Pre-requisite: 1. The jenkins generating rec artifacts is available and producing both the rec golden iso image and the provisioning iso image. 2. Create a new repo containing the target CD environments configurations. The configuration contains the following for each CD environment. - user_config.yaml: The user configuration yaml file. - admin_password: The cloudadmin user password. 3. The machine from where the remote installation is done is able to reach the BMCs and external network of the edge cloud. Work-flow: 1. Create a new directory to be used for holding the installation artifacts. #create the base directory mkdir $BASEDIR #images sub-directory mkdir $BASDIR/images #certificates sub-directory mkdir $BASEDIR/certificates #user configuration and cloud admin information mkdir $BASEDIR/user-configs #installation logs directory mkdir $BASEDIR/installations 2. Get REC golden image from REC jenkins artifacts and copy it to the images sub-directory under the directory created in (1). cd $BASEDIR/images/ wget $URL_JENKINS_ARTIFACTS/rec.iso 3. Get REC booting image from REC jenkins artifacts and copy it to the images sub-directory under the directory created in (1). cd $BASEDIR/images/ wget $URL_JENKINS_ARTIFACTS/boot.iso 4. Get the user-config.yaml file and admin_password file for the CD environment from the cd-environments repo and copy it to the user-configs sub-directory under the directory created in (1). Copy the files to a cloud-specific directory identiried by the cloudname. cd $BASEDIR/user-configs/ mkdir $CLOUDNAME cd $CLOUDNAME wget $URL_CD_ENVS/$ENV/user_config.yaml wget $URL_CD_ENVS/$ENV/admin_password 5. Checkout the remote-installer repo from LF mkdir /opt/git-repos/ cd /opt/git-repos/ git clone 6. Copy the sever certificates, the client certificates in addition to CA certificate to the certificates sub-directory under the directory created in (1). The following certificates are expected to be available in the directory: cacert.pem: The CA certificate servercert.pem: The server certificate signed by the CA serverkey.pem: The server key clientcert.pem: The client certificate signed by the CA clientkey.pem: The client key For generating own CA, client and server certificates you can execute the following script from the remote-installer repo: cd /opt/git-repos/remote-installer/test/certificates/ ./ cp *.pem $BASEDIR/certificates/ 7. Build the remote installer docker-image. cd /opt/git-repos/remote-installer/scripts/ ./ 8. Start the remote installer cd /opt/git-repos/remote-installer/scripts/ ./ -a $API_PORT -s $HTTPS_PORT -b $BASEDIR -e $EXTERNAL_HOST_IP 9. Wait for the remote installer to become running. 10. Start the installation by sending the following http request to the installer API POST url: https://localhost:$API_PORT/v1/installations REQ body json- encoded { 'cloud-name': $CLOUDNAME, 'iso': $REC_ISO_IMAGE_NAME, 'provisioning-iso': $REC_PROVISIONING_ISO_NAME } REP body json-encoded { 'uuid': $INSTALLATION_UUID } 11. Follow the progress of the installation by sending the following http request to the installer API GET url: https://localhost:$API_PORT/v1/installations/$INSTALLATION_UUID/state REP body json-encoded { 'status': , 'description': , 'percentage': } 12. When installation is completed stop the remote installer. cd /opt/git-repos/remote-installer/scripts/ ./