Set of TCs to test K8s layer via Robot 37/537/8
authorMiguel Montiel <>
Tue, 2 Apr 2019 21:46:52 +0000 (21:46 +0000)
committerMiguel Montiel <>
Tue, 16 Apr 2019 19:20:34 +0000 (19:20 +0000)
Change-Id: I33986759b7904978ac74c033d7ba02f38441d1c3

bios_version/bios_version_dell.robot [new file with mode: 0644]
conformance/conformance.robot [new file with mode: 0644]
conformance/sonobuoy.yaml [new file with mode: 0644]
e2e/ [new file with mode: 0644]
ha/ha_calico_dns_proxy.robot [new file with mode: 0644]
ha/ha_etcd_api_ctl_sch.robot [new file with mode: 0644]
ha/ha_services.robot [new file with mode: 0644]
ha/ha_worker.robot [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/bios_version/bios_version_dell.robot b/bios_version/bios_version_dell.robot
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..efa9dd9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia.                                                  #
+#                                                                            #
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");            #
+# you maynot use this file except in compliance with the License.            #
+#                                                                            #
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at                                    #
+#                           #
+#                                                                            #
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        #
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT  #
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.           #
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        #
+# limitations under the License.                                             #
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation     Check BIOS and HW details
+Library           SSHLibrary
+Library           OperatingSystem
+Suite Setup       Open Connection And Log In
+Suite Teardown    Close All Connections
+*** Variables ***
+${HOST}           localhost
+${USERNAME}       localadmin
+${LOG}            /opt/akraino/validation/bios_version/print_bios.txt
+${SYSINFO}        PowerEdge R740xd
+*** Test Cases ***
+Get HW Details
+        [Documentation]         Verify HW details
+        Start Command           dmidecode | grep -A3 '^System Information'   sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}               ${SYSINFO}
+Verify BIOS Revision
+        [Documentation]         Verify BIOS Revision
+        Start Command           dmidecode | more | grep 'BIOS Revision'    sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}               BIOS Revision: 1.3
+Check NUMA and CPU
+        [Documentation]         NUMAs and CPU components
+        ${output}=              Execute Command         lscpu
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+        Should Contain          ${output}       CPU(s):                88
+Verify Block Devices
+        [Documentation]         Reads the sysfs filesystem
+        ${output}=              Execute Command         lsblk
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+        Should Contain          ${output}       sdg4
+*** Keywords ***
+Open Connection And Log In
+  Open Connection       ${HOST}
+  Login With Public Key    ${USERNAME}  /root/.ssh/${USERNAME}_id_rsa
diff --git a/conformance/conformance.robot b/conformance/conformance.robot
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1e0e636
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia.                                                  #
+#                                                                            #
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");            #
+# you maynot use this file except in compliance with the License.            #
+#                                                                            #
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at                                    #
+#                           #
+#                                                                            #
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        #
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT  #
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.           #
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        #
+# limitations under the License.                                             #
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation     Run K8s Conformance Test
+Library           SSHLibrary
+Library           OperatingSystem
+Library           BuiltIn
+Suite Setup       Open Connection And Log In
+Suite Teardown    Close All Connections
+*** Variables ***
+${HOST}           localhost
+${USERNAME}       localadmin
+${LOG}            /opt/akraino/validation/conformance/print_conformance.txt
+*** Test Cases ***
+Get Robot Version
+        [Documentation]         Verify Robot
+        Start Command           robot --version
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}               Robot Framework
+Verify Go Package
+        [Documentation]         Verify Go Package
+        Start Command           hello
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}               Hello, world!
