--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Linux Foundation and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#Monit setup script for akraino jnlp agent connections
+test_firewall() {
+ echo "testing that the firewall is open for us at $jenkins_hostname"
+ test=$(echo "blah"| nc -w 4 "$jenkins_hostname" 57387 > /dev/null 2>&1; echo $?)
+ if [[ $test == 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Firewall is open for us at $jenkins_hostname"
+ exit 0
+ else
+ cat << EOF
+LF firewall not open, please send a report to helpdesk with your gpg key attached, or better yet upload it to the key servers. (I should be able to find it with gpg --search-keys your@company.email.com
+Jenkins Home: $jenkinshome
+Jenkins User: $jenkinsuser
+Slave Name: $agent_name
+IP Address: $(curl -s http://icanhazip.com)
+ exit 1
+ fi
+main () {
+ #tests
+ if [[ -z $jenkinsuser || -z $jenkinshome ]]; then
+ echo "jenkinsuser or home not defined, please edit this file to define it"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ $(pwd) != "$jenkinshome" ]]; then
+ echo "This script needs to be run from the jenkins users home dir"
+ echo "You are at $(pwd); jenkins home is set at $jenkinshome"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ -z $agent_name || -z $agent_secret ]]; then
+ echo "agent name or secret not defined, please edit this file to define it"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ $(whoami) != "root" && $(whoami) != "$jenkinsuser" ]]; then
+ echo "This script must be run as user root or jenkins user"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ $(whoami) != "root" ]]; then
+ if sudo -l | grep "requiretty" | grep -v "\!requiretty"; then
+ echo "please comment out Defaults requiretty from /etc/sudoers"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ #make pid dir
+ if [[ ${SANDBOX} == true ]]; then
+ monit_service="sandbox"
+ else
+ monit_service="jenkins"
+ fi
+ pidfile="/var/run/$monit_service/${monit_service}_jnlp_pid"
+ if ! [ -d /var/run/"${monit_service}"/ ]; then
+ sudo mkdir /var/run/"$monit_service"/
+ sudo chown "$jenkinsuser":"$jenkinsuser" /var/run/"$monit_service"/
+ fi
+ if [[ $skip_monit != true ]]; then
+ #check for monit
+ if [ -n "$(command which monit)" ]; then
+ echo "monit installed"
+ else
+ if [ -n "$(command -v yum)" ]; then
+ echo "please install monit; eg: yum -y install monit"
+ exit 1
+ elif [ -n "$(command -v apt-get)" ]; then
+ echo "please install monit; eg: apt-get install -y monit"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ echo "system not supported plese contact help desk"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -d /etc/monit/conf.d ]; then
+ monitconfdir="/etc/monit/conf.d/"
+ monitconfig="/etc/monit/monitrc"
+ #add start delay
+ sed -i '/^#.* delay /s/^#//' "$monitconfig"
+ elif [ -d /etc/monit.d ]; then
+ monitconfdir="/etc/monit.d"
+ monitconfig="/etc/monitrc"
+ #add start delay
+ sed -i '/^#.* delay /s/^#//' "$monitconfig"
+ else
+ echo "Could not determine the location of the monit configuration file."
