit(1) def send_request(ri_ip, CLOUDNAME, ISO, BOOTISO): URL = 'https://%s:%d/v1/installations' % (ri_ip, API_PORT) print('Sending request to '+URL+' ...') headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} content = { 'cloud-name': CLOUDNAME, 'iso': os.path.basename(ISO), 'provisioning-iso': os.path.basename(BOOTISO) } certs = (CERT_DIR+'/clientcert.pem', CERT_DIR+'/clientkey.pem') response = requests.post(URL, json=content, headers=headers, cert=certs, verify=False) print(response) return response.json().get('uuid') def wait_for_completion(ri_ip, id, ntimes): """ Wait (up to ntimes minutes) for the remote_installer to finish. Any status other than 'completed' is considered a failure. """ status = 'ongoing' URL = 'https://%s:%d/v1/installations/%s/state' % (ri_ip, API_PORT, id) certs = (CERT_DIR+'/clientcert.pem', CERT_DIR+'/clientkey.pem') while status == 'ongoing' and ntimes > 0: time.sleep(60) response = requests.get(URL, cert=certs, verify=False) j = response.json() t = ( datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%x %X'), str(j.get('status')), str(j.get('percentage')), str(j.get('description')) ) print('%s: Status is %s (%s) %s' % t) status = j.get('status') ntimes = ntimes - 1 return status != 'completed' def fetchURL(url, dest): print('Fetching '+url+' ...') r = requests.get(url) with open(dest, 'wb') as f1: f1.write(r.content) def initialize_RI(CLOUDNAME): """ Create the directory structure needed by the remote-installer """ dirs = ( RI_DIR, RI_DIR+'/certificates', RI_DIR+'/images', RI_DIR+'/installations', RI_DIR+'/user-configs', RI_DIR+'/user-configs/'+CLOUDNAME ) for dir in dirs: if not os.path.isdir(dir): print('mkdir '+dir) os.mkdir(dir) def start_RI(client): """ Start the remote-installer container (assumed to already be built somewhere). Before starting, make sure the certificates directory is populated. If not, generate some self-signed certificates. """ # If needed, create certificates (11 files) in RI_DIR/certificates if not os.path.exists(CERT_DIR+'/clientcert.pem') or not os.path.exists(CERT_DIR+'/clientkey.pem'): print('Generating some self-signed certificates.') script = WORKDIR + '/gencerts.sh' cmd = 'bash %s %s' % (script, RI_DIR+'/certificates') print('os.system('+cmd+')') os.system(cmd) print('Starting %s.' % RI_NAME) env = { 'API_PORT': API_PORT, 'HOST_ADDR': HOST_IP, 'HTTPS_PORT': HTTPS_PORT, 'PW': ADMIN_PASSWD, 'SSH_PORT': 22222 } vols = { EXTERNALROOT+RI_DIR: {'bind': '/opt/remoteinstaller', 'mode': 'rw'} } try: c = client.containers.run( image=RI_IMAGE, name=RI_NAME, network_mode=NETWORK, environment=env, volumes=vols, detach=True, remove=True, privileged=True ) # Wait 5 minutes for it to be running n = 0 while c.status != 'running' and n < 10: time.sleep(30) c.reload() n = n + 1 if c.status != 'running' and n >= 10: print('Container took to long to start!') sys.exit(1) return c except docker.errors.ImageNotFound as ex: # If the specified image does not exist. print(ex) sys.exit(1) except docker.errors.APIError as ex: # If the server returns an error. print(ex) sys.exit(1) except: print('other error!') sys.exit(1)