+Start Sonobuoy Conformance Test
+        [Documentation]         Test will take about 1hr and 40 mins to complete
+        ${output}=              Execute Command     cat /opt/akraino/validation/conformance/sonobuoy.yaml | kubectl apply -f -    sudo=True
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+        Sleep                   3s
+        Should Contain          ${output}             pod/sonobuoy created
+Description of Sonobuoy Pods
+        [Documentation]         Description of Sonobuoy Pod
+        ${output}  ${rc}=       Execute Command      kubectl describe pod/sonobuoy -n heptio-sonobuoy    return_rc=True    sudo=True
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+        Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify Conformance Test is Running
+        [Documentation]         Conformance Test ongoing
+        ${output}  ${rc}=       Execute Command       kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide | grep heptio    return_rc=True    sudo=True
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+        Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+*** Keywords ***
+Open Connection And Log In
+  Open Connection       ${HOST}
+  Login With Public Key    ${USERNAME}  /root/.ssh/${USERNAME}_id_rsa
diff --git a/conformance/sonobuoy.yaml b/conformance/sonobuoy.yaml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..89d9385
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia.                                                  #
+#                                                                            #
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");            #
+# you maynot use this file except in compliance with the License.            #
+#                                                                            #
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at                                    #
+#                           #
+#                                                                            #
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        #
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT  #
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.           #
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        #
+# limitations under the License.                                             #
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Namespace
+  name: heptio-sonobuoy
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ServiceAccount
+  labels:
+    component: sonobuoy
+  name: sonobuoy-serviceaccount
+  namespace: heptio-sonobuoy
+kind: ClusterRoleBinding
+  labels:
+    component: sonobuoy
+  name: sonobuoy-serviceaccount-heptio-sonobuoy
+  apiGroup:
+  kind: ClusterRole
+  name: sonobuoy-serviceaccount
+- kind: ServiceAccount
+  name: sonobuoy-serviceaccount
+  namespace: heptio-sonobuoy
+kind: ClusterRole
+  labels:
+    component: sonobuoy
+  name: sonobuoy-serviceaccount
+- apiGroups:
+  - '*'
+  resources:
+  - '*'
+  verbs:
+  - '*'
+- nonResourceURLs:
+  - '/metrics'
+  - '/logs'
+  - '/logs/*'
+  verbs:
+  - 'get'
+apiVersion: v1
+  config.json: |
+    {"Description":"DEFAULT","UUID":"376a4ddc-4498-49fc-af2e-999242c4c245","Version":"v0.13.0","ResultsDir":"/tmp/sonobuoy","Resources":["CertificateSigningRequests","ClusterRoleBindings","ClusterRoles","ComponentStatuses","CustomResourceDefinitions","Nodes","PersistentVolumes","PodSecurityPolicies","ServerGroups","ServerVersion","StorageClasses","ConfigMaps","ControllerRevisions","CronJobs","DaemonSets","Deployments","Endpoints","Ingresses","Jobs","LimitRanges","NetworkPolicies","PersistentVolumeClaims","PodDisruptionBudgets","PodTemplates","Pods","ReplicaSets","ReplicationControllers","ResourceQuotas","RoleBindings","Roles","ServiceAccounts","Services","StatefulSets"],"Filters":{"Namespaces":".*","LabelSelector":""},"Limits":{"PodLogs":{"LimitSize":"","LimitTime":""}},"Server":{"bindaddress":"","bindport":8080,"advertiseaddress":"","timeoutseconds":10800},"Plugins":[{"name":"e2e"},{"name":"systemd-logs"}],"PluginSearchPath":["./plugins.d","/etc/sonobuoy/plugins.d","~/sonobuoy/plugins.d"],"Namespace":"heptio-sonobuoy","LoadedPlugins":null,"WorkerImage":"","ImagePullPolicy":"Always"}
+kind: ConfigMap
+  labels:
+    component: sonobuoy
+  name: sonobuoy-config-cm
+  namespace: heptio-sonobuoy
+apiVersion: v1
+  e2e.yaml: |
+    sonobuoy-config:
+      driver: Job
+      plugin-name: e2e
+      result-type: e2e
+    spec:
+      env:
+      - name: E2E_FOCUS
+        value: '\[Conformance\]'
+      - name: E2E_SKIP
+        value: 'Alpha|\[(Disruptive|Feature:[^\]]+|Flaky)\]'
+      - name: E2E_PARALLEL
+        value: '1'
+      command: ["/"]
+      image:
+      imagePullPolicy: Always
+      name: e2e
+      volumeMounts:
+      - mountPath: /tmp/results
+        name: results
+        readOnly: false
+      tolerations:
+        - operator: "Exists"
+  systemd-logs.yaml: |
+    sonobuoy-config:
+      driver: DaemonSet
+      plugin-name: systemd-logs
+      result-type: systemd_logs
+    spec:
+      command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "/ && sleep 3600"]
+      env:
+      - name: NODE_NAME
+        valueFrom:
+          fieldRef:
+            fieldPath: spec.nodeName
+      - name: RESULTS_DIR
+        value: /tmp/results
+      - name: CHROOT_DIR
+        value: /node
+      image:
+      imagePullPolicy: Always
+      name: sonobuoy-systemd-logs-config
+      securityContext:
+        privileged: true
+      volumeMounts:
+      - mountPath: /tmp/results
+        name: results
+        readOnly: false
+      - mountPath: /node
+        name: root
+        readOnly: false
+kind: ConfigMap
+  labels:
+    component: sonobuoy
+  name: sonobuoy-plugins-cm
+  namespace: heptio-sonobuoy
