2019-07-22 bborbelyversion fix 33/1233/2
2019-07-19 bborbelyMove swift authentication data to cm 25/1225/1
2019-07-10 Balazs SzekeresLCM path 56/1156/2
2019-07-05 Endre Nemethmanifests_directory variable corrected 29/1129/2
2019-06-21 Endre Nemethbm onboard fix part2 19/1019/2
2019-06-13 Endre Nemethbm onboard fix 86/986/3
2019-06-12 Balint VargaChange cmcli usage 83/983/1
2019-05-25 Ossi KoivistoinenIncrease minor version to rebuild package 48/848/2
2019-05-09 Krisztian LengyelRemove hardcoded script path 23/623/3
2019-05-02 Szekeres, Balazs... Added seed code for caas-lcm. 01/601/1
2019-05-01 Eric BallInitial empty repository