Refactor conformance robot test 97/1597/6
authorJuha Kosonen <>
Tue, 17 Sep 2019 12:29:26 +0000 (15:29 +0300)
committerJuha Kosonen <>
Wed, 25 Sep 2019 14:15:21 +0000 (17:15 +0300)
- upload and use images in internal repository if the repository
  is defined
- create sonobuoy manifest file dynamically
- increase sonobuoy timeout to avoid early abort


Change-Id: I49c721bc8a4da90942167ecd835c8e5bb26f5364
Signed-off-by: Juha Kosonen <>
tests/k8s/conformance/custom_repos.yaml [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/k8s/conformance/sonobuoy.yaml [deleted file]

index 39d09fa..bdcde25 100644 (file)
--- a/.coafile
+++ b/.coafile
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ bears = YAMLLintBear
 files = **.yaml, **.yml
 use_spaces = true
 max_line_length = 120
-ignore = tests/k8s/conformance/sonobuoy.yaml
+ignore = tests/k8s/conformance/custom_repos.yaml
 bears = PyLintBear
index 6f9096c..9418772 100644 (file)
 Documentation     Run k8s conformance test using sonobuoy
 Library           OperatingSystem
 Library           BuiltIn
-Test Setup        Check that k8s cluster is reachable
-Test Teardown     Cleanup Sonobuoy
+Library           Collections
+Library           String
+Library           SSHLibrary
+Library           Process
+Test Setup        Run Keywords
+...               Check that k8s cluster is reachable
+...               Onboard Images
+...               Create Manifest File
+Test Teardown     Run Keywords
+...               Cleanup Sonobuoy
+...               Close All Connections
 *** Variables ***
 ${LOG}            ${LOG_PATH}${/}${SUITE_NAME.replace(' ','_')}.log
+...                 name=sonobuoy:v0.15.1
+&{E2E}              path=akraino
+...                 name=validation:kube-conformance-v1.15
+&{SYSTEMD_LOGS}     path=akraino
+...                 name=validation:sonobuoy-plugin-systemd-logs-latest
+&{SONOBUOY_IMGS}    sonobuoy=&{SONOBUOY}
+...                 e2e=&{E2E}
+...                 systemd_logs=&{SYSTEMD_LOGS}
 *** Test Cases ***
 Run Sonobuoy Conformance Test
         # Start the test
@@ -62,3 +81,68 @@ Cleanup Sonobuoy
         Append To File          ${LOG}  ${output}${\n}
         Sleep                   3s
         Should Contain          ${output}      service "sonobuoy-master" deleted
+Open Connection And Log In
+        Open Connection         ${HOST}
+        Login With Public Key   ${USERNAME}  ${SSH_KEYFILE}
+Upload To Internal Registry
+         [Arguments]            ${path}  ${name}
+         ${rc}=  Execute Command
+         ...     docker pull ${path}/${name}
+         ...       return_stdout=False  return_rc=True
+         Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+         ${rc}=  Execute Command
+         ...     docker tag ${path}/${name} ${INT_REG}/bluval/${name}
+         ...       return_stdout=False  return_rc=True
+         Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+         ${rc}=  Execute Command
+         ...     docker push ${INT_REG}/bluval/${name}
+         ...       return_stdout=False  return_rc=True
+         Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Onboard Sonobuoy Images
+        FOR  ${img}  IN  @{SONOBUOY_IMGS}
+            ${path}=            Get From Dictionary  ${SONOBUOY_IMGS['${img}']}  path
+            ${name}=            Get From Dictionary  ${SONOBUOY_IMGS['${img}']}  name
+            Upload To Internal Registry  ${path}  ${name}
+            Set To Dictionary  ${SONOBUOY_IMGS['${img}']}  path=${INT_REG}/bluval
+        END
+Onboard Kubernetes e2e Test Images
+        ${result}=              Run Process  sonobuoy  images
+        Should Be Equal As Integers  ${result.rc}  0
+        @{images}=              Split String  ${result.stdout}
+        FOR  ${img}  IN  @{images}
+            ${path}  ${name}  Split String From Right  ${img}  /  1
+            Upload To Internal Registry  ${path}  ${name}
+        END
+Onboard Images
+        ${INT_REG}=             Get Variable Value  ${INTERNAL_REGISTRY}  ${EMPTY}
+        Set Test Variable       ${INT_REG}
+        Return From Keyword If  $INT_REG == '${EMPTY}'
+        Open Connection And Log In
+        Onboard Sonobuoy Images
+        Onboard Kubernetes e2e Test Images
+Create Manifest File
+        @{flags}=               Set Variable
+        ...                         --e2e-focus  \\[Conformance\\\]