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Pod
+  labels:
+    component: sonobuoy
+    run: sonobuoy-master
+    tier: analysis
+  name: sonobuoy
+  namespace: heptio-sonobuoy
+  containers:
+  - command:
+    - /bin/bash
+    - -c
+    - /sonobuoy master --no-exit=true -v 3 --logtostderr
+    env:
+      valueFrom:
+        fieldRef:
+          fieldPath: status.podIP
+    image:
+    imagePullPolicy: Always
+    name: kube-sonobuoy
+    volumeMounts:
+    - mountPath: /etc/sonobuoy
+      name: sonobuoy-config-volume
+    - mountPath: /plugins.d
+      name: sonobuoy-plugins-volume
+    - mountPath: /tmp/sonobuoy
+      name: output-volume
+  restartPolicy: Never
+  serviceAccountName: sonobuoy-serviceaccount
+  volumes:
+  - configMap:
+      name: sonobuoy-config-cm
+    name: sonobuoy-config-volume
+  - configMap:
+      name: sonobuoy-plugins-cm
+    name: sonobuoy-plugins-volume
+  - emptyDir: {}
+    name: output-volume
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Service
+  labels:
+    component: sonobuoy
+    run: sonobuoy-master
+  name: sonobuoy-master
+  namespace: heptio-sonobuoy
+  ports:
+  - port: 8080
+    protocol: TCP
+    targetPort: 8080
+  selector:
+    run: sonobuoy-master
+  type: ClusterIP
diff --git a/e2e/ b/e2e/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f1b9284
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia.                                                  #
+#                                                                            #
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");            #
+# you maynot use this file except in compliance with the License.            #
+#                                                                            #
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at                                    #
+#                           #
+#                                                                            #
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        #
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT  #
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.           #
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        #
+# limitations under the License.                                             #
+echo "`date +%H:%M:%S` : Starting Kubetest build"
+cd /root/go/src/
+kubetest --build
+echo "Build completed"
+export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/config
+kubectl proxy --port=8080 &
+echo "`date +%H:%M:%S` : Start Kubetest"
+kubetest --provider=local --test --test_args="--minStartupPods=3 --ginkgo.focus=Secrets" --check-version-skew=false
+echo "`date +%H:%M:%S` : Kubetest finished"
diff --git a/ha/ha_calico_dns_proxy.robot b/ha/ha_calico_dns_proxy.robot
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7f2f2ab
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia.                                                  #
+#                                                                            #
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");            #
+# you maynot use this file except in compliance with the License.            #
+#                                                                            #
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at                                    #
+#                           #
+#                                                                            #
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        #
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT  #
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.           #
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        #
+# limitations under the License.                                             #
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation     HA test cases for calico, coredns and haproxy
+Library           SSHLibrary
+Library           OperatingSystem
+Library           BuiltIn
+Suite Setup       Open Connection And Log In
+Suite Teardown    Close All Connections
+*** Variables ***
+${HOST}           localhost
+${USERNAME}       localadmin
+${LOG}            /opt/akraino/validation/ha/print_calico_coredns_haproxy.txt
+*** Test Cases ***
+## Calico
+Verify calico status
+        [Documentation]         Calico  nodes are active
+        Start Command           kubectl get pod -n kube-system -o wide -l k8s-app=calico-node     sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              Running
+Failure of calico nodes
+        [Documentation]         Calico pods deleted
+        ${output}=              Execute Command         kubectl delete pod -n kube-system -l k8s-app=calico-node     sudo=True
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+        Sleep                   5s
+        Should Contain          ${output}             deleted
+Verify calico node re-establishment
+        [Documentation]         Calico component is auto-created and running
+        Sleep                   5s
+        Start Command           kubectl get pod -n kube-system -o wide -l k8s-app=calico-node     sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              Running
+## Coredns
+Verify coredns status
+        [Documentation]         Coredns components active
+        Start Command           kubectl get pod -n kube-system -o wide -l coredns=enabled     sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              Running
+Failure of coredns in control plane node
+        [Documentation]         coredns pod is deleted
+        ${output}=              Execute Command         kubectl delete pod -n kube-system -l coredns=enabled     sudo=True
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+        Sleep                   30s
+        Should Contain          ${output}             deleted
