# Copyright 2019 Nokia # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import abc from collections import namedtuple import six STORAGE = 'storage' class Profiles(object): _master = None _worker = None @classmethod def set_profiles(cls, master, worker): cls._master = master cls._worker = worker @property def master(self): return self._master @property def worker(self): return self._worker @property def storage(self): return STORAGE @property def profiles_mask(self): return set([self.master, self.worker, self.storage]) class MgmtTarget(namedtuple('MgmtTarget', ['host', 'user', 'password'])): """Container for the cloudtaf2 management VIP target attributes. Arguments: host: IP address or FQDN of the host management VIP user: Username, e.g. cloudadmin for login password: Login password Example: Library cluster.cluster.MgmtTarget ... host= ... user=cloudadmin ... password=good_password """ def asdict(self): return self._asdict() @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class HostBase(object): """Container base for Host attributes. Attributes: name: name of the host service_profiles: list of service profiles like ['master', 'worker'] shelldicts: list of dictionaries to RemoteSession.set_runner_target """ def __init__(self, host_config): self._host_config = host_config @property def is_dpdk(self): """Return True if dpdk is used in provider network interfaces. In more detail, is True if and only if one of the network profiles has at least one interface with type *ovs-dpdk*. """ return self._host_config.is_dpdk @property def name(self): return self._host_config.name @property def service_profiles(self): return self._host_config.service_profiles @property def network_domain(self): return self._host_config.network_domain @abc.abstractproperty def shelldicts(self): """Return *shelldicts* for :class:`crl.remotesession.remotesession`. """ @property def _host_dict(self): return {'host': self._infra['ip'], 'user': self._host_config.mgmt_target.user, 'password': self._host_config.mgmt_target.password} @property def _infra(self): return self._host_config.networking['infra_{}'.format(self._infra_type)] @abc.abstractproperty def _infra_type(self): """Return any infra type e.g. 'internal', 'external' etc. """ class Master(HostBase): @property def shelldicts(self): return [self._host_dict] @property def _infra_type(self): return 'external' @property def external_ip(self): return self._infra['ip'] class NonMaster(HostBase): @property def shelldicts(self): return [self._host_config.mgmt_target.asdict(), self._host_dict] @property def _infra_type(self): return 'internal' class HostConfig(namedtuple('HostConfig', ['name', 'network_domain', 'service_profiles', 'networking', 'mgmt_target', 'is_dpdk'])): pass