+        ...                         --e2e-skip  Aggregator|Alpha|\\[(Disruptive|Feature:[^\\]]+|Flaky)\\]
+        ...                         --kube-conformance-image  ${SONOBUOY_IMGS.e2e.path}/${}
+        ...                         --sonobuoy-image  ${SONOBUOY_IMGS.sonobuoy.path}/${}
+        ...                         --image-pull-policy  Always
+        ...                         --timeout  14400
+        Run Keyword If          $INT_REG != '${EMPTY}'  Run Keywords
+        ...                     Append To List  ${flags}
+        ...                         --e2e-repo-config  ${CURDIR}${/}custom_repos.yaml
+        ...                     AND
+        ...                     Run Process  sed  -i  s|{{ registry }}|${INT_REG}/bluval|g
+        ...                         ${CURDIR}${/}custom_repos.yaml
+        ${result}=              Run Process  sonobuoy  gen  @{flags}
+        Should Be Equal As Integers  ${result.rc}  0
+        ${manifest}=            Replace String  ${result.stdout}
+        ...                         image:
+        ...                         image: ${SONOBUOY_IMGS.systemd_logs.path}/${}
+        Create File             ${CURDIR}${/}sonobuoy.yaml  ${manifest}
diff --git a/tests/k8s/conformance/custom_repos.yaml b/tests/k8s/conformance/custom_repos.yaml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d7aae98
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+dockerLibraryRegistry: {{ registry }}
+e2eRegistry: {{ registry }}
+gcRegistry: {{ registry }}
+etcdRegistry: {{ registry }}
+privateRegistry: {{ registry }}
+sampleRegistry: {{ registry }}
diff --git a/tests/k8s/conformance/sonobuoy.yaml b/tests/k8s/conformance/sonobuoy.yaml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 76f9e09..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.                             #
-# Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia.                                                  #
-#                                                                            #
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");            #
-# you maynot use this file except in compliance with the License.            #
-#                                                                            #
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at                                    #
-#                           #
-#                                                                            #
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        #
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT  #
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.           #
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        #
-# limitations under the License.                                             #
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: Namespace
-  name: heptio-sonobuoy
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: ServiceAccount
-  labels:
-    component: sonobuoy
-  name: sonobuoy-serviceaccount
-  namespace: heptio-sonobuoy
-kind: ClusterRoleBinding
-  labels:
-    component: sonobuoy
-  name: sonobuoy-serviceaccount-heptio-sonobuoy
-  apiGroup:
-  kind: ClusterRole
-  name: sonobuoy-serviceaccount
-- kind: ServiceAccount
-  name: sonobuoy-serviceaccount
-  namespace: heptio-sonobuoy
-kind: ClusterRole
-  labels:
-    component: sonobuoy
-  name: sonobuoy-serviceaccount
-- apiGroups:
-  - '*'
-  resources:
-  - '*'
-  verbs:
-  - '*'
-- nonResourceURLs:
-  - '/metrics'
-  - '/logs'
-  - '/logs/*'
-  verbs:
-  - 'get'
-apiVersion: v1
-  config.json: |
-    {"Description":"DEFAULT","UUID":"376a4ddc-4498-49fc-af2e-999242c4c245","Version":"v0.15.1","ResultsDir":"/tmp/sonobuoy","Resources":["CertificateSigningRequests","ClusterRoleBindings","ClusterRoles","ComponentStatuses","CustomResourceDefinitions","Nodes","PersistentVolumes","PodSecurityPolicies","ServerGroups","ServerVersion","StorageClasses","ConfigMaps","ControllerRevisions","CronJobs","DaemonSets","Deployments","Endpoints","Ingresses","Jobs","LimitRanges","NetworkPolicies","PersistentVolumeClaims","PodDisruptionBudgets","PodTemplates","Pods","ReplicaSets","ReplicationControllers","ResourceQuotas","RoleBindings","Roles","ServiceAccounts","Services","StatefulSets"],"Filters":{"Namespaces":".*","LabelSelector":""},"Limits":{"PodLogs":{"LimitSize":"","LimitTime":""}},"Server":{"bindaddress":"","bindport":8080,"advertiseaddress":"","timeoutseconds":10800},"Plugins":[{"name":"e2e"},{"name":"systemd-logs"}],"PluginSearchPath":["./plugins.d","/etc/sonobuoy/plugins.d","~/sonobuoy/plugins.d"],"Namespace":"heptio-sonobuoy","LoadedPlugins":null,"WorkerImage":"","ImagePullPolicy":"Always"}