+Verify coredns re-establishment
+        [Documentation]         Coredns component is auto-created and running
+        Sleep                   5s
+        Start Command           kubectl get pod -n kube-system -l coredns=enabled     sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              Running
+## Haproxy
+Verify haproxy status
+        [Documentation]         All haproxy pods are active
+        Start Command           kubectl get pod -n kube-system -o wide -l application=haproxy    sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              Running
+Failure of haproxy
+        [Documentation]         Haproxy  components deleted
+        ${output}=              Execute Command        kubectl delete pod -n kube-system -l application=haproxy     sudo=True
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+        Sleep                   5s
+        Should Contain          ${output}             deleted
+Verify haproxy re-establishment
+        [Documentation]         Haproxy components auto-created and running
+        Sleep                   20s
+        Start Command           kubectl get pod -n kube-system -o wide -l application=haproxy     sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              Running
+*** Keywords ***
+Open Connection And Log In
+  Open Connection       ${HOST}
+  Login With Public Key    ${USERNAME}   /root/.ssh/${USERNAME}_id_rsa
diff --git a/ha/ha_etcd_api_ctl_sch.robot b/ha/ha_etcd_api_ctl_sch.robot
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..31b6f0b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia.                                                  #
+#                                                                            #
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");            #
+# you maynot use this file except in compliance with the License.            #
+#                                                                            #
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at                                    #
+#                           #
+#                                                                            #
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        #
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT  #
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.           #
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        #
+# limitations under the License.                                             #
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation     HA tests: etcd, api-server, controller-manager, scheduler
+Library           SSHLibrary
+Library           OperatingSystem
+Library           BuiltIn
+Suite Setup       Open Connection And Log In
+Suite Teardown    Close All Connections
+*** Variables ***
+${HOST}           localhost
+${USERNAME}       localadmin
+${NODENAME}       aknode109
+${LOG}            /opt/akraino/validation/ha/print_etcd_api_ctl-manager_sch.txt
+## kubernetes-etcd
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify etcd status
+        [Documentation]         etcd label defined
+        ${output}=              Execute Command        date
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+        Start Command           kubectl describe node ${NODENAME} | egrep "Labels|etcd"    sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Sleep                   2s
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              kubernetes-etcd=enabled
+Failure of etcd in node
+        [Documentation]         kubernetes etcd removed
+        Start Command           kubectl label node ${NODENAME} kubernetes-etcd-    sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Sleep                   3s
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              labeled
+        Sleep                   40s
+        ${output}=              Execute Command        kubectl describe node ${NODENAME} | egrep "Labels|etcd"    sudo=True
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+Enable etcd in node
+        [Documentation]         etcd label re-established
+        Start Command           kubectl label node ${NODENAME} kubernetes-etcd=enabled    sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Sleep                   5s
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              labeled
+        Sleep                   40s
+        ${output}=              Execute Command        kubectl describe node ${NODENAME} | egrep "Labels|etcd"     sudo=True
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+Verify etcd health
+        [Documentation]         etcd endpoint healthy
+        Sleep                   25s
+        Start Command           kubectl exec -it -n kube-system kubernetes-etcd-${NODENAME} etcdctl endpoint health      sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Sleep                   5s
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              is healthy: successfully committed
+Check etcd node list
+        [Documentation]         member list started
+        Start Command           kubectl exec -it -n kube-system kubernetes-etcd-${NODENAME} etcdctl member list      sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              started, ${NODENAME}
+## kubernetes-api
+Verify api-server status
+        [Documentation]         kubernetes api-server state
+        Start Command           kubectl describe node ${NODENAME} | egrep 'Label|kubernetes-apiserver'     sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Sleep                   2s
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              kubernetes-apiserver=enabled
+Failure of api-server in node
+        [Documentation]         kubernetes api-server removed
