import sys import os import datetime import json import common_utils from decorators_for_robot_functionalities import * from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn from robot.api import logger from test_constants import * from users import * sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '../common')) ex = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('execute_command') def tc_002_elasticsearch_storage_check(): steps = ['step1_get_elasticsearch_kubernetes_data', 'step2_check_plugins'] if check_if_test_should_be_run(): common_utils.keyword_runner(steps) def check_if_test_should_be_run(): command = "cmcli get-property --property cloud.caas " \ "grep '\"infra_log_store\": \"elasticsearch\"' | wc -l" if ex.execute_unix_command(command) != '1': command = "cat {} | grep 'infra_log_store: elasticsearch' | wc -l".format(USER_CONFIG_PATH) return ex.execute_unix_command(command) == '1' return True @robot_log def elasticsearch_get_field(field): data = '{ "size": 1, ' \ '"query": { ' \ '"exists": { "field": "' + field + '" } }, ' \ '"sort" : [ {"@timestamp" : {"order" : "desc"}} ] }' header = "Content-Type: application/json" es_index = "_all" url = "{}/{}/_search".format(ELASTICSEARCH_URL, es_index) request = "--header '{}' --request POST --data '{}' {}".format(header, data, url) resp = ex.execute_unix_command("curl {}".format(request)) return json.loads(resp) @robot_log def elasticsearch_parse_field(msg, field): if 'hits' not in msg: msg = elasticsearch_get_field(field) if 'hits' not in msg: raise Exception('hits key not found in the following input:\n {}'.format(json.dumps(msg))) msglen = len(msg['hits']['hits']) output = {} for i in range(msglen): output['date'] = (msg['hits']['hits'][i]['_source']['@timestamp']) output['tag'] = (msg['hits']['hits'][i]['_source'][field]) return output def step1_get_elasticsearch_kubernetes_data(): field = "kubernetes" resp = elasticsearch_get_field(field) output = elasticsearch_parse_field(resp, field) if not output: raise Exception("Logs with field {} not found!".format(field)) def is_there_some_plugin(elastic_plugins): return elastic_plugins.find("reindex") != -1 def step2_check_plugins(): command = "curl" elastic_plugins = ex.execute_unix_command_as_root(command) if is_there_some_plugin(elastic_plugins):"Installed elastic search plugins:" + elastic_plugins) else: raise Exception("No plugin named 'reindex' is installed inside elasticsearch, something not right!")