-kind: ConfigMap
-  labels:
-    component: sonobuoy
-  name: sonobuoy-config-cm
-  namespace: heptio-sonobuoy
-apiVersion: v1
-  e2e.yaml: |
-    sonobuoy-config:
-      driver: Job
-      plugin-name: e2e
-      result-type: e2e
-    spec:
-      env:
-      - name: E2E_FOCUS
-        value: '\[Conformance\]'
-      - name: E2E_SKIP
-        value: 'Aggregator|Alpha|\[(Disruptive|Feature:[^\]]+|Flaky)\]'
-      - name: E2E_PARALLEL
-        value: '1'
-      command: ["/"]
-      image: akraino/validation:kube-conformance-v1.15
-      imagePullPolicy: Always
-      name: e2e
-      volumeMounts:
-      - mountPath: /tmp/results
-        name: results
-        readOnly: false
-      tolerations:
-        - operator: "Exists"
-  systemd-logs.yaml: |
-    sonobuoy-config:
-      driver: DaemonSet
-      plugin-name: systemd-logs
-      result-type: systemd_logs
-    spec:
-      command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "/ && sleep 3600"]
-      env:
-      - name: NODE_NAME
-        valueFrom:
-          fieldRef:
-            fieldPath: spec.nodeName
-      - name: RESULTS_DIR
-        value: /tmp/results
-      - name: CHROOT_DIR
-        value: /node
-      image: akraino/validation:sonobuoy-plugin-systemd-logs-latest
-      imagePullPolicy: Always
-      name: sonobuoy-systemd-logs-config
-      securityContext:
-        privileged: true
-      volumeMounts:
-      - mountPath: /tmp/results
-        name: results
-        readOnly: false
-      - mountPath: /node
-        name: root
-        readOnly: false
-kind: ConfigMap
-  labels:
-    component: sonobuoy
-  name: sonobuoy-plugins-cm
-  namespace: heptio-sonobuoy
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: Pod
-  labels:
-    component: sonobuoy
-    run: sonobuoy-master
-    tier: analysis
-  name: sonobuoy
-  namespace: heptio-sonobuoy
-  containers:
-  - command:
-    - /bin/bash
-    - -c
-    - /sonobuoy master --no-exit=true -v 3 --logtostderr
-    env:
-      valueFrom:
-        fieldRef:
-          fieldPath: status.podIP
-    image:
-    imagePullPolicy: Always
-    name: kube-sonobuoy
-    volumeMounts:
-    - mountPath: /etc/sonobuoy
-      name: sonobuoy-config-volume
-    - mountPath: /plugins.d
-      name: sonobuoy-plugins-volume
-    - mountPath: /tmp/sonobuoy
-      name: output-volume
-  restartPolicy: Never
-  serviceAccountName: sonobuoy-serviceaccount
-  volumes:
-  - configMap:
-      name: sonobuoy-config-cm
-    name: sonobuoy-config-volume
-  - configMap:
-      name: sonobuoy-plugins-cm
-    name: sonobuoy-plugins-volume
-  - emptyDir: {}
-    name: output-volume
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: Service
-  labels:
-    component: sonobuoy
-    run: sonobuoy-master
-  name: sonobuoy-master
-  namespace: heptio-sonobuoy
-  ports:
-  - port: 8080
-    protocol: TCP
-    targetPort: 8080
-  selector:
-    run: sonobuoy-master
-  type: ClusterIP
index 42d6425..121eb26 100644 (file)
 # limitations under the License.                                             #
-# This file provides variable requeired robot testcases
+# This file provides variables required by robot testcases
 # This file can be passed to robot testcases as follows
 # $ robot -v varables.yaml <robot test case file>
-# All keys are converted UPPERCASE before sumitting to robot. YAML notation is
-# smallcase and Robot variables notation is UPPERCASE so industry is follwoing
+# All keys are converted UPPERCASE before submitting to robot. YAML notation is
+# smallcase and Robot variables notation is UPPERCASE so industry is following
 # this.
 ### Input variables cluster's master host
@@ -55,3 +55,6 @@ nodename: targetnode                          # target node to test ceph
 ### Input variables for ltp
 rootuser: rootuser       # Required root user to log in to the host
 rootpswd: rootpassword   # Required root password to log in to the host
+### Input variables for Conformance test
+internal_registry: ''                         # Docker internal registry