+        Start Command           kubectl label node ${NODENAME} kubernetes-apiserver-     sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Sleep                   3s
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              labeled
+        Sleep                   40s
+        ${output}=              Execute Command        kubectl describe node ${NODENAME} | egrep 'Label|kubernetes-apiserver'     sudo=True
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+Enable api-server in node
+        [Documentation]         api-serverd label re-established
+        Start Command           kubectl label node ${NODENAME} kubernetes-apiserver=enabled      sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Sleep                   5s
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              labeled
+        Sleep                   30s
+Check api-server status
+        [Documentation]         kubernetes api-server re-established
+        Start Command           kubectl describe node ${NODENAME} | egrep 'Label|kubernetes-apiserver'     sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Sleep                   2s
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              kubernetes-apiserver=enabled
+##kubernetes controller-manager
+Verify controller-manager status
+        [Documentation]         kubernetes controller-manager state
+        Start Command           kubectl describe node ${NODENAME} | egrep 'Label|controller-manager'     sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Sleep                   2s
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              kubernetes-controller-manager=enabled
+Failure of controller-manager in node
+        [Documentation]         kubernetes controller removed
+        Start Command           kubectl label node ${NODENAME} kubernetes-controller-manager-     sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Sleep                   3s
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              labeled
+        Sleep                   40s
+        ${output}=              Execute Command        kubectl describe node ${NODENAME} | egrep 'Label|controller-manager'     sudo=True
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+Enable controller-manager in node
+        [Documentation]         controller-manager re-established
+        Start Command           kubectl label node ${NODENAME} kubernetes-controller-manager=enabled      sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Sleep                   5s
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              labeled
+        Sleep                   30s
+Check controller-manager status
+        [Documentation]         kubernetes controller-manager re-established
+        Start Command           kubectl describe node ${NODENAME} | egrep 'Label|controller-manager'     sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Sleep                   2s
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              kubernetes-controller-manager=enabled
+## kubernetes-scheduler
+Verify k8s-scheduler status
+        [Documentation]         kubernetes scheduler state
+        Start Command           kubectl describe node ${NODENAME} | egrep 'Label|scheduler'     sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Sleep                   2s
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              kubernetes-scheduler=enabled
+Failure of scheduler in node
+        [Documentation]         kubernetes scheduler removed
+        Start Command           kubectl label node ${NODENAME} kubernetes-scheduler-     sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Sleep                   3s
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              labeled
+        Sleep                   40s
+        ${output}=              Execute Command        kubectl describe node ${NODENAME} | egrep 'Label|scheduler'     sudo=True
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+Enable scheduler in node
+        [Documentation]         scheduler re-established
+        Start Command           kubectl label node ${NODENAME} kubernetes-scheduler=enabled      sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Sleep                   5s
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              labeled
+        Sleep                   30s
+Check k8s scheduler status
+        [Documentation]         kubernetes scheduler re-established
+        Start Command           kubectl describe node ${NODENAME} | egrep 'Label|scheduler'     sudo=True
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Sleep                   2s
+        Should Contain          ${stdout}              kubernetes-scheduler=enabled
+*** Keywords ***
+Open Connection And Log In
+  Open Connection       ${HOST}
+  Login With Public Key    ${USERNAME}  /root/.ssh/${USERNAME}_id_rsa
diff --git a/ha/ha_services.robot b/ha/ha_services.robot
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3e1e7be
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia.                                                  #
+#                                                                            #
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");            #
+# you maynot use this file except in compliance with the License.            #
+#                                                                            #
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at                                    #
+#                           #
+#                                                                            #
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        #
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT  #
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.           #
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        #
+# limitations under the License.                                             #
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation     HA services tests: docker and kubelet
+Library           SSHLibrary
+Library           OperatingSystem
+Library           BuiltIn
+Suite Setup       Open Connection And Log In
+Suite Teardown    Close All Connections
+*** Variables ***
+${HOST}           localhost
+${USERNAME}       localadmin
+${LOG}            /opt/akraino/validation/ha/print_docker_kubelet.txt
+## Container Runtime
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify status of container runtime
+        [Documentation]         container runtime active
+        Start Command           systemctl is-active docker.service
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Should Be Equal         ${stdout}              active
+Fail container runtime
+        [Documentation]         container runtime stopped
+        ${output}  ${rc}=       Execute Command         systemctl stop docker.service    return_rc=True    sudo=True
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+        Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+        Sleep                   8s
+        Start Command           systemctl is-active docker.service
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Should Be Equal         ${stdout}              inactive
+Start container runtime
+        [Documentation]         container runtime active
+        Sleep                   1 minute
+        ${output}  ${rc}=       Execute Command         systemctl start docker.service    return_rc=True    sudo=True
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+        Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+        Sleep                   8s
+        Start Command           systemctl is-active docker.service
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Should Be Equal         ${stdout}              active
+## Kubelet Service
+Verify kubelet status
+        [Documentation]         kubelet service active
+        Start Command           systemctl is-active kubelet.service
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Should Be Equal         ${stdout}              active
+Fail kubelet service
+        [Documentation]         kubelet service stopped
+        ${output}  ${rc}=       Execute Command         systemctl stop kubelet.service    return_rc=True    sudo=True
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+        Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+        Sleep                   8s
+        Start Command           systemctl is-active kubelet.service
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Should Be Equal         ${stdout}              inactive
+Start kubelet service
+        [Documentation]         kubelet active
+        Sleep                   30s
+        ${output}  ${rc}=       Execute Command         systemctl start kubelet.service    return_rc=True    sudo=True
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+        Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+        Sleep                   8s
+        Start Command           systemctl is-active kubelet.service
+        ${stdout}=              Read Command Output
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${stdout}${\n}
+        Should Be Equal         ${stdout}              active
+*** Keywords ***
+Open Connection And Log In
+  Open Connection       ${HOST}
+  Login With Public Key    ${USERNAME}   /root/.ssh/${USERNAME}_id_rsa
diff --git a/ha/ha_worker.robot b/ha/ha_worker.robot
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3019edf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia.                                                  #
+#                                                                            #
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");            #
+# you maynot use this file except in compliance with the License.            #
+#                                                                            #
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at                                    #
+#                           #
+#                                                                            #
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        #
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT  #
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.           #
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        #
+# limitations under the License.                                             #
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation     Run HA Test - Fail Control Plane 3
+Library           SSHLibrary
+Library           OperatingSystem
+Suite Setup       Open Connection And Log In
+Suite Teardown    Close All Connections
+*** Variables ***
+${HOST}           localhost
+${USERNAME}       ipmi_admin_username
+${PASSWORD}       ipmi_admin_password
+${LOG}            /opt/akraino/validation/ha/print_ha.txt
+*** Test Cases ***
+Power Status of Host
+        [Documentation]         Get Power Status on iDRAC
+        ${output}=              Execute Command         racadm serveraction powerstatus
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+        Should Contain          ${output}               ON
+Fail Control Plane
+        [Documentation]         Perform a reboot operation via iDRAC
+        ${output}               Execute Command         racadm serveraction hardreset
+        Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
+        Should Contain          ${output}               successful
+*** Keywords ***
+Open Connection And Log In
+  Open Connection       ${HOST}
+  Login                 ${USERNAME}     ${PASSWORD}