+ echo "Make sure monit is installed."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ chown=$(type -p chown)
+ mkdir=$(type -p mkdir)
+ makemonit () {
+ echo "Writing the following as monit config:"
+ cat << EOF | tee $monitconfdir/$monit_service
+check directory ${monit_service}_piddir path /var/run/$monit_service
+if does not exist then exec "$mkdir -p /var/run/$monit_service"
+if failed uid $jenkinsuser then exec "$chown $jenkinsuser /var/run/$monit_service"
+if failed gid $jenkinsuser then exec "$chown :$jenkinsuser /var/run/$monit_service"
+check process $monit_service with pidfile $pidfile
+start program = "/usr/bin/sudo -u $jenkinsuser /bin/bash -c 'cd $jenkinshome; export started_monit=true; $0 $@' with timeout 60 seconds"
+stop program = "/bin/bash -c '/bin/kill \$(/bin/cat $pidfile)'"
+depends on ${monit_service}_piddir
+ }
+ if [[ -f "$monitconfdir/$monit_service" ]]; then
+ #test for diff
+ if [[ -n "$(diff $monitconfdir/$monit_service <(echo "\
+check directory ${monit_service}_piddir path /var/run/$monit_service
+if does not exist then exec \"$mkdir -p /var/run/$monit_service\"
+if failed uid $jenkinsuser then exec \"$chown $jenkinsuser /var/run/$monit_service\"
+if failed gid $jenkinsuser then exec \"$chown :$jenkinsuser /var/run/$monit_service\"
+check process jenkins with pidfile $pidfile
+start program = \"/usr/bin/sudo -u $jenkinsuser /bin/bash -c 'cd $jenkinshome; export started_monit=true; $0 $@' with timeout 60 seconds\"
+stop program = \"/bin/bash -c '/bin/kill \$(/bin/cat $pidfile)'\"
+depends on ${monit_service}_piddir\
+") )" ]]; then
+ echo "Updating monit config..."
+ makemonit "$@"
+ fi
+ else
+ makemonit "$@"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ $started_monit == "true" ]]; then
+ wget --timestamping https://"$jenkins_hostname"/jnlpJars/agent.jar && true
+ chown "$jenkinsuser":"$jenkinsuser" agent.jar
+ if [[ -f $pidfile ]]; then
+ echo "pid file found"
+ if ! kill -0 "$(/bin/cat "$pidfile")"; then
+ echo "no java process running cleaning up pid file"
+ rm -f "$pidfile";
+ else
+ echo "java connection process found and running already running quitting."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ $run_in_foreground == true ]]; then
+ $connectionstring
+ else
+ exec ${connectionstring} &
+ echo $! > $pidfile
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "you are ready to start monit"
+ echo "eg: service monit start"
+ echo "example debug mode if you are having problems: /usr/bin/monit -Ivv -c /etc/monit.conf "
+ exit 0
+ fi
+usage() {
+ cat << EOF
+**this file must be copied to the jenkins home directory to work**
+jenkins-jnlp-connect.sh configures monit to keep agent connection up
+Checks for new versions of agent.jar
+run as root to create pid directory and create monit config.
+can be run as root additional times if you change variables and need to update monit config.
+after running as root you should see "you are ready to start monit"
+usage: $0 [OPTIONS]
+ -h show this message
+ -j set jenkins home
+ -u set jenkins user
+ -n set agent name
+ -s set secret key
+ -l set host, default is jenkins.akraino.org
+ -b set flag that this connection is for sandbox; default is jenkins.akraino.org/sandbox
+ -t test the connection string by connecting without monit
+ -f test firewall
+Example: $0 -j /home/jenkins -u jenkins -n lab1 -s 727fdefoofoofoofoofoofoofof800
+note: a trailing slash on -j /home/jenkins will break the script
+ exit 1
+if [[ -z "$@" ]]; then
+ usage
+while getopts "j:u:n:s:l:bhtf" OPTION
+ case $OPTION in
+ j ) jenkinshome="$OPTARG" ;;
+ u ) jenkinsuser="$OPTARG" ;;
+ n ) agent_name="$OPTARG" ;;
+ s ) agent_secret="$OPTARG";;
+ l ) jenkins_hostname="$OPTARG" ;;
+ b ) SANDBOX=true ;;
+ h ) usage ;;
+ t ) started_monit=true
+ skip_monit=true
+ run_in_foreground=true ;;
+ f ) test_firewall ;;
+ \? ) echo "Unknown option: -$OPTARG" >&2; exit 1;;
+ esac
+if [[ ${SANDBOX} == true ]]; then
+ jenkins_hostname="${jenkins_hostname:-jenkins.akraino.org/sandbox}"
+ jenkins_hostname="${jenkins_hostname:-jenkins.akraino.org}"
+echo "hostname is ${jenkins_hostname}"
+connectionstring="java -jar agent.jar -jnlpUrl https://$jenkins_hostname/computer/$agent_name/slave-agent.jnlp -secret $agent_secret -noCertificateCheck "
+main "$@"