#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2019 Nokia # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import re import base64 import logging import ipaddr from cmframework.apis import cmvalidator from cmdatahandlers.api import validation from cmdatahandlers.api import configerror class CaasValidationError(configerror.ConfigError): def __init__(self, description): configerror.ConfigError.__init__( self, 'Validation error in caas_validation: {}'.format(description)) class CaasValidationUtils(object): def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def check_key_in_dict(key, dictionary): if key not in dictionary: raise CaasValidationError("{} cannot be found in {} ".format(key, dictionary)) def get_every_key_occurrence(self, var, key): if hasattr(var, 'iteritems'): for k, v in var.iteritems(): if k == key: yield v if isinstance(v, dict): for result in self.get_every_key_occurrence(v, key): yield result elif isinstance(v, list): for d in v: for result in self.get_every_key_occurrence(d, key): yield result @staticmethod def is_optional_param_present(key, dictionary): if key not in dictionary: logging.info('{} key is not in the config dictionary, since this is an optional ' 'parameter, validation is skipped.'.format(key)) return False if not dictionary[key]: logging.info('Although {} key is in the config dictionary the correspondig value is ' 'empty, since this is an optional parametery, ' 'validation is skipped.'.format(key)) return False return True class CaasValidation(cmvalidator.CMValidator): SUBSCRIPTION = r'^cloud\.caas|cloud\.hosts|cloud\.networking|cloud\.network_profiles$' CAAS_DOMAIN = 'cloud.caas' HOSTS_DOMAIN = 'cloud.hosts' NETW_DOMAIN = 'cloud.networking' NETPROF_DOMAIN = 'cloud.network_profiles' SERV_PROF = 'service_profiles' CAAS_PROFILE_PATTERN = 'caas_master|caas_worker' CIDR = 'cidr' DOCKER_SIZE_QUOTA = "docker_size_quota" DOCKER_SIZE_QUOTA_PATTERN = r"^\d*[G,M,K]$" HELM_OP_TIMEOUT = "helm_operation_timeout" DOCKER0_CIDR = "docker0_cidr" INSTANTIATION_TIMEOUT = "instantiation_timeout" ENCRYPTED_CA = "encrypted_ca" ENCRYPTED_CA_KEY = "encrypted_ca_key" CLUSTER_NETS = 'cluster_networks' TENANT_NETS = 'tenant_networks' def __init__(self): cmvalidator.CMValidator.__init__(self) self.validation_utils = validation.ValidationUtils() self.conf = None self.caas_conf = None self.caas_utils = CaasValidationUtils() def get_subscription_info(self): return self.SUBSCRIPTION def validate_set(self, props): if not self.is_caas_mandatory(props): logging.info("{} not found in {}, caas validation is not needed.".format( self.CAAS_PROFILE_PATTERN, self.HOSTS_DOMAIN)) return self.props_pre_check(props) self.validate_docker_size_quota() self.validate_helm_operation_timeout() self.validate_docker0_cidr(props) self.validate_instantiation_timeout() self.validate_encrypted_ca(self.ENCRYPTED_CA) self.validate_encrypted_ca(self.ENCRYPTED_CA_KEY) self.validate_networks(props) def _get_conf(self, props, domain): if props.get(domain): conf_str = props[domain] else: conf_str = self.get_plugin_client().get_property(domain) return json.loads(conf_str) def is_caas_mandatory(self, props): if not isinstance(props, dict): raise CaasValidationError('The given input: {} is not a dictionary!'.format(props)) hosts_conf = self._get_conf(props, self.HOSTS_DOMAIN) service_profiles = self.caas_utils.get_every_key_occurrence(hosts_conf, self.SERV_PROF) pattern = re.compile(self.CAAS_PROFILE_PATTERN) for profile in service_profiles: if filter(pattern.match, profile): return True return False def props_pre_check(self, props): self.caas_conf = self._get_conf(props, self.CAAS_DOMAIN) self.conf = {self.CAAS_DOMAIN: self.caas_conf} if not self.caas_conf: raise CaasValidationError('{} is an empty dictionary!'.format(self.conf)) def validate_docker_size_quota(self): if not self.caas_utils.is_optional_param_present(self.DOCKER_SIZE_QUOTA, self.caas_conf): return if not re.match(self.DOCKER_SIZE_QUOTA_PATTERN, self.caas_conf[self.DOCKER_SIZE_QUOTA]): raise CaasValidationError( '{} is not a valid {}!'