# Copyright 2019 Nokia # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import subprocess import time import logging import ipaddress import pexpect class BMCException(Exception): pass class BMC(object): def __init__(self, host, user, passwd, priv_level='ADMINISTRATOR', log_path=None): self._host = host self._user = user self._passwd = passwd self._priv_level = priv_level if log_path: self._log_path = log_path else: self._log_path = 'console.log' self._sol = None self._host_name = None def set_host_name(self, host_name): if not self._host_name: self._host_name = host_name def get_host_name(self): if self._host_name: return self._host_name return '' def get_host(self): return self._host def get_user(self): return self._user def get_passwd(self): return self._passwd def get_priv_level(self): return self._priv_level def reset(self): logging.info('Reset BMC of %s: %s', self.get_host_name(), self.get_host()) self._run_ipmitool_command('bmc reset cold') success = self._wait_for_bmc_reset(180) if not success: raise BMCException('BMC reset failed, BMC did not come up') def _set_boot_from_virtual_media(self): raise NotImplementedError def _detach_virtual_media(self): raise NotImplementedError def _get_bmc_nfs_service_status(self): raise NotImplementedError def _wait_for_bmc_responding(self, timeout, expected_to_respond=True): if expected_to_respond: logging.debug('Wait for BMC to start responding') else: logging.debug('Wait for BMC to stop responding') start_time = int(time.time()*1000) response = (not expected_to_respond) while response != expected_to_respond: rc, _ = self._run_ipmitool_command('bmc info', can_fail=True) response = (rc == 0) if response == expected_to_respond: break time_now = int(time.time()*1000) if time_now-start_time > timeout*1000: logging.debug('Wait timed out') break logging.debug('Still waiting for BMC') time.sleep(10) return response == expected_to_respond def _wait_for_bmc_webpage(self, timeout): host = ipaddress.ip_address(unicode(self._host)) if host.version == 6: host = "[%s]" %host command = 'curl -g --insecure -o /dev/null https://{}/index.html'.format(host) start_time = int(time.time()*1000) rc = 1 while rc != 0: p = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) _, _ = p.communicate() rc = p.returncode if rc == 0: break time_now = int(time.time()*1000) if time_now-start_time > timeout*1000: logging.debug('Wait timed out') break logging.debug('Still waiting for BMC webpage') time.sleep(10) return rc == 0 def _wait_for_bmc_not_responding(self, timeout): return self._wait_for_bmc_responding(timeout, False) def _wait_for_bmc_reset(self, timeout): logging.debug('Wait for BMC to reset') success = True if not self._wait_for_bmc_not_responding(timeout): success = False msg = 'BMC did not go down as expected' logging.warning(msg) else: logging.debug('As expected, BMC is not responding') if not self._wait_for_bmc_responding(timeout): success = False msg = 'BMC did not come up as expected' logging.warning(msg) else: logging.debug('As expected, BMC is responding') if not self._wait_for_bmc_webpage(timeout): success = False msg = 'BMC webpage did not start to respond' logging.warning(msg) else: logging.debug('As expected, BMC webpage is responding') return success def setup_boot_options_for_virtual_media(self): logging.debug('Setup boot options') self._disable_boot_flag_timeout() self._set_boot_from_virtual_media() def power(self, power_command): logging.debug('Run host power command (%s) %s', self._host, power_command) return self._run_ipmitool_command('power {}'.format(power_command)).strip() def wait_for_bootup(self): logging.debug('Wait for prompt after booting from hd') try: self._expect_flag_in_console('localhost login:', timeout=1200) except BMCException as ex: self._send_to_console('\n') self._expect_flag_in_console('localhost login:', timeout=30) def setup_sol(self): logging.debug('Setup SOL for %s', self._host) self._run_ipmitool_command('sol set non-volatile-bit-rate 115.2') self._run_ipmitool_command('sol set volatile-bit-rate 115.2') def boot_from_virtual_media(self): logging.info('Boot from virtual media') self._trigger_boot() self._wait_for_virtual_media_detach_phase() self._detach_virtual_media() self._set_boot_from_hd_no_boot() logging.info('Boot should continue from disk now') def close(self): if self._sol: self._sol.terminate() self._sol = None @staticmethod def _convert_to_hex(ascii_string, padding=False, length=0): hex_value = ''.join('0x{} '.format(c.encode('hex')) for c in ascii_string).strip() if padding and (len(ascii_string) < length): hex_value += ''.join(' 0x00' for _ in range(len(ascii_string), length)) return hex_value @staticmethod def _convert_to_ascii(hex_string): return ''.join('{}'.format(c.decode('hex')) for c in hex_string) def _execute_ipmitool_command(self, ipmi_command): command = 'ipmitool -I lanplus -H {} -U {} -P {} -L {} {}'.format(self._host, self._user, self._passwd, self._priv_level, ipmi_command) p = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) out, _ = p.communicate() rc = p.returncode return (rc, out) def _run_ipmitool_command(self, ipmi_command, can_fail=False, retries=5): logging.debug('Run ipmitool command: %s', ipmi_command) if can_fail: return self._execute_ipmitool_command(ipmi_command) else: while retries > 0: rc, out = self._execute_ipmitool_command(ipmi_command) if not rc: break if retries > 0: logging.debug('Retry command') time.sleep(5) retries -= 1 if rc: logging.warning('ipmitool failed: %s', out) raise BMCException('ipmitool call failed with rc: {}'.format(rc)) return out def _run_ipmitool_raw_command(self, ipmi_raw_command): logging.debug('Run ipmitool raw command') out = self._run_ipmitool_command('raw {}'.format(ipmi_raw_command)) out_bytes = out.replace('\n', '').strip().split(' ') return out_bytes def _disable_boot_flag_timeout(self): logging.debug('Disable boot flag timeout (%s)', self._host) status_code = self._run_ipmitool_raw_command('0x00 0x08 0x03 0x1f') if status_code[0] != '': raise BMCException('Could not disable boot flag timeout (rc={})'.format(status_code[0])) def _open_console(self): logging.debug('Open SOL console (log in %s)', self._log_path) expect_session = pexpect.spawn('ipmitool -I lanplus -H {} -U {} -P {} -L {} sol deactivate'.format(self._host, self._user, self._passwd, self._priv_level)) expect_session.expect(pexpect.EOF) logfile = open(self._log_path, 'ab') expect_session = pexpect.spawn('ipmitool -I lanplus -H {} -U {} -P {} -L {} sol activate'.format(self._host, self._user, self._passwd, self._priv_level), timeout=None, logfile=logfile) return expect_session def _send_to_console(self, chars): logging.debug('Sending %s to console', chars.replace('\n', '\\n')) if not self._sol: self._sol = self._open_console() self._sol.send(chars) def _expect_flag_in_console(self, flags, timeout=600): logging.debug('Expect a flag in console output within %s seconds ("%s")', timeout, flags) time_begin = time.time() remaining_time = timeout while remaining_time > 0: if not self._sol: try: self._sol = self._open_console() except pexpect.TIMEOUT as e: logging.debug(e) raise BMCException('Could not open console: {}'.format(str(e))) try: self._sol.expect(flags, timeout=remaining_time) logging.debug('Flag found in log') return except pexpect.TIMEOUT as e: logging.debug(e) raise BMCException('Expected message in console did not occur in time ({})'.format(flags)) except pexpect.EOF as e: logging.warning('Got EOF from console') if 'SOL session closed by BMC' in self._sol.before: logging.debug('Found: "SOL session closed by BMC" in console') elapsed_time = time.time()-time_begin remaining_time = timeout-elapsed_time if remaining_time > 0: logging.info('Retry to expect a flag in console, %s seconds remaining', remaining_time) self.close() raise BMCException('Expected message in console did not occur in time ({})'.format(flags)) def _wait_for_bios_settings_done(self): logging.debug('Wait until BIOS settings are updated') self._expect_flag_in_console('Booting...', timeout=300) def _set_boot_from_hd_no_boot(self): logging.debug('Set boot from hd (%s), no boot', self._host) self._run_ipmitool_command('chassis bootdev disk options=persistent') def _wait_for_virtual_media_detach_phase(self): logging.debug('Wait until virtual media can be detached') self._expect_flag_in_console(['Copying cloud guest image', 'Installing OS to HDD', 'Extending partition and filesystem size'], timeout=1200) def _wait_for_bmc_nfs_service(self, timeout, expected_status): logging.debug('Wait for BMC NFS service') start_time = int(time.time()*1000) status = '' while status != expected_status: status = self._get_bmc_nfs_service_status() if status == expected_status or status == 'nfserror': logging.debug('Breaking from wait loop. status = %s', status) break time_now = int(time.time()*1000) if time_now-start_time > timeout*1000: logging.debug('Wait timed out') break time.sleep(10) return status == expected_status def _trigger_boot(self): logging.debug('Trigger boot') power_state = self.power('status') logging.debug('State is: %s', power_state) if power_state == 'Chassis Power is off': self.power('on') else: self.power('reset')