import sys import os from robot.api import logger from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn from test_constants import * import common_utils sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../libraries/common')) ex = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command') stack_infos = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('stack_infos') def tc_007_ssh_test_overlay_quota(): steps = ['step1_check_storage_driver_and_quota_setting', 'step2_check_copy_files'] common_utils.keyword_runner(steps) def step1_check_storage_driver_and_quota_setting():"step1: check size of all container") command = r"ps -eaf | grep --color=no dockerd | grep --color=no " \ r"'\-\-storage-driver overlay2 \-\-storage-opt overlay2.size='" + docker_size_quota nodes = stack_infos.get_all_nodes() for node in nodes:"\nchecking docker daemon settings on " + node + " : " + nodes[node]) ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root(command, nodes[node]) def get_containerid_of_flannel_from_node(nodeIp): return ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root("docker ps | grep flanneld | cut -d ' ' -f1", nodeIp) def allocate_file_on_node(nodeIp, size, test_file): command = "fallocate -l " + size + " /var/lib/docker/" + test_file return ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root(command, nodeIp) def copy_file_to_container(nodeIp, containerId, actual_file): command = "docker cp " + actual_file + " " + containerId + ":/" return ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root(command, nodeIp, delay="120s") def delete_files_from_container(nodeIp, containerId, listOfFiles): command = "docker exec -ti " + containerId + " rm -f /" for file in listOfFiles: ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root(command + file, nodeIp) def delete_files_from_node(nodeIp, listOfFiles): command = "rm -f " for f in listOfFiles: ex.execute_unix_command_on_remote_as_root(command + '/var/lib/docker/' + f, nodeIp) def test_copy_file(nodeIp, fileSize, fileName, containerId): allocate_file_on_node(nodeIp, fileSize, fileName) copy_file_to_container(nodeIp, containerId, "/var/lib/docker/" + fileName) def step2_check_copy_files(): crfNodes = stack_infos.get_crf_nodes() nodeIp = crfNodes.values()[0] if not nodeIp: raise Exception("controller-1 internal ip address is not available!") containerId = get_containerid_of_flannel_from_node(nodeIp) listOfFiles = ["tmp_file", "tiny_file"] file_size = str(int(docker_size_quota[:-1]) * 1024 - 5) + 'M'"step2: copy a smaller file than overlay quota to flannel.") test_copy_file(nodeIp, file_size, listOfFiles[0], containerId)"step2: copy 10 Mbytes file to flannel container. It should fail!") try: test_copy_file(nodeIp, "10M", listOfFiles[1], containerId) except Exception as e: if "no space left on device" not in str(e): raise e"file can't be copied to container as expected") delete_files_from_container(nodeIp, containerId, listOfFiles) delete_files_from_node(nodeIp, listOfFiles)