.format(self.caas_conf[self.DOCKER_SIZE_QUOTA], self.DOCKER_SIZE_QUOTA)) def validate_helm_operation_timeout(self): if not self.caas_utils.is_optional_param_present(self.HELM_OP_TIMEOUT, self.caas_conf): return if not isinstance(self.caas_conf[self.HELM_OP_TIMEOUT], int): raise CaasValidationError( '{}:{} is not an integer'.format(self.HELM_OP_TIMEOUT, self.caas_conf[self.HELM_OP_TIMEOUT])) def get_docker0_cidr_netw_obj(self, subnet): try: return ipaddr.IPNetwork(subnet) except ValueError as exc: raise CaasValidationError('{} is an invalid subnet address: {}'.format( self.DOCKER0_CIDR, exc)) def check_docker0_cidr_overlaps_with_netw_subnets(self, docker0_cidr, props): netw_conf = self._get_conf(props, self.NETW_DOMAIN) cidrs = self.caas_utils.get_every_key_occurrence(netw_conf, self.CIDR) for cidr in cidrs: if docker0_cidr.overlaps(ipaddr.IPNetwork(cidr)): raise CaasValidationError( 'CIDR configured for {} shall be an unused IP range, ' 'but it overlaps with {} from {}.'.format(self.DOCKER0_CIDR, cidr, self.NETW_DOMAIN)) def validate_docker0_cidr(self, props): if not self.caas_utils.is_optional_param_present(self.DOCKER0_CIDR, self.caas_conf): return docker0_cidr_obj = self.get_docker0_cidr_netw_obj(self.caas_conf[self.DOCKER0_CIDR]) self.check_docker0_cidr_overlaps_with_netw_subnets(docker0_cidr_obj, props) def validate_instantiation_timeout(self): if not self.caas_utils.is_optional_param_present(self.INSTANTIATION_TIMEOUT, self.caas_conf): return if not isinstance(self.caas_conf[self.INSTANTIATION_TIMEOUT], int): raise CaasValidationError('{}:{} is not an integer'.format( self.INSTANTIATION_TIMEOUT, self.caas_conf[self.INSTANTIATION_TIMEOUT])) def validate_encrypted_ca(self, enc_ca): self.caas_utils.check_key_in_dict(enc_ca, self.caas_conf) enc_ca_str = self.caas_conf[enc_ca][0] if not enc_ca_str: raise CaasValidationError('{} shall not be empty !'.format(enc_ca)) try: base64.b64decode(enc_ca_str) except TypeError as exc: raise CaasValidationError('Invalid {}: {}'.format(enc_ca, exc)) def validate_networks(self, props): caas_nets = [] for nets_key in [self.CLUSTER_NETS, self.TENANT_NETS]: if self.caas_utils.is_optional_param_present(nets_key, self.caas_conf): if not isinstance(self.caas_conf[nets_key], list): raise CaasValidationError('{} is not a list'.format(nets_key)) if len(set(self.caas_conf[nets_key])) != len(self.caas_conf[nets_key]): raise CaasValidationError('{} has duplicate entries'.format(nets_key)) caas_nets.extend(self.caas_conf[nets_key]) if len(set(caas_nets)) != len(caas_nets): raise CaasValidationError('{} and {} must be distinct, but same entries are ' 'found from both lists'.format(self.CLUSTER_NETS, self.TENANT_NETS)) self._validate_homogenous_net_setup(props, caas_nets) def _validate_homogenous_net_setup(self, props, caas_nets): # Validate homogenous CaaS provider network setup # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-nested-blocks hosts_conf = self._get_conf(props, self.HOSTS_DOMAIN) netprof_conf = self._get_conf(props, self.NETPROF_DOMAIN) net_iface_map = {} for net in caas_nets: net_iface_map[net] = None for host, host_conf in hosts_conf.iteritems(): # Validate only nodes that can host containerized workloads if ('caas_worker' in host_conf[self.SERV_PROF] or ('caas_master' in host_conf[self.SERV_PROF] and 'compute' not in host_conf[self.SERV_PROF])): # Validating CaaS network 'net' mapping in 'host' is_caas_network_present = False profiles = host_conf.get('network_profiles') if isinstance(profiles, list) and profiles: net_prof = netprof_conf.get(profiles[0]) if net_prof is not None: ifaces = net_prof.get('provider_network_interfaces', {}) for iface, data in ifaces.iteritems(): net_type = data.get('type') networks = data.get('provider_networks', []) if net in networks and net_type == 'caas': is_caas_network_present = True if net_iface_map[net] is None: net_iface_map[net] = iface elif net_iface_map[net] != iface: msg = 'CaaS network {} mapped to interface {} in one host ' msg += 'and interface {} in another host' raise CaasValidationError(msg.format(net, iface, net_iface_map[net])) break if not is_caas_network_present: raise CaasValidationError('CaaS network {} missing from host {}' .